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研究生: 莊毅君
Jhuang, Yi-Jyun
論文名稱: 2014第一級世界男排聯賽總決賽之攔網效率分析
Analysis on Blocking Efficiency in 2014 World Volleyball League Finals
指導教授: 劉錦璋
Liu, Gin-Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動競技學系
Department of Athletic Performance
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 37
中文關鍵詞: 排球攔網攔網成效世界男排聯賽
英文關鍵詞: volleyball, blocking, blocking effectiveness, World League
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204582
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:76下載:12
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  • 目的:在排球比賽中,攔網技術既是防守系統的第一道防線,更是直接得分的手段之一,是唯一具有攻擊性的防守技術,因此,希望藉由這次的研究來了解不同戰術、不同進攻位置與不同攔網人數的攔網成效,進而提供實際的數據做為國內教練在訓練上的依據。
    方法:本研究以2014世界男排聯賽總決賽(VOLLEYBALL WORLD LEAGUE FINALS FLORENCE 2014) 6個國家隊伍 (美國、巴西、澳洲、俄羅斯、伊朗、義大利) 共10場比賽36局為研究對象,並以觀看影片的方式來紀錄,再用描述性統計與卡方檢定分析去探討不同戰術 (A、B、C、修正球)、不同進攻位置 (1、2、3、4、6) 與不同攔網人數 (1人、1.5人、2人、3人) 的攔網成效 (攔網得分、觸球守起、無觸球守起、觸球對方場內、攔網失敗)。
    結果:1.不同戰術之間攔網成效的皆達顯著差異 (P<0.05) ,面對修正球的攔網成效顯著較好。2.不同進攻位置之間的攔網成效也達顯著差異 (P<0.05),事後比較方面,面對4號位置進攻顯著比起3號位置容易守起、面對3號位置進攻顯著比起4號位置容易失分。4.在攔網人數方面也達成顯著差異 (P<0.05),事後比較方面,2人攔網的攔網得分顯著高於1人攔網,3人攔網的繼續比賽顯著最高,1、1.5人攔網的攔網失敗顯著高於2、3人攔網。
    結論:1. 國外頂尖球隊快攻戰術使用相當頻繁,其中多以A戰術為主,未來有機會遇上,可以針對A戰術來佈防。2.提升快攻的使用率與突破得分的成功率,才能有效的牽制對方攔網進而製造更多的得分機會。3.在發球方面可以加強訓練,製造更多的修正球,以利我方攔網與防守。

    Objective: In the volleyball competition, blocking is not only the first line of defense system, but also one of the means of direct score. Also, blocking is the only defense technology which contains offensive skill. If we can effectively stop other's attacks by blocking, we can reduce the other's self-confidence, and greatly enhance our morale. The main purpose of this study was to understand the performance of world-class blocking and defensive situations, thereby providing the actual data as a national coach in their training.
    Methods: 6 national teams (USA, Brazil, Australia, Russia, Iran, Italy), total of 10 games, 36 sets of 2014 World Volleyball League Finals (VOLLEYBALL WORLD LEAGUE FINALS FLORENCE 2014) was selected as the samples in this study. Researcher watched the videos and record the data, and then use descriptive statistics and chi-square test analysis to explore different tactics (A, B, C, amend the ball), various offensive positions (1, 2, 3, 4, 6) with different number of blockers (1 people, 1.5 people, 2 people, 3 people) and the effectiveness of the block (block score, keep the ball from the free play keep ball, the ball inside the other, blocking failure).
    Results: First, fast-attack is quite frequently used. Among them, A tactic is mostly used. Second, it is significant differences (P <0.05) between all the attack tactics and blocking performance. Through post hoc test, it showed no significant differences between all the tactics, except for the attacks without organized. Third, the effectiveness of different blocking positions also reached significant difference (P <0.05). Post hoc test shoed that it is easier to defense when facing No. 4 attack position than No. 3 attack position. And it is more likely to lose the point when facing the No. 3 attack position. And the last, the number of blockers and blocking effectiveness also reached significant difference (P <0.05). Post hoc test showed that, two blockers is more effective than one blocker, three blockers is the most effective. On the other hand, one and one and half blockers’ failure are significantly higher than two and three blockers.
    Conclusions: 1. Fast-break tactics is used quite frequently in world’s top teams, many of them with A main tactic. It is suggest our team to be more aware of the T tactical in the future. 2. In order to effectively contain the other block and thus create more scoring opportunities, it is suggest use more fast break and increase utilization rate of success. 3. It is suggest strengthen the training of service to strengthen to create more chance ball to facilitate our blocking and defense.

    第壹章 緒論............................................1 第一節 研究背景.........................................1 第二節 研究目的.........................................2 第三節 研究問題.........................................3 第四節 研究範圍.........................................3 第五節 研究限制.........................................4 第六節 名詞操作性定義...................................4 第貳章 文獻探討.........................................8 第一節 攔網在排球運動中的重要性...........................8 第二節 攔網相關規則的演變................................9 第三節 防守反攻相關文獻.................................10 第四節 文獻總結........................................11 第參章 研究方法........................................12 第一節 研究對象........................................12 第二節 比賽時間與地點..................................12 第三節 研究工具........................................12 第四節 研究步驟........................................12 第五節 資料處理........................................13 第六節 信度考驗........................................13 第肆章 研究結果........................................15 第一節 不同進攻戰術、進攻位置、攔網人數與攔網成效的描述性統計分析...................................................15 第二節 2014第一級世界男排聯賽總決賽在不同進攻戰術與攔網成效的關係...................................................21 第三節 2014第一級世界男排聯賽總決賽在不同進攻位置與攔網成效的關係...................................................24 第四節 2014第一級世界男排聯賽總決賽在不同攔網人數與攔網成效的關係...................................................28 第伍章 討論...........................................31 第一節 進攻戰術與攔網成效的分析..........................31 第二節 進攻位置與攔網成效的分析..........................32 第三節 攔網人數與攔網成效的分析..........................32 第陸章 結論與建議......................................33 第一節 結論...........................................33 第二節 建議...........................................34 引用文獻................................................35

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