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研究生: 李其恩
Chi-Yen Li
論文名稱: 基於社交網絡服務建置之教師專業發展平台結合行動App對於教師科技接受度與使用行為的影響
Evaluation of Teachers’ Technology Acceptance and Usage Behavior of a Mobile Social Networking App for Teachers’ Professional Development
指導教授: 張國恩
Chang, Kuo-En
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 126
中文關鍵詞: 社交網絡服務行動應用程式平台教師專業發展
英文關鍵詞: Social Network Services, Mobile Application Platform, Professional Development of Teachers
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:90下載:8
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  • 教師學習專業社群為一個提升教師專業知識發展的良好學習環境,尤其是教育學程生缺乏教學現場的經驗,需要獲得更多元的資源來適應未來教學環境。然而經由過去的研究發現,教師學習專業社群仍普遍存在知識分享與互動上的問題。主要的原因是組織文化缺乏知識分享的特性,且教師在學期間通常校務、課業繁忙,沒有足夠的時間持續參與教師學習專業社群相關的學習活動。鑑此,本研究團隊自2006年開始研發教師專業發展平台,整合知識管理與線上社群的策略,雖然過去研究顯示,此教師專業發展平台有助於教師間交流知識,且已成功推廣在教育界(目前約有兩萬多的會員),但整體使用率與互動狀況仍偏低。本研究針對社交網絡服務能夠提升使用者互動的特性、以及行動App中促進互動與整合多媒體的功能,來建置一個專屬於教師學習的專業發展平台App,提供教師進行教學活動設計與分享的機制,來觀察教育學程生對於其科技接受度與使用行為的情況,以及是否能夠提升教育學程生的教案設計能力。
    一、使用「行動社交網絡服務之教師專業發展平台WIDE_KM App」的教育學程生其在教學活動設計上優於操作「原WIDE_KM 教學知識主題部落格 PC版」的教育學程生。
    二、使用「行動社交網絡服務之教師專業發展平台WIDE_KM App」的教育學程生其在平台的使用次數優於操作「原WIDE_KM 教學知識主題部落格 PC版」的教育學程生。
    三、使用「行動社交網絡服務之教師專業發展平台WIDE_KM App」的教育學程生與「原WIDE_KM 教學知識主題部落格 PC版」的教育學程生對於使用平台的科技接受度與態度大部分題項持正向態度。
    研究結果顯示,「行動社交網絡服務之教師專業發展平台WIDE_KM App」,所提供的社交網絡服務與行動App的特性,確實有助於教育學程生在教案設計上的學習成效以及增進教育學程生在教師專業發展平台持續使用與學習的狀況,提供未來在設計有效益的教師專業發展平台時的一個參考方向。

    A professional learning community for teachers is a useful environment to promote teachers’ professional development. This learning community is especially important for students who majored or minored in teacher education because of their being lack of on-site teaching experience, and they need more multiple resources to adapt themselves to the future teaching context. However, previous studies showed limited knowledge sharing and social interaction in the professional learning community for teachers due to the coulture in the community. Moreover, teachers often had limited time to participate in learning activities related to the teacher community constantly because of their busy academic and administrative duties. Accordingly, our research group has implemented a professional development platform for teachers since 2006, aiming to integrate strategies of knowledge management and online community. As previous studies showed that this platform has improved teachers’ knowledge exchange and has been spread to education field with approximately twenty thousand members at present, but the overall utilization and social interaction among teachers were still limited. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to build the customized professional development platform (WIDE_KM App) for teachers to design teaching activities and exchange their knowledge by applying features of mobile application platform (App), i.e., interaction and multimedia functions and the feature of social network service, i.e., enhanced interaction. An experiment was conducted to evaluate teacher education students’ technology acceptance, usage behaviors and their abilities to design lesson plans.
    To understand these teacher education students’ usage patterns in our platform and their abilities to design lesson plans, the researcher adopted a quasi-experimental research method with nonequivalent pretest-posttest designs. Participants were 38 teacher education students in the Department of Geography at a university of Taipei city. There were 17 students in the experimental group and 21 students in the control group. A pretest and a posttest were used to evaluate participants’ lesson plan designs, and frequency of participants’ using the learning platform was also analyzed. Participants’ technology acceptance was explored with a questionnaire. The following were the findings in this study:
    (1) Those teacher education students who used “WIDE_KM App: Mobile Social Networking App for teachers’ professional development” have better abilities to design lesson plans than those teacher education students who used “Original Web-based Instructional Design Environment with Knowledge Management modules”.
    (2) Frequency of using the platform by teacher education students who used “WIDE_KM App: Mobile Social Networking App for teachers’ professional development” was higher than that by teacher education students who used “Original Web-based Instructional Design Environment with Knowledge Management modules”.
    (3) Both teacher education students using “WIDE_KM App: Mobile Social Networking App for teachers’ professional development” and students using “Original Web-based Instructional Design Environment with Knowledge Management modules” showed positive views in most items regarding technology acceptance and attitude.
    The research results showed that characteristics of social network service and mobile App in “WIDE_KM App: Mobile Social Networking App for teachers’ professional development” can actually promote teacher education students’ lesson plan designs and enhance their frequency of participating in learning activities of professional development platform. It also provided a direction to design an efficient professional development platform for teachers in the future.

    圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 7 第三節 研究範圍與限制 9 第二章 文獻探討 10 第一節 社交網絡服務 10 第二節 行動學習 16 第三節 人機介面互動 22 第四節 教學專業知識發展 28 第三章 研究方法 32 第一節 研究架構 32 第二節 研究參與者 34 第三節 研究工具 35 第四節 行動社交網絡服務之教師專業發展平台WIDE_KM App 37 第五節 研究流程 54 第六節 資料蒐集與分析 57 第四章 研究結果與討論 58 第一節 使用次數分析 58 第二節 教育學程生教案測驗分析結果 61 第三節 系統科技接受度與態度問卷 75 第四節 討論 90 第五章 結論與建議 97 第一節 結論 97 第二節 建議 98 第三節 未來研究方向 100 參考文獻 102 附錄一:前後測教案測驗工具 115 附錄二:科技接受度問卷(實驗組) 117 附錄二:科技接受度問卷(實驗組) 117 附錄三:科技接受度問卷(控制組) 119 附錄四:有用性、易用性態度問卷(實驗組) 121 附錄五:有用性、易用性態度問卷(控制組) 123 附錄六:科技接受度訪談大綱(實驗組) 125 附錄七:科技接受度訪談大綱(控制組) 126










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