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研究生: 張閔翔
Zhang, Min-Xiang
論文名稱: 中學生二次函數學習進程之探究
The Study of Secondary Students’ Learning Progression for Quadratic Functions
指導教授: 譚克平
Tam, Hak-Ping
Yang, Kai-Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 數學系
Department of Mathematics
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 101
中文關鍵詞: 學習進程二次函數
英文關鍵詞: learning progression, quadratic function
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900354
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:165下載:46
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  • 本研究旨在建立二次函數的學習進程,協助學習進程的使用者瞭解學習者對於二次函數相關概念的掌握順序,提供使用者一個參考去設計合適的教學活動,使學習者更能掌握二次函數的概念。基於此目的,本研究主要的研究問題為:「我國中學生對於二次函數的學習進程內容為何?」


    The purpose of this study is to depict the learning progression for quadratic functions of secondary students in Taiwan. Through this learning progression, we hope to assist the users to understand the sequence how the learners grasp the concepts of quadratic functions, and to offer the users a reference for designing appropriate learning activities; thus, the learners can learn the concepts of quadratic functions more efficiently and better. Based on this purpose, our main research question is “what the content of the learning progression for quadratic functions of secondary students in Taiwan?”
    In order to answer the research question, we used literature analysis, qualitative interview and questionnaire, and went through three periods to obtain the results.
    First period is exploration period. The purpose of exploration period is to make us familiar with the method of depicting a learning progression, and to collect the probable learning performance when secondary students learn the concepts of quadratic functions. We used literature analysis to understand what the mathematicians and the educators expected students to learn, what content students really contacted with, and what kind of error students had through the past study. Then, we designed a draft for interview, and interviewed 8 students in total. Finally, we depicted an initial learning progression for quadratic functions. To validate the learning progression, we developed an assessment and collected the data of forty-two 16-year-old students and thirty-eight 17-year-old students. Since we didn’t test the validity and reliability of this assessment, we only collected the data in qualitative analysis rather than quantitative analysis.
    Second period is adjustment period. The purpose of adjustment period is to solve the challenge we faced in exploration period, and to adjust the content of the learning progression for quadratic functions. We reviewed more literature to understand the learning progression theory and to understand what kind of learning performance students had in the past research. Finally, we depicted a new initial learning progression for quadratic functions.
    To validate this new initial learning progression, we came to the third period, validation period. We used questionnaire and developed a new assessment based on the new initial learning progression. After testing the validity and reliability of this assessment, we collected the data of 604 students, through 14-year-old to 18-year-old, and finally analyzed the data of 399 senior high school students because of bad design of assessment for junior high school students. In addition, we used qualitative interview and invited five veterans of mathematics teachers to arrange 41 descriptions in our learning progression as one of evidence for validation.
    There are six levels, from 0 to 5, in our new initial learning progression for quadratic functions with the concepts including definition, graphing, the meaning of coefficients, transformations, extreme values and symmetry of quadratic functions. However, we could only depict 13.67% students in our data with this learning progression, and had 24.3 to 48.8 percent exact agreement and 68.3 to 87.8 percent adjacent agreement with five veterans of mathematics teachers. This informs us of the room of improvement of our learning progression. Based on students’ data, we combined the contents of level 4 and 5, and deleted the descriptions about the thoughts of transformations. We could finally depict 63.04% students in our data after the adjustment. And, we put the descriptions about the thoughts of transformations back into the learning progression by teachers’ data. Since we had no idea to use the teachers’ data, we mainly relied on students’ data supplemented by teachers’ data to adjust our learning progression.

    Keywords: learning progression, quadratic function

    目 錄 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節、 研究動機 1 第二節、 研究目的與研究問題 4 第三節、 名詞界定 5 (一) 學習進程 5 (二) 二次函數學習內容 5 (三) 課程綱要 5 第四節、 研究範圍與限制 6 (一) 研究範圍 6 (二) 研究限制 6 第貳章 文獻探討 7 第一節、 學習進程理論 7 (一) 學習進程之意涵與特徵 7 (二) 學習進程之研究方法 9 第二節、 學習進程與學習軌跡之比較 12 (一) 學習軌跡之意涵 12 (二) 學習軌跡與學習進程之異同 13 第參章 研究方法 15 第一節、 研究設計與架構 15 第二節、 研究流程 18 第肆章 探索期之研究 20 第一節、 研究流程 20 第二節、 研究對象與分析的文件 22 (一) 文獻分析階段 22 (二) 質性訪談階段 22 (三) 資料蒐集階段 23 第三節、 研究工具 24 (一) 訪談工具的設計 24 (二) 評量試卷之編製與設計 25 第四節、 研究結果與討論 28 (一) 文獻分析結果 28 (二) 質性訪談結果 32 (三) 初步的學習進程 34 (四) 研究結果的討論 37 第伍章 調整期之研究 39 第一節、 研究流程 39 第二節、 研究對象 40 第三節、 研究結果 41 (一) 文獻分析結果 41 (二) 調整後的學習進程 46 第陸章 驗證期之研究 54 第一節、 研究流程 54 第二節、 研究對象 56 (一) 學生資料 56 (二) 教師資料 58 第三節、 研究工具 60 (一) 評量試卷之編製與設計 60 (二) 教師資料訪談工具的設計 70 第四節、 學生資料的處理與分析 72 (一) 學生資料的處理 72 (二) 量化資料的分析結果 74 (三) 學生能力等級的分析結果 76 第五節、 教師資料的處理與分析 78 (一) 教師資料的處理 78 (二) 排序前訪談內容的整理與分析 78 (三) 排序活動資料的整理與分析 79 (四) 排序後訪談內容的整理與分析 85 第六節、 研究結果 87 第柒章 討論與建議 91 第一節、 討論 91 (一) 教師資料與學生資料的參考程度 91 (二) 二次函數學習進程內容 92 第二節、 建議 94 (一) 對後續研究者探討學生學習進程的建議 94 (二) 對使用本研究所建立之二次函數學習進程的建議 95 參考文獻 97 附錄 101

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