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研究生: 林京霈
Ching-Pey Lin
論文名稱: 泰勒(C. Taylor)靈性思想及其教育蘊義
C. Taylor's Spiritual Thoughts and Its Significance in Education
指導教授: 林逢祺
Lin, Ferng-Chyi
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 217
中文關鍵詞: 查爾斯‧泰勒靈性教育阻絕式認同內在性框架道德主義超越性
英文關鍵詞: Charles Taylor, spiritual education, buffered identity, immanent frame, moralism, transcendence
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:227下載:47
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  • 本研究旨在闡明C. Taylor (1931-) 的靈性思想,以此瞭解現代人類靈性發展的困境及其出路,並嘗試提出Taylor靈性思想的教育蘊義。首先,從Taylor對「滲透性認同」至「阻絕式認同」的歷史發展與分析,掌握紀律社會及現代文明之主要理念─「疏離理性」。由於Taylor指出此一轉變之關鍵元素,在於失去對於「反結構」中古老智慧的認識,故深入探究「反結構」的重要內涵及其轉變,為恢復人類靈性的解方一。其次,說明Taylor用以解釋由工具理性或科學理性主導現代社會運作之「內在性框架」的內涵,並進一步指出Taylor認為,吾人於「內在性框架」中生活,並不代表封閉了向超越性開放的可能,有些人仍相信某種超越性的存在。就Taylor的立場而言,向超越性開放的生命,較之於封閉式的立場來得圓滿。是以,面對以「自我授權」為核心精神之封閉性內在框架的霸權,Taylor試圖解構當中的迷思,並指出圓滿人生與人類靈性的開展,必須回歸存有論與倫理學的討論,並考量人類內在資源的價值。此為恢復人類靈性之解方二。第三,探究以個體義務行為或自由平等權利為焦點之「道德主義」的內涵,及其所潛藏之「自許正義」對吾人道德生活,與靈性發展所造成的影響。另一方面,指出Taylor以超越性為道德根源,與以靈性發展為基礎所開展的倫理思想,能提供吾人對於自我與善、他人、超越性之關係的新理解,並且給予有力的實踐動機。此為恢復人類靈性之解方三。第四,從Taylor暫時「最佳論述」的觀點探究人類複雜的實在及道德靈性經驗,並藉由歷史爬梳與分析封閉性人文主義、內在性反啟蒙之思想及肯定超越性之主張等三種人類圖像,揭示Taylor的理想人類圖像除了包含對人類靈性發展的重視,亦肯定其對追求超越性的渴望。第五,探討Taylor靈性圓滿的意義,以及超越性對靈性轉化的重要性,並析論如何透過多元的超越性取徑,與本真性靈性生活提昇吾人的靈性。最後,於本研究之末尾就靈性教育的教育哲學、教育目的、教師靈性與教育實踐四層面,提出Taylor靈性思想的教育蘊義,希冀能開啟當前台灣教育對靈性發展之價值的關注與討論。

    This study inquired into C. Taylor’s spiritual thoughts to understand the crises of human spiritual development and to find out their solutions and also expounded its significance in education. Firstly, by analyzing Taylor’s spiritual thoughts, it attempts to shed light on the process of identity development—namely, the transition from a “porous” to a “buffered” identity. The latter is presupposed by “disengaged reason”, which is a central idea of disciplinary society and modern civilization. According to Taylor’s argument, the crux of the development is losing insight of the wisdom that is embodied in “anti-structure”. Therefore, the significance of and changes in “anti-structure” are also investigated in the later part. This is the first antidote to the crises of human spiritual development. Secondly, the author investigates the important concept, Immanent Frame, which Taylors uses to illustrate the frame of modern society governed by instrumental or scientific reason. Taylor argues that living within the immanent frame does not necessarily entail sloughing off transcendence. Some of us continue to live in the immanent frame, not disregarding the possibility of an existence beyond it. According to Taylor, a life that is open to transcendence is much fuller than a life that is closed to it. Therefore, in the face of the hegemony of the closed immanent frame, the essence of which is “self-authorization”, Taylor tries to illuminate the inadequacy of “closed world structures” and claims that the discussions on ontology and ethics should certainly be revisited for the achievement of a fuller life and the development of human spirituality. That is the second antidote to the crises of human spiritual development.Thirdly, by analyzing “ moralism”, whose focus is more on an individual’s obligatory actions and his or her rights to freedom and to equality than on what is considered morally good, Taylor sheds light on the problem of its “righteousness” and contends the ethics whose moral source is the transcendent and which is concerned with the development of human spirituality can provide a new understanding on the relationships between the self and the good, the self and the other, and the self and the transcendent, as well as a more powerful motivation to behave morally. That is the third antidote to the crises of human spiritual development. Moreover, although complications and ambiguity of human reality, including our moral and spiritual experience, are difficult to picture, no matter what perspectives we employ, Taylor contends that “the best account” could make provisional best sense of them until we come up with more prescient substitutes. Through historical analysis, Taylor investigates three dominant accounts namely, those of exclusive humanism, immanent counter-Enlightenment, and transcendence. Taylor believes that the best account is the one that recognizes humanity’s aspiration to transcendence, as well as the importance of human spirituality. In addition, the study explores the meaning of spiritual fullness, the importance of transcendence to spirtual transformation, and how human can cultivate their own spirituality by plural itineraries toward the transcendent and the authentic ways to live a spiritual life. Lastly, based on the above discussions, the implication of Taylor’s spiritual thoughts for education is expounded at the end of this dissertation.

    謝 誌 I 中文摘要 III 英文摘要 V 目次 VII 圖次 IX 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機與目的 6 第三節 研究方法與步驟 19 第四節 研究限制 24 第五節 研究範圍 25 第六節 研究章節架構 26 第二章 Taylor對現代靈性發展困境的分析 29 第一節 「滲透性」認同 29 第二節 「反轉儀式」的智慧 31 第三節 紀律文明的「阻絕式認同」 34 第四節 「反結構」的意涵 40 小結 48 第三章 Taylor對「內在性框架」的析論 49 第一節 內在性框架 49 第二節 自我授權的封閉世界結構 53 第三節 Taylor對CWSs迷思的解構 60 小結 70 第四章 Taylor對「道德主義」的批判 71 第一節 道德主義的盛行 72 第二節 道德主義的「自許正義」 75 第三節 Taylor以「超越性」為道德根源的靈性倫理思想 82 小結 93 第五章 Taylor的理想人類圖像 95 第一節 Taylor的「最佳論述」概念 96 第二節 三種人類圖像 97 小結 114 第六章 Taylor思想中靈性圓滿的意義與實踐 117 第一節 靈性的「圓滿」 117 第二節 「轉化」與多元「超越性」 120 第三節 「本真性」的靈性生活 126 第四節 異議與回應 141 小結 147 第七章 Taylor靈性思想的教育蘊義 149 第一節 靈性教育的教育哲學 153 第二節 靈性教育目的之建構 156 第三節 教師靈性的開顯 164 第四節 靈性教育的實踐 170 小結 182 第八章 研究結論與建議 185 參考書目 192 一、中文部分 192 二、英文部分 199

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