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研究生: 李郁欣
Yu-hsin Lee
論文名稱: 臺語He與Che的言談功能
Discourse Functions of He and Che in Taiwanese
指導教授: 李櫻
Li, Ing
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 1999
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 152
中文關鍵詞: 臺語指示詞言談功能語法化言談詞
英文關鍵詞: Taiwanese demonstrative, discourse function, grammaticalization, discourse marker, involvement
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:174下載:0
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  • 本論文從言談及語用的觀點探討台語he與che的功能, 研究係根據五個半小時實際會話全面轉譯之語料,其中包括日常生活會話,廣播叩應節目,電視戲劇。本研究指出,台語的he與che, 除了指稱現實世界的事物及言談中的字句外,尚能用做毫無指稱功能的言談連接詞。再者, 研究中亦發現, he和che並不如文獻所提及的僅指示空間距離的遠近, 其亦可扮演標明言談中不同的交互作用,明言之, he用來標示說話者欲融入聽話者於言談之意圖,而che則可顯示僅有說話者能主控言談之進行。除此之外, 分析中亦發現he與che的眾多功能實從其空間指稱功能語法化演變而成。

    This thesis investigates Taiwanese he and che from a pragmatic-discoursal perspective. This analysis is based on 5.5 hours' recording of natural spoken data, including four daily conversations, three radio call-in programs and five TV drama series.
    In this study, it is pointed out that in addition to referring to an element extralinguistically or textually, he and che also serve as non-referential connective markers beyond the sentence level. Furthermore, their meaning contrast is found not to lie primarily in spatial specification, as recognized in the previous studies, but in interaction aspect. Specifically speaking, he is used to mark addressee involvement but che is to mark speaker involvement. Such an interactive function is able to disentangle the neutralization phenomenon in which both he and che can be used to refer to an entity of identical distance to the speaker, or a proper noun needless to specify, or a stretch of preceding discourse or a connective marker. Against the previous studies, their marking conversation involvement exhibits that the selection of he or che in these *neutralization* conditions actually makes a difference in interaction aspect, thus keeping their basic relationship of complementary opposition. Finally, this study also reveals that the various functions of he and che may undergo a grammaticalization development from their basic uses as a spatial deixis, which helps achieve a better understanding of their polysemous nature. From their basic spatial meaning, he and che can be developed to refer to a stretch of discourse or connect two units of discourse under the shift of domain from the extralinguistic world to the discourse universe. And from their spatial differentiation, the contrast between them may be derived to lie in their marking conversational involvement intended by the speaker through metaphorical extension of meaning. This directionality of derivation from extralinguistic to textual and from objective to subjective, in fact, conforms to the grammaticalization development from concreteness to abstractness, which has been observed in other languages.

    CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................i ABSTRACT ............................................. ii CONTENTS ............................................. iv KEY TO TRANSCRIPTION CONVENTIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ... vi LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES .......................... vii Chapter One Introduction ............................. 1 1.1 Motivation and Goals ............................. 1 1.2 Defining he and che in Taiwanese ................. 2 1.3 Outline of the Thesis ............................ 3 Chapter Two Review of the Literature ................. 4 2.1 Studies on Demonstratives in English.............. 4 2.1.1 Demonstratives at the Sentential Level: Quirk (1972) .............................................. 5 2.1.2 Demonstratives in Discourse .................. 8 Lyons (1977).............................. 8 Levinson(1983) .......................... 10 Mey (1993)............................... 13 Cheshire (1996).......................... 14 2.2 Studies on Demonstratives in Mandarin ........... 21 2.2.1 Demonstratives at the Sentential Level....... 22 Chao(1968)............................... 22 Cheng (1989)............................. 24 2.2.2 Demonstratives in Discourse.................. 27 Biq (1990) .............................. 27 Yang (1992) & Huang (1994) .............. 33 Tao (1999) .............................. 39 2.3 Studies on Demonstratives in Taiwanese .......... 46 2.3.1 Demonstratives at the Sentential Level ...... 47 Xu (1990) & Yang (1991).................. 47 Cheng (1989) ............................ 49 2.4 Summary ...................................... 51 Chapter Three Discourse Functions of he and che...... 53 3.1 Introductio ..................................... 53 3.2 The Data and Methodology ........................ 54 3.3 Distribution of he and che in the Data .......... 55 3.4 Discourse Functions of he and che in Referential Uses ................................................. 56 3.4.1 Reference to the Context of Speech........... 57 Canonical Uses .......................... 58 Non-canonical Uses ...................... 63 3.4.2 Reference to the Co-tex...................... 76 Cataphoric Uses ......................... 77 Anaphoric Uses .......................... 80 3.5 Discourse Functions of he and che in Non-referential Uses ............................................ 93 3.5.1 Connective Uses ............................... 94 Local Coherence .................... 97 Global Coherence .................. 105 3.5.2 Exhaustive Uses .............................. 121 3.6 Summary ........................................ 123 Chapter Four Discourse Functions of he and che in Relation to Their Grammaticalization ......................... 126 4.1 Semantic-Pragmatic Aspects of Grammaticalization ............................................ 126 4.1.1 Three Tendencies ....................... 127 4.1.2 Two Kinds of Inferencing: Metaphor and Metonymy ........................................ 129 4.2 Grammaticalization of the Functions of he and che ............................................ 132 4.2.1 Development of Functions ............... 133 Reference to the Context ............133 Reference to the Cotext ............ 135 Nonreferential Connective Uses ..... 137 4.2.2 Extension of Meaning Contrast .......... 142 Chapter Five Conclusion ............................ 145 BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................ 149

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