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研究生: 鄭立揚
Cheng, Li-Yang
論文名稱: 排球發球實作評量之設計與實施-以雲林縣某高中為例
Developing and Deploying Volleyball Serve Skill Assessments –A Case of a Senior High School in Yunlin County
指導教授: 曾建銘
Cheng, Chien-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 排球教學排球發球排球發球實作評量
英文關鍵詞: volleyball teaching and learning, volleyball serve, volleyball serve skill assessment
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203355
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:328下載:29
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本技術報告運用質性及量性混合研究方法,經由體育教師教學研究會討論,並邀請校內之排球專任教練,由專家判斷確認研究者所設計之評量方法的內容效度。再經由小範圍預試評量、預試評量再測及擴大至全年級實施期中考排球發球實作評量,取得研究之樣本共計396位,並使用微軟Excel 統計公式計算評量試題的難易度、鑑別度、和再測信度相關係數等。

In volleyball teaching and learning activities, volleyball serve skill assessments are usually conducted by teachers to evaluate students’ volleyball serve learning outcomes. This technical report aims to develop a volleyball serve skill assessment with multidimensional scoring method, in order to help teachers on evaluating students’ performance of volleyball serve. The designed assessment simulates and follows the real volleyball match scenarios and rules to test students’ authentic performance of volleyball underhand serve and overhead serve skills. The assessment was conducted on one class of students during pre-tests then expanded to be deployed to the whole Grade 10 classes during the midterm exam.
Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were adopted by this technical report. The content validity of the developed volleyball serve skill assessment was done through expert judgements by all Grade 10 PE teachers together with a nationally-certified volleyball coach. The sample size of the pre-test is 41; while the sample size of the students participated in this technical report is 396 in total. Microsoft Excel statistical functions were applied to calculate the index of the item difficulty, item discrimination and test-retest reliability correlation coefficient of the designed volleyball serve skill assessment.
From theoretical interpretation and statistical data analysis, three testing item analysis findings were derived as follows: (1) The content validity of the designed assessment was assured by expert judgement method. (2) The test-retest reliability of the designed assessment is highly-relevant. (3) The overall test items of the designed assessment demonstrated very good discrimination.
Through the execution of this technical report, the author has successfully deployed the developed volleyball serve skill assessment method to all Grade 10 classes of the school under study. The author wishes to positively impact and encourage other PE teachers for improving the teaching and learning activities to help student’s learning in PE courses.

目錄 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 3 第三節 研究方法 4 第四節 研究程序與架構 10 第五節 預期成果 10 第六節 研究限制 12 第七節 名詞釋義 13 第二章 文獻探討 14 第一節 排球發球評量之設計 14 第二節 評量試題分析 16 第三節 科技應用於教學評量 19 第三章 歷程結果與討論 20 第一節 評量內容效度之討論 20 第二節 預試評量、預試評量再測與再測信度之分析 24 第三節 評量全面實施與試題分析 30 第四節 科技應用於教學評量之歷程紀錄 32 第五節 學生學習單內容分析 34 第六節 體育教師訪談內容分析 38 第四章 結論與建議 41 第一節 結論 41 第二節 其他建議與將來研究 42 參考文獻 43 壹、中文部分 43 貳、英文部分 44 附錄 45 附錄一 排球發球評分規準POWERPOINT檔及相關影音檔網路連結 45 附錄二 104學年度十二年級學生排球發球技能實作評量方法 52 附錄三 全十年級期中考排球發球實作評量成績總表 61 附錄四 期中考排球發球實作評量學習單 79 表次 表1-1 排球發球技能評量試題與評量能力指標 4 表1-2 排球低手發球試題評分規準 5 表1-3 排球高手發球試題評分規準 6 表2-1 再測信度相關係數與相關性對照表 17 表2-2 試題難易度等級表 18 表2-3 試題鑑別度評鑑標準 18 表3-1 排球發球教學課程與進度時程 21 表3-2 預試評量再測學生成績表 21 表3-3 排球發球技能實作評量內容與範圍 22 表3-4 評量內容效度審視資料列表 22 表3-5 預試評量學生成績表 24 表3-6 預試評量再測學生成績表 26 表3-7 預試評量與預試評量再測每次發球平均得分表 28 表3-8 評量試題再測信度分析表 29 表3-9 評量試題之難度指數與鑑別指數表 30 表3-10 評量試題難易度與鑑別度分析表 31 表3-11 學習單問題(一)學生作答統計表 34 表3-12 學習單問題(二)學生作答統計表 35 表3-13 學習單問題(三)學生作答統計表 36 表3-14 學習單問題(四)學生作答統計表 37 表3-15 體育教師訪談問題(一)紀錄表 38 表3-16 體育教師訪談問題(二)紀錄表 39 表3-17 體育教師訪談問題(三)紀錄表 40 圖次 圖1-1 研究步驟與架構 10 圖3-1 評量內容效度確認程序 20 圖3-2 科技應用於教學評量-評量方法PowerPoint檔案介紹 33 圖3-3 科技應用於教學評量-評量規準得分範例YouTube影片介紹 33

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