簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 潘佳玲
Pan Chia Lin
論文名稱: 馬替奴《第一號長笛奏鳴曲》作品分析與詮釋
指導教授: 游雅慧
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 音樂學系
Department of Music
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 86
中文關鍵詞: 馬替奴長笛奏鳴曲
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:172下載:117
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  • 馬替奴 (Bohuslav Martinu, 1890-1959) 是二十世紀捷克的代表性作曲家。他一生當中有大半的時間都待在異國而不能返鄉,音樂風格受到歐洲和美國文化影響,晚年的作品融入許多捷克的民謠旋律,流露出濃濃的思鄉情懷。

    Bohuslav Martinu is the representative writer of music composing of Czechoslovakia of 20th century.Retrieve his life, the style of his music, it is strongly influenced by the European and America culture leaving away from his country for most of his time. Consequently, could found the music is with strong homesick with Czechoslovakia folk rhythm.
    “First Sonata for Flute and Piano” which is composed by three movements is the only flute and piano composition of Martinu completed in 1945. This paper of research is designed to further discuss innovation of his music and his life by music theories. Furthermore, the musical interpretation of his music is influenced by the Neoclassicism, therefore it has to be expressed and performed by punctual articulation with rational attitude to interpret the melody profoundly. This song of “First Sonata for Flute and Piano” is with special features of delight motive development of 3rd movement under Czechoslovakia style of rhythm with graceful melody.
    Consequently, those specific features of “First Sonata for Flute and Piano” have made its important and influential status of Flute Work in 20th century.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 p1 第二節 研究範圍與方法 p2 第二章 馬替奴的生平與音樂風格 第一節 馬替奴的生平 p3 第二節 馬替奴的音樂風格 p6 第三節 馬替奴的長笛相關作品 p9 第四節 《第一號長笛奏鳴曲》創作背景 p13 第三章 《第一號長笛奏鳴曲》樂曲分析 p15 第一節 第一樂章 p16 第二節 第二樂章 p32 第三節 第三樂章 p39 第四章 《第一號長笛奏鳴曲》演奏詮釋 p47 第一節 第一樂章 p47 第二節 第二樂章 p58 第三節 第三樂章 p68 第四節 演奏版本比較 p77 第五章 結語 p79 參考資料 p82 附錄 p85


    朱紀蓉 等譯。《全視野世界旅行圖鑑6 布拉格》。台北:遠流出版社,2000。

    音樂表演用語詞典 編寫組。《音樂表演用語詞典》。台北:世界文物出版社,1994。



    Charlotte Martinu .《My life with Bohuslav Martinu》. Prague:Orbis Press Agency, 1978.

    Michel Debost.《長笛from A to Z》。李靈芝譯。台北:原笙國際有限公司,2004。

    S. Kostka.《20世紀音樂的素材與技法》( Materials and Techniques of Twentieth-Century Music)。徐德 編。北京:人民音樂出版社,2001。





    Gregory Terian,〈The Moyse trio, Martinu & Marlboro〉.《Bohuslav Martinu Newsletter 3》, 2005.

    John Solum,〈From Hindemith to Copland〉.《Flute Talk》, 2006.3.

    三、 樂譜
    Martinu, Bohuslav. First Sonata for Flute and Piano. New York:Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation, 1951.

    ________________.Trio for Flute, Cello and Piano . New York:Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation,1950.