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研究生: 朱綺
論文名稱: 玩創七巧豆-遊戲化互動式教具系統
Magic Seven Balls - Gamification with interactive teaching aids, sensors and systems
指導教授: 吳舜文
Wu, Shun-Wen
口試委員: 吳舜文
Wu, Shun-Wen
張雨霖 陳曉嫻
口試日期: 2022/01/21
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 創造力發展碩士在職專班
Continuing Education Master's Program of Creativity Development
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 互動式教具遊戲化專利幼兒教育
英文關鍵詞: Interactive teaching aids, Gamification, Patents, Early childhood education
研究方法: 設計思考CDIO工程教育模式
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200420
論文種類: 代替論文:技術報告(應用科技類)
相關次數: 點閱:193下載:76
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  • 本研究預期結合科技、遊戲及幼兒教育之理念,研發遊戲化互動式教具系統,首先透過文獻探討,歸納設計思考模式、互動式科技、專利應用及行銷,建立研發之概念基礎,並於研發方法詳述研發步驟與流程、研發系統架構、研發的需求,且徵求專業者的意見作為研發方向的參考,最終產出「玩創七巧豆-遊戲化互動式教具系統」,也詳加說明玩創七巧豆教具主體研發流程、軟體介面設計,以下說明本研究之研發結果。

    This dissertation is expected to combine the concepts of technology, games and early childhood education to develop a gamified interactive teaching aid system. First, through literature research, it summarizes the design of thinking mode, interactive technology, patent application and marketing, establishes the conceptual foundation of research and development, and analyzes the research and development methods. Secondly, detailed R&D steps and processes, R&D system architecture, R&D requirements, and soliciting the opinions of professionals as a reference for the R&D direction, the final output of "Magic Seven Balls - Gamified Interactive Teaching Aid System", also explained in detail for the research, development process and software interface design of Magic Seven Balls. The following describes the research and development results of this dissertation.
    In terms of research and development process, Magic Seven Balls, referring to professional advice, the first version of the object was developed, but there were problems of poor structure of the capsule and too large sound device. Through the second version of the sphere drawn by the 3D drafter structure, to solve the problem of poor structure in the first version, but the sphere is still too large, the groove for placing the audio device and the circuit is designed in the third version, and finally the fourth version solves the problem of the sphere structure by opening the mold of the circuit board, and the final product is completed. From the above, we can see that there are many problems that need to be solved from the idea, conception, and formation of an object. Therefore, the research and development of a product is like a problem-solving process. In the environment of several times, we can only go all the way. Moreover, this research and development involves patents, and it needs cross-domain talent assistance and capital injection.
    When it comes to the characteristics of this research and development product, the first is gamification course design. According to relevant theories, developers generate interactive technology teaching material units with gamification, simulating class routines, ice-breaking games, picture book stories, song teaching, interactive games, study lists and so on. Children can understand the content of the course in a short time. The second is the interactive mechanism, with gamified real-time rewards and feedback, to have a good interaction with the learning content (Magic Seven Balls), using responsive software on tablets and mobile phones to adjust the interface in a timely manner according to user conditions. Finally, from the standpoint of educators, artificial intelligence is used to assist in the collection of teaching materials and teaching materials, enriching the connotation of the original teaching plan, and improving teaching efficiency. This product has also obtained the patent certification in 2020 in Mainland China and has ten years of patent rights.
    The developer also proposes R&D benefits, R&D restrictions, R&D suggestions based on the practical results, and provides follow-up reference.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研發背景與動機 1 第二節 研發目的 3 第二章 設計理念 5 第一節 設計思考及CDIO工程教育模式 5 第二節 互動式科技探討 7 第三節 專利應用與行銷 16 第三章 研發方法 19 第一節 研發步驟與流程 19 第二節 研發系統架構 21 第三節 研發的需求 22 第四節 研發歷程中的專業意見 24 第四章 成果產出 29 第一節 玩創七巧豆教具主體研發流程 29 第二節 玩創七巧豆互動式軟體介面設計 37 第五章 結論與建議 45 第一節 研發結果與效益 45 第二節 研發限制 46 第三節 研發建議 46 參考文獻 47 附錄 49 附錄一 專利說明書 49 附錄二 專利結構圖 64 附錄三 專利證書 68 附錄四 玩創七巧豆影片介紹 70

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