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研究生: 簡佳慧
Chein, Chia-Hui
論文名稱: 不同訓練方式與接發球反應時間之比較
Comparison of the effect of training with fitLight TrainerTM versus conventional agility training on serve reception reaction time
指導教授: 張恩崇
Chang, En-Chung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動競技學系
Department of Athletic Performance
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 34
中文關鍵詞: 反應時間燈光儀器訓練傳統敏捷訓練
英文關鍵詞: Reaction time, fitLight Trainer™, conventional agility training
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DAP.003.2019.F03
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:298下載:37
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  • 本研究的主要目的在探討燈光儀器訓練組及傳統敏捷訓練組對接球球移動時間的影響,排球選手需具備高速度、高速耐力、高爆發力及個人基本技術等基本能力,希望透過不同的訓練方式來加強上述的基本能力。排球運動不會因個人體型嬌小而造成先天條件的不公平,它能透過完善規劃做整體訓練彌補先天不足的部分,相信我國排球在球場上能得到優異成績大放異彩,並能重返國際比賽舞台上。此研究主要測試項目為接發球常用步伐(跨步、踮步跨、側併步),本研究以國立臺灣師範大學女子排球代表隊選手作為受試對象(女子平均身高為172±4、女子體重為63±5.7kg、年齡為 20 ± 4.76yrs、球齡為 8 ± 2.88yrs)。以隨機取樣法(Stratified Sampling),選手平均分成兩組,第一組為燈光儀器訓練組,第二組為傳統敏捷訓練組。在每周星期一、三、五做訓練,訓練六周,訓練時間為一個半小時,其中一組平常訓練的基礎上增加燈光儀器訓練組內容,另一組則加上傳統敏捷訓練。本實驗中所實施的體能訓練包括跳躍,力量和協調性訓練。各個訓練都是以能迅速掌握正確動作為目的,在作示範的前提下進行的,六周後利用反應時間測試儀進行後測,本研究將所得資料以敘述性統計之平均數、標準差,呈現實驗研究對象之基本資料與各項實驗紀錄資料,再以單因子共變數分析(One-way ANCOVA)檢驗兩組實驗分組之間在前、後測的成績,在起步的反應時間是否達到顯著水準,研究結果如下:
    一、 在經過六周燈光儀器訓練後,有助於提升跨步、踮步跨以及側併步的秒數,雖然前兩者未達顯著水準,後者有達到顯著水準,但從平均數統計結果來看皆有明顯進步。
    二、 在經過傳統敏捷訓練後,無助於提升跨步、踮步跨以及側併步的秒數,也未達顯著水準。
    三、 比較燈光儀器訓練(實驗組)及傳統敏捷訓練(對照組),實驗組明顯比對照組來的有效果,傳統敏捷訓練組則維持。

    The main objective of this study was to compare the effect of training with fitLight Trainer™ and conventional agility training on movement time of serve reception. Speed, endurance, power and individual fundamental techniques are important capacity of volleyball athlete. Various training methods are used to improve these capacity. Smaller stature is not an innate disadvantage that forms inequality. It can be made up by robust training. Our national team is still capable of obtaining distinctive result and returning to international arena. This study has tested common serve reception footwork (stride step, split step, shuffle step). Athletes from National Taiwan Normal University Women’s Volleyball Team has participated in this studies (mean height 172 ± 4 cm, mean weight 63 ± 5.7 kg, mean age 20 ± 4.76 years, mean experience 8 ± 2.88 years). The participants were evenly distributed with Stratified Sampling into two group: fitLight Trainer™ training group and conventional agility training group. Both groups were trained every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 90 minutes each day for 6 weeks. fitLight Trainer™ training group was trained with fitLight Trainer™ while the conventional agility training group was trained with conventional agility training protocol. The strength and conditioning training incorporated in this study included jumping, strength and coordination training. The objective of the training was to acquired correct movement as demonstrated as soon as possible. Test on reaction time was carried out after 6 weeks of training as post-test. Descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation were presented. The results obtained were analyzed with One-way ANCOVA to test if reaction time of movement initiation between both groups as well as between pre- and post-test has reached significant level. The results were reported as below:
    1. After 6 weeks of training with fitLight Trainer™, reaction time of shuffle step has reached significant level. Although the for stride step and split step have not reached significant level, the mean reaction times have both notably improved.
    2. Conventional agility training did not improve the reaction time of stride step, split step and shuffle step.
    3. Comparing the fitLight Trainer™ training group (experiment group) and the conventional agility training group (control group), the experiment group was significantly more effective than the control group.

    目次 i 中文摘要 iv 英文摘要 vi 謝誌 viii 第壹章 緒論 第一節、研究背景 1 第二節、研究目的 3 第三節、研究問題 3 第四節、研究假設 3 第五節、名詞操作性定義 3 第貳章 文獻探討 第一節、排球接發球的重要性 6 第二節、反應時間與接發球之關係 7 第三節、影響反應時間與動作時間的因素 10 第四節、排球專項體能訓練 11 第五節、運動視覺與接發球關係 13 第六節、文獻總結 14 第參章 研究方法 第一節、研究對象 15 第二節、研究儀器與設備 16 第三節、實驗步驟 16 第四節、資料處理 19 第五節、研究架構流程圖 20 第六節、研究限制 20 第肆章 結果與討論 第一節、燈光儀器訓練組與傳統敏捷訓練組對跨步的影響 21 第二節、燈光儀器訓練與傳統敏捷訓練對於踮步跨的影響 23 第三節、燈光儀器訓練與傳統敏捷訓練對於側併步的影像 25 第四節、燈光儀器訓練組與傳統敏捷訓練組的結果差異 26 第五節、討論 27 第伍章 結論與建議 第一節、結論 29 第二節、建議 29 參考文獻 中文文獻 30 英文文獻 32 附錄一 受試者同意書 34

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