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研究生: 馮嘉玉
Ferng, Jia-Yuh
論文名稱: 國中校園霸凌防治介入計畫~含同儕性騷擾防治
An Intervention Program on Bullying Prevention in Junior High School~Including Peer Sexual Harassment Prevention
指導教授: 晏涵文
Yen, Han-Wen
Lee, Szu-Hsien
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 274
中文關鍵詞: 校園霸凌同儕性騷擾國中
英文關鍵詞: bullying, peer sexual harassment, junior high school
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:936下載:65
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  • 本研究目的在探討以「健康促進學校模式」為基礎,結合「社會認知理論」概念變項,強調以「生活技能」教學為主軸,配合「支持性環境營造」所發展的校園霸凌(含同儕性騷擾)防治計畫,對於提升國中學生霸凌(含同儕性騷擾)防治個人能力、心理決定因素、環境決定因素、行為意向與行為經驗的立即效果與延宕效果,以及學校行政單位與學生對本計畫的接受與滿意程度。




    The present study aimed to establish an intervention program on bullying prevention based on Social Cognitive Theory and Health Promoting School model. This program placed emphasis on life skills, supportive environment to promote the behavioral capability, psychological and environmental determinants of behavior, and behavior intention on bullying prevention of junior high school students. The study tried to understand the feedback of the intervention program from the participants of the program, too.

    This study adopted nonequivalent experiment control group design. First, the researcher chose experiment and control schools with the suitable conditions. Second, the participants were randomly sampled based on classes from the experiment school and randomized to experiment group A and experiment group B. The control group was randomly sampled based on classes from the control school, too. The experiment groups were screened after pre-post test and follow-up test, and the control group was screened after pre-post test. There were 128 effective samples in experiment group A, 129 ones in experiment group B and 127 ones in the control group. Thus the sum of 384 second-grade junior high school students were involved in this study.
    The experiment group A underwent the intervention of “bullying prevention curriculum” (taught in the “Health Education” courses for 8 weeks, 45 minutes per week) and “supportive environment” (school-wide campaign) at the same time, while the experiment group B took the intervention of “supportive environment” only. The control group didn’t receive any curriculum or activity about bullying and sexual harassment except those ordered by the Ministry of Education or carried routinely.

    The results showed that the program which combines “curriculum” and “supportive environment” can promote the behavioral capability (knowledge and life-skills), psychological determinants of behavior (outcome-expectations and self-efficacy), incentive motivation and behavior intentions on bullying and peer sexual harassment prevention. But it showed obvious effects neither on changing classroom climate and social support among junior high school students, nor on decreasing the frequency of bullying. If taking the intervention of “supportive environment” exclusively, it improved knowledge only. The results showed that the program led to remarkable effects on indirect influencing factors of bullying and peer sexual harassment, and the participants had positive evaluation on this program. Both showed that the program is worth being promoted in the future.

    誌謝 i 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 iv 目錄 v 表目錄 viii 圖目錄 xiii 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與重要性………………… 1 第二節 研究目的…………………………… 6 第三節 待答問題…………………………… 7 第四節 研究假設…………………………… 8 第五節 名詞界定…………………………… 9 第六節 研究限制…………………………… 13 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 校園霸凌與同儕性騷擾現象……… 15 第二節 校園霸凌與同儕性騷擾相關因素與介入層面28 第三節 整合模式之校園霸凌防治介入計畫 36 第四節 健康促進學校模式之介入計畫…… 55 第五節 校園霸凌防治相關理論模式……… 66 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究設計與研究對象……………… 77 第二節 研究架構與變項…………………… 79 第三節 介入內容設計……………………… 81 第四節 研究工具…………………………… 102 第五節 研究步驟…………………………… 112 第六節 資料處理分析……………………… 113 第四章 結果與討論 第一節 研究對象的基本資料……………… 115 第二節 計畫介入對霸凌防治個人能力因素 的影響 117 第三節 計畫介入對霸凌防治心理決定因素的影響 130 第四節 計畫介入對霸凌防治環境決定因素的影響 146 第五節 計畫介入對霸凌防治行為表現層面 的影響 161 第六節 計畫介入之過程評量、滿意度與省思 202 第七節 綜合討論…………………………… 236 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論………………………………… 251 第二節 建議………………………………… 253 參考文獻 259 附錄一:實驗學校校園安全地圖………………… 275 附錄二:民主法治專刊…………………………… 276 附錄三:友善校園有獎徵答題目及解答………… 282 附錄四:支持性環境營造介入活動照片………… 284 附錄五:「愛、翅膀與飛翔」課程計畫………… 290 附錄六:「愛、翅膀與飛翔」學生手冊………… 323 附錄七:「愛、翅膀與飛翔」教學PPT檔……… 340 附錄八:介入計畫形成性訪談問題大綱………… 362 附錄九:同儕教師教師教學觀察紀錄表………… 364 附錄十:專家效度名單…………………………… 365 附錄十一:「國中校園生活經驗」正式問卷前測版 366 附錄十二:「國中校園生活經驗」正式問卷後測版 374 附錄十三:人體試驗暨研究倫理審查證明書…… 382 附錄十四:介入變項前測、後測、後後測原始得分變化情形383 附錄十五:友善校園Logo設計分組作品……… 394

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