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研究生: 王明珠
Wang Ming Chu
論文名稱: 社會行銷與推廣之研究-以庇護工場與美商賀寶芙異業結盟為例
The Research Study on Social Marketing and Promotion-the alliance from Sheltered Workshop and Herbalife
指導教授: 賴建都
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 118
中文關鍵詞: 社會企業庇護工場異業結盟品牌
英文關鍵詞: social enterprise, Sheltered Workshop, alliance, brand, Non-Profit Organization,NPO, Social Marketing
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:377下載:0
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  • 隨著社會環境變遷、政府政策鼓勵下,許多本來以政府補助和民間捐款為主要經費來源的非營利組織,為了爭取額外收入,漸漸走向企業化方式經營,以商業手段提供福利服務,而所得之「營收」成為經營資源。漸漸地,非營利組織也轉型為同時擁有社會使命與商業手段的「社會企業」。
    鑑此,吾以為以庇護工場所生產的產品 (機構生產的產品及服務多元豐富,產品方面有手工藝品、烘焙食品、園藝產品等,服務則包括清潔、代工、演藝、按摩、洗衣等服務)為其統一建立一個產品識別品牌–「庇護工場」,期使其產品能於市場上具識別性,並型塑品牌形象並具有行銷力。在有著「庇護工場」的品牌建立後,更重要的是如何以經濟目的的銷售營運並透過行銷與推廣使其品牌更具有價值,並尋求民間企業為成為一個具有社會責任的企業廠商的經營精神之策略的異業結盟,型塑企業的「公益形象」運用於行銷策略上之相關理論並進行個案深入研究,綜合分析以了解,提出具有前瞻、創新及有競爭力及促進消費者購買的行銷策略之設計創作。

    According to the social environment changed and governmental policy supported. Most resources of the funds for non-profit organizations were by governmental subsidizations or donations from non-governmental groups. They tended to use enterprises management for getting extra income. They even offered services of welfare to earn income for operation by business strategies. Therefore, non-profit organizations transferred social enterprises which both be the roles of a social mission and a business.
    Because the government wanted to step on the other developed countries in these years, Sheltered Workshop is a policy for welfare. Sheltered employment is a career mode for psychiatric disabilities that desired to work, but their abilities were not enough. And Sheltered Workshop is a place, which offered services to train these persons could get a job.
    When the Sheltered Workshop transferred to be a social enterprise, it has been a double role of a social mission and a profit enterprise. There was a main problem that psychiatric disability whose abilities were not enough to work in the competitive market, although they’d like to try to do.
    For this reason, I thought it could be created a brand- Sheltered Workshop has its own a variety of products such as handwork, baking food, gardening, or services are cleaning, OEM, acting, massage, and laundry. I hope its products will be identified on the market and has the image of its brand for sale. After that, the most of importance is how to sale and manage the purpose of economics. Even though by marketing and promoting increase the value of the brand. Then seeking for more non-governmental groups to form an alliance, a social responsible enterprise, which has the spirits of the management. At last, to create an image of public welfare for a marketing policy, then using these opinions to do personal researches deeply, analyzing the results, and bringing out any design works have advanced, creative, and competitive to appeal to more customers.
    This research is the example of the alliance from Sheltered Workshop and Herbalife. By the concept of this design, it could be started and practicable to show the spirits of the experiment.

    目錄 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 目錄 III 表目錄 V 圖目錄 VI 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 2 第二節 研究目的 4 第三節 研究範圍與研究限制 5 第四節 研究流程架構 6 第五節 名詞釋義 7 第二章 文獻探討 10 第一節 社會企業意義探討 10 第二節 社會企業的內涵與價值 15 第三節 社會行銷的發展 22 第四節 行銷組合的意義探討 32 第五節 庇護工場成為社會企業蘊涵 38 第六節 異業結盟的相關意義 54 第三章 庇護工場與美商賀寶芙異業結盟方案 65 第一節 異業結盟對象探討 65 第二節 活動策略概念 67 第三節 活動視覺形象策略 72 第四章 創作概念與主題 85 第一節 創作概念發展 85 第二節 創作主題 86 第五章 作品呈現與展示說明 87 第一節 設計表現 87 第二節 展示計畫 103 第六章 結論 104 參考文獻 106

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    行政院勞工委員會(2007)。〈促進身心障礙者就業中程計畫(96年 - 99年)

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