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研究生: 吳采倪
Wu, Tsai-Ni
論文名稱: 不同世代者參與數位遊戲行為之研究:以寶可夢為例
A Study of the Behavior of Participating in Digital Games by Different Generations: An Example of Pokemon GO
指導教授: 林宜穎
Lin, Yi-Yin
Kuo, Chun-Yu
口試委員: 張仁和
Chang, Jen-Ho
Kao, Yi-Ming
口試日期: 2021/06/29
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 社會教育學系
Department of Adult and Continuing Education
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 不同世代數位遊戲遊戲行為寶可夢
英文關鍵詞: different generations, digital game, game behavior, Pokemon GO
研究方法: 調查研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100848
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:209下載:0
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  • 隨著科技的進步與休閒活動的興盛,數位遊戲能放鬆身心與立即獲得愉悅的特性,使其成為現今許多人的休閒活動之一,且以手機/平板電腦遊戲為最多玩家們喜愛的遊戲類型。Pokemon GO遊戲運用擴增實境技術,鼓勵玩家走出戶外運動及與他人社會互動,受到男女老少玩家們的歡迎。在數位遊戲相關文獻中發現年輕世代與年長世代玩家參與數位遊戲,能舒緩他們的壓力、產生正面情緒,以及有助於年長者預防或減緩身體上與認知功能的衰退。本研究目的為:一、瞭解Pokemon GO玩家其社會影響、遊戲動機、持續使用行為及自覺身心社會健康之現況;二、探討影響Pokemon GO玩家在社會影響、遊戲動機、持續使用行為及自覺身心社會健康之相關因素;三、探討Pokemon GO玩家其社會影響、遊戲動機、持續使用行為及自覺身心社會健康之關聯情形以及以年齡為調節型中介效果之分析。本研究採用問卷調查法,以網路與書面問卷方式針對18歲以上的Pokemon GO玩家進行調查,有效回收問卷數共510份。研究結果發現性別皆不會影響玩家的社會影響、遊戲動機、持續使用行為與自覺身心社會健康;年齡皆會影響玩家的社會影響、遊戲動機、持續使用行為與自覺身心社會健康;目前身分皆會影響玩家的社會影響、遊戲動機、持續使用行為與自覺身心社會健康;遊戲等級會影響玩家的持續使用行為;遊戲資歷皆不會影響玩家的社會影響、遊戲動機、持續使用行為與自覺身心健康;每月平均遊戲花費會影響玩家的自覺身心社會健康;每週遊戲使用頻率會影響玩家的持續使用行為;每日平均遊戲使用時數會影響玩家的遊戲動機、持續使用行為與自覺身心社會健康。本研究進一步以路徑分析,提出不同世代者參與數位遊戲行為之模式:年輕族群玩Pokemon GO遊戲時,社會影響會直接影響自覺身心社會健康,而遊戲動機會透過持續使用行為影響自身的身心社會健康;年長族群玩Pokemon GO遊戲時,社會影響與遊戲動機皆會透過持續使用行為直接影響自身的身心社會健康,且社會影響亦會直接影響自覺身心社會健康情形。

    With the advancement of technology and the prosperity of leisure activities, digital games bring relax and enjoyment, therefore mobile/tablet games becomes one of the most popular game types for players. The Pokemon GO game uses augmented reality technology to encourage users to go outside and interact with the society, and is welcomed by users of all ages, men and women. In the review of related research literature about digital games, it is found that by participating digital games, both younger and older generation players can relieve stress and generate positive emotion, which helps to prevent or slow down the decline of physical and cognitive functions relate to aging. The purpose of this research is to: 1. To understand the current condition of Pokemon GO players' social influence, game motivation, continuous usage behavior, and self-identified physical and mental health; 2. To explore related factors that affect Pokemon GO players' social influence, game motivation, continuous usage behavior, and self-identified physical and mental health; 3. Discuss the relationship between Pokemon GO players' social influence, game motivation, continuous usage behavior, and self-identified physical and mental health, particularly using age as a key factor to conduct analysis of the moderated mediation effect. The questionnaire survey was adopted, a survey was sent to Pokemon GO players over the age of 18 and above through internet and paper copy. A total of 510 surveys were effectively returned. The results of the research study found that gender does not affect players' social influence, game motivation, continuous usage behavior, and self-identified physical and mental health; age will affect players' social influence, game motivation, continuous usage behavior, and self-identified physical and mental health; current social status will affect players' social influence, game motivation, continuous usage behavior, and self-identified physical and mental health; game level will affect players' continuous usage behavior; game experience does not affect players' social influence, game motivation, continuous usage behavior, and self-identified physical and mental health; average monthly game expense will affect players' self-identified physical and mental health; the frequency of weekly game consumption will affect players' continuous usage behavior; average daily game consumption will affect players' game motivation, continuous usage behavior , and self-identified physical and mental health. This research further uses path analysis to propose a model of digital game behavior identified by players of different generations: when the younger generation plays Pokemon GO, social influence will have direct impact on player' s self-identified physical and mental health , and through continuous usage behavior , game motivation will have direct impact on player's self-identified physical and mental health ; when the older generation plays Pokemon GO, through continuous usage behavior, social influence and game motivation will have direct impact on player's self-identified physical and mental health, and social influence will also have direct impact on self-identified physical and mental health.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第二章 文獻探討 4 第一節 數位遊戲之概念與相關研究 4 第二節 Pokemon GO遊戲行為及相關研究 8 第三節 整合科技接受理論及相關研究 15 第三章 研究方法 23 第一節 研究架構與研究假設 23 第二節 研究工具 24 第三節 研究對象與流程 27 第四節 資料分析方法 28 第四章 研究結果與討論 29 第一節 樣本人口統計變項與遊戲使用狀況分析 29 第二節 Pokemon GO玩家社會影響、遊戲動機、持續使用行為與自覺身心社會健康之現況分析 35 第三節 影響Pokemon GO玩家在社會影響、遊戲動機、持續使用行為及自覺身心社會健康之相關因素 39 第四節 研究假設考驗 45 第五章 結論與建議 50 第一節 研究結論 50 第二節 對成人教育領域的建議 53 第三節 未來研究建議 54 參考文獻 56 附錄 62 附錄一 研究問卷 62

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