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研究生: 古芳枝
論文名稱: 高職階段智障學生性教育實施現況之調查研究
A Survey on Implementation of Sex Education for Mental Retardation Students at Vocational High School
指導教授: 杜正治
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 性教育需求性教育的教導性行為性教育的執行
英文關鍵詞: instruction of sex education, sex education needs, sexual behavior, execution of sex education
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:397下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在瞭解高職階段輕度智障學生性教育的需求、高職階段智障學生家長及其教師教導經驗的情形以及實施性教育方法等的看法、並瞭解高職階段智障學生家長及其教師是否符應了學生的需求。
    (一) 學生的性教育需求
    1. 教導內容,高職特教實驗班的家長和教師在教導內容的多樣性顯著多於啟智學校高職部的家長和教師。

    The purpose of this study was to understand the fitness of teaching approaches for the needs of MR students in vocational high schools and special schools. A questionnaire developed by the researcher was used to survey students’ needs for sex education. The experience and perspectives from parents and teachers on sexual instruction were also investigated. A sample of 235 students, 276 parents, and 245 teachers participated in this study. The results were substantiated as follows according to three dimensions of this questionnaire.
    The needs of sex education for students. Basically, most students expected to receive sex education. Males were interested in more sex education topics than females. Females had better experience with same sex than males. Most students got sexual information from TV and usually asked for help from their parents while facing sexual problems. Video teaching was the popular approach to acquire sexual knowledge from teachers in the class. Most students had willingness to attend sex education classes.
    The instructive experience of parents and teachers. The parents and teachers gave more diverse instructions in vocational schools than in special schools. Most parents and teachers had the tendency to teach students verbally. However, parents tended to give specific examples from social news and teachers used video as their teaching instrument. The students in vocational school were more interested in sex education topics than in special school. Special school’s students had more inappropriate behaviors than the students in vocational school. Parents and teachers tended to individually instruct students’ behaviors related to sex. The main problems of implementing sex education were(i) to purify the environment of our society, (ii)to enhance teaching materials, and (iii)to improve teaching skills.
    Perspectives of execution in sex education. Most teachers agreed that sex education should start from primary level, whereas teachers and students preferred the secondary levels. Both parents and teachers supported to teach different genders in separate classes on some sensitive issues. More male students than females thought it is not necessary to separate different genders while receiving sex education. Parents tended to assert that school should offer specific sex education course, whereas teachers suggested the topics related to sex can be included in life courses. Most teachers and parents thought teaching sex class were teachers who teached relevant courses, while students preferred the class taught by licensed nurses. Most female students and the parents in special schools thought teacher’s gender should be considered while choosing sex education’s instructor. Vocational school’s teachers and parents expected more sex education topics than special school’s.
    To summarize the results in this study, the thinking and approaches of parents and teachers only partially matched the needs of MR students. The statistical results were inconsistently significant. Further analysis and discussion are made in this thesis.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機……………………………………………………1 第二節 研究目的……………………………………………………4 第三節 研究問題陳述………………………………………………5 第四節 名詞釋義……………………………………………………6 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 實施性教育的重要性………………………………………8 第二節 智障者的性問題……………………………………………16 第三節 性教育的教導經驗…………………………………………22 第四節 性教育的實施方式…………………………………………30 第五節 背景變項與實施性教育的關係……………………………34 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究架構……………………………………………………38 第二節 研究對象……………………………………………………39 第三節 受試背景資料………………………………………………41 第四節 研究工具……………………………………………………44 第五節 研究程序……………………………………………………46 第六節 資料處理……………………………………………………47 第四章 結果與討論 第一節 學生性教育需求現況………………………………………48 第二節 家長與教師實施性教育的現況……………………………57 第三節 不同性別的學生性教育需求的差異情形…………………71 第四節 不同背景變項的家長實施性教育的差異情形……………79 第五節 不同背景變項的教師實施性教育的差異情形……………98 第六節 在性教育內容的主題上,家長和教師符應學生需求的 情形 ………………………………………………………112 第七節 綜合討論 …………………………………………………114 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 ……………………………………………………132 第二節 建議 ……………………………………………………138 第三節 研究限制 ……………………………………………… 143 參考文獻 中文 …………………………………………………………… 144 英文 …………………………………………………………… 146 附錄 附錄一 高職階段學生性教育之調查問卷 …………………… 154 附錄二 高職階段智障學生性教育實施之調查問卷 (家長用)……………………………………………161 附錄三 高職階段智障學生性教育實施之調查問卷 (教師用)……………………………………………169 附錄四 專家內容效度 …………………………………………178

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