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研究生: 施青吟
Chin-ying Shih
論文名稱: 國中英語能力分班教學之研究
A Study of Ability-Grouping Practice in Junior High English Class
指導教授: 程玉秀
Cheng, Yuh-Show
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 185
中文關鍵詞: 國中英語教學能力分班
英文關鍵詞: English Teaching and Learning, Ability Grouping
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:104下載:41
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  • 本文旨在探討台北市某國中實施英語能力分班的成效。研究對象是台北市某國中2004學年度九年級學生。他們在2002學年度七年級時,被分成A、B兩組接受英語能力分組教學,第二學期時,按照成績調整組別。在升上八年級時,學校取消英語能力分組教學,學生回到原班上英語課。本研究採取質、量並重的方式進行資料蒐集。學生和家長填寫問卷;老師、行政人員、以及挑選出的學生及家長接受訪談。

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of ability grouping in junior high English class. Ability grouping was adopted in English teaching in Sunny Junior High School in Taipei in 2002 for the seventh graders, who were divided into two levels (Group A and Group B). In the second semester, those who made good progress to the top one-third transferred from Group B to Group A, and vice versa. The same group of students had English in ungrouped homeroom classes when they were eighth graders. This study adopted both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The students and parents were asked to fill out questionnaires; teachers, administrators, as well as selected students and parents were interviewed.
    The results of the study indicate that ability grouping practiced in Sunny Junior High School failed to bring about great effects on English learning. The possible reasons may lie in no differentiation of textbooks and in the two-level grouping policy. According to the student questionnaires, significant interaction effects between students’ groups (Group A, Group B, and Transfer) and their responses to grouped and ungrouped classes existed in only four out of nineteen items-students’ perceived interest level of the English class, concentration level of their classmates, likelihood of finding role models and accessibility to familiar peers for consultation in class. According to the questionnaires and interviews, ability grouping benefited Group A students whereas ungrouped classes benefited Group B students. In addition, some students of Transfer reported that the pressure of shifting groups made them work harder when they were in 7th-grade grouped classes. All in all, nearly half of the students preferred ungrouped classes; one-fourth preferred grouped classes; one-fourth showed their uncertainty. There was a tendency that Group A students preferred grouped classes, whereas Group B students preferred ungrouped classes. Furthermore, several phenomena found in the interviews were worth the attention-the resentment of some Group B students who felt themselves misplaced, the misunderstandings and conflicts caused by the literal meanings of B1 and B2 (though they were actually equal in English ability), and the feeling of inequity or alienation found among some Group B students who were not taught by their English homeroom teachers.
    According to parent questionnaires, more than half of the parents showed their preferences for ability grouping. They generally believed that ability grouping met their children’s learning needs. There was a tendency that parents of Group A and Transfer or those whose children had more years of English learning experience preferred ability grouping, whereas parents of Group B or those whose children had few years of English learning experience preferred ungrouped classes. From the interview data and the reasons stated in the questionnaires, it was found that parents were concerned more about the learning efficiency, whereas students were concerned more about familiar peer relationship in homeroom class.
    In terms of teaching, the results of teacher and student interviews indicate that different teaching strategies were used for different groups. Group A students were given more creative, communicative activities and supplementary materials that enriched their learning. Group B students spent time mostly on mastering the basics in textbooks. The adjusted instruction seemed to benefit Group A and those students with negative English learning experience before. However, there were unexpected disadvantages of ability grouping reported by the English teachers, such as boredom of some Group B students in the high standing, arrogant attitudes of top students in Group A, English teachers’ increased workload, and English homeroom teachers’ difficulties in managing their homeroom classes. Interestingly, two English homeroom teachers of the four teachers interviewed reported that they would have voted for ability grouping if they did not have to consider their homeroom class management.
    In terms of administration, one-year practice of ability grouping in this school did not cause many difficulties in group formation and timetable arrangements, but the chief of registry section had trouble collecting test papers and computing grades.
    To solve the conflicting needs and preferences of parents and students as well as to avoid the disadvantages found in this study, an alternative may be to have students study English in homeroom class in the first semester of the 7th grade and to have grouped English class from the second semester or second year on. Another is to sort out a small number of students with high English proficiency to form English-gifted classes. In case that ability grouping is implemented, school authorities should be careful with the following issues, including developing different materials for students of different levels, encouraging collaboration among teachers, helping students understand sufficiently the rationales of the grouping policy and its advantages in learning, and taking care to label or name groups of different levels.

    Chapter 1 Introduction Motivation Background of the Study Ability Grouping System in Sunny Junior High School Grouping Students Teachers’ Teaching Teachers’ Reflections in Team Meeting Research Questions Significance of the Present Study Definition of Terms Mixed-ability Grouping Ability Grouping Homogeneous Grouping Heterogeneous Grouping Chapter 2 Literature Review History of Ability Grouping Development of Ability Grouping Ability Grouping in Taiwan Rationale for Ability Grouping Effects of Ability Grouping Ability Grouping Implemented in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 3 Methodology Participants of the Study Students Teachers and Administrators Parents Data Collection Instruments Student Questionnaire Parent Questionnaire The Interview Questions for Teachers The Interview Questions for Administrators Related to Ability Grouping The Interview Questions for Students The Interview Questions for Parents Data Analysis Procedures The Quantitative Data from Questionnaires The Qualitative Data from Interviews Chapter 4 Analyses and Results of Questionnaire Data Results from Student Questionnaires Results from Parent Questionnaires Summary Chapter 5 Analyses and Results of Interview Data Results from English Teacher Interviews Results form Homeroom Teacher Interviews Results from Administrator Interviews Results from Student Interviews Results from Parent Interviews Summary Chapter 6 Discussion and Conclusions Summary of the Study Framework Discussion Conclusions Implications Limitations References Appendices Appendix A: The Placement Test Appendix B: Student Questionnaire Appendix C: Parent Questionnaire Appendix D: The Interview Questions for English Teachers Appendix E: The Interview Questions for Homeroom Teachers Appendix F: The Interview Questions for Administrators Related to Ability Grouping Appendix G: The Interview Questions for Students Appendix H: The Interview Questions for Parents Appendix I: Teaching Strategies: Group A vs. Group B

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