研究生: |
林育萱 |
論文名稱: |
國中階段符號感意涵與評量方式之探究 An investigation on the components of symbol sense and their assessment at the junior high school level |
指導教授: | 譚克平 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 162 |
中文關鍵詞: | 符號感 |
英文關鍵詞: | symbol sense |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:247 下載:4 |
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數字是算術的重要元素,符號則是代數的重要元素。代數是國中數學課程與教學不可或缺的重要主題,然而從研究者教學經驗發現,相較於數字計算等一般化算術,國中學生較不容易掌握代數符號。九年一貫課程綱要在數與量主題中提及應培養學生的數感,且數感在國內外已累積相當多研究。那麼代數主題裡是否也應培養學生具備「某種感」呢? 答案是肯定的。Arcavi(1994)指出,符號感為代數教學的重要一環(Arcavi, 1994)。雖然符號感漸漸開始受到重視,但符號感的相關研究仍十分稀少,國內更是尚未出現符號感的相關研究。因此本研究主要目的為分析符號感意涵,整理與開發出符號感構成要素,進一步設計適合國中階段的符號感評量方式。
Number is the important element of arithmetic, while symbol is of algebra. Algebra is a major project in junior-high-school math curriculum and instruction. However, from my own teaching experience, I found that it is more difficult for the junior high school students to master algebraic symbol than to master general arithmetic. Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines tells that we should develop students’ number sense; also, there are a lot of studies concerning number sense whether foreign or native. Then, when it comes to algebra, should students be developed some sense? The answer is absolutely yes. Arcavi (1994) announced symbol sense is the principal key to algebraic instruction. Although we become to take focus on symbol sense, we still do much rare relative study, not to mention the internal study. Therefore, my major study propose is to analyze the meaning of symbol sense as well as sort and build the construction of symbol sense and moreover, to design a suitable symbol-sense assessment for junior high school students.
There are two parts in my study. My first part is to inquiry the meaning of symbol sense by analyzing document, panel discussion, and experts’ investigation. My second part, depending on my first part, is to design a suitable symbol-sense assessment for junior high school students; through trying tests many times, testing within narrow range; and after experts’ investigation, I revised my tests step by step so that on the formal stage, I found 117 students to do my tests and analyzed their answering performance.
From my first part, there are three major dimensions dividing symbol sense; each has several minor elements, and total seven minor elements. From my second part, I found that the open essay questions are proper to symbol-sense assessment, and they contrasted students who have symbol sense with those who do not. The students’
answering performance may also respond to the construction of symbol sense in my first part.
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