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研究生: 李佳潙
Lee, Chia-Wei
論文名稱: 臺灣消費者選擇國際慢城為旅遊標的之關鍵因素分析
Analysis of the Key Factors for Taiwanese Consumers to Choose International Slow City as a Tourist Destination
指導教授: 鄒蘊欣
Chou, Yun-Hsin
口試委員: 鄒蘊欣
Chou, Yun-Hsin
Chiang, Lan-Lung
Chiu, Chi-Hsuan
口試日期: 2024/05/29
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際時尚高階管理碩士在職專班
Executive Master of Business Administration Program in Global Fashion
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 131
中文關鍵詞: 永續旅遊慢城運動國際評鑑指標文化多樣性城市行銷層級分析法
英文關鍵詞: Sustainable Tourism, Cittaslow Movement, International Evaluation Indicators, Cultural Diversity, City Marketing, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
研究方法: 深度訪談法層級分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400635
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:46下載:4
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  • 全球化與現代化帶來的快速發展雖然促進了產業發展和經濟增長,但也引發了文化同質化、地方生態維持等環境與社會永續的挑戰。慢城運動(Cittaslow)於1999年起源於義大利,旨在通過保護地方文化、生態,但也能同時提高居民生活品質來避免全球化與現代化的負面效應。臺灣有五座慢城,城市的居民們冀以慢城運動維護城市的獨特性和文化特色,在能夠避免文化同質化的期盼下,同時兼顧到為地方帶動經濟發展,以及年輕人才留鄉的永續旅遊發展。然而,雖身為國際慢城,但在地方小鄉資源有效的情況下,該首先投資哪些旅遊要項,才能吸引源源不絕的旅客,以帶動永續旅遊經濟發展,仍是地方產官學都極欲知曉的問題。
    緣此,本研究旨在探討臺灣消費者在旅行至國際慢城時,對慢城的特色重要性評估。研究採取混合研究法,一方面主要經由網路問卷進行數據蒐集,針對有造訪過慢城經驗的受訪者進行分析,問卷內容涵蓋文化遺產、環境品質及社區參與等指標,並透過層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)建立基於民眾實際體驗感受的國際慢城評鑑指標權重評估;另一方面訪談義大利國際慢城總部理事長Mauor Migliorini,對於台灣推動慢城的看法。目的是提升臺灣慢城的資源配置與文化保護工作策略循證基礎。
    對於77份回收之有效問卷之分析結果顯示。受訪者對於慢城評鑑的主準則特別重視「教育」、「環境與能源」、「旅遊與款待」等指標。在回收有效問卷77位受訪者認為,慢城應該強調地方文化的保護和可持續發展,並注重提升居民生活品質和遊客體驗,教育和宣傳活動有助於提高公眾對文化遺產保護的意識,讓更多人認識到保護傳統文化的重要性。例如,北賽普勒斯的研究表明,當地社區的教育活動促進了文化遺產的保護和旅遊業的可持續發展(Emerald Publishing, 2014; Saydam et al., 2022)。透過教育,居民可以學習如何實踐環保政策和可持續生活方式,從而更好地保護當地的自然環境。在美國索諾馬谷的研究中,慢城理念的教育活動被認為對促進社會和生態環境的可持續性有顯著作用(Jaszczak et al., 2024; Kioupi & Voulvoulis, 2019)。在慢城理念下,當地文化遺產得到保護,旅遊業得到可持續發展,經濟和文化都獲得了顯著提升((Emerald Publishing, 2014; Li & Hunter, 2015)。成功的慢城運動強調居民的廣泛參與和決策權。這種參與確保了政策和發展計劃能夠貼近社區的需求和期望。例如,在威爾士的Mold,研究發現,當地居民和公私部門的合作是促進可持續旅遊發展的關鍵(Emerald Publishing, 2014; H. Jung et al., 2014)。成功的慢城經驗與永續旅遊結合,可以通過推動社區參與、保護文化遺產、實施環保政策和促進經濟創新,實現地方的可持續發展。在這些過程中,慢城理念和永續旅遊相輔相成,共同促進地方的長期繁榮和穩定(Mathew, 2022)。

    Globalization and modernization have led to rapid development, fostering industrial growth and economic expansion. However, these trends also bring challenges such as cultural homogenization and threats to local ecological sustainability. The Cittaslow movement, originating in Italy in 1999, aims to resist these negative effects by preserving local culture and ecology while improving residents' quality of life. Taiwan has five Cittaslow cities where residents hope the movement will maintain their unique cultural identities, drive economic development, and retain young talent through sustainable tourism. Despite being part of the international Cittaslow network, local towns with limited resources need to prioritize specific tourism investments to attract continuous visitor flow and stimulate sustainable economic growth. The Cittaslow movement thus becomes a crucial method for preserving urban uniqueness and cultural features.
    This study aims to explore Taiwanese consumers' perceptions of key characteristics of Cittaslow cities, evaluating these factors based on their importance. Using a mixed-method approach, the research collects data primarily through online surveys from respondents who have visited Cittaslow cities. The survey covers criteria such as cultural heritage, environmental quality, and community participation, and applies the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to establish a weighted evaluation of Cittaslow indicators based on public experiences. Additionally, the study includes an interview with Mauor Migliorini, Chairman of the International Cittaslow Headquarters, to gain insights on promoting Cittaslow in Taiwan. The goal is to enhance resource allocation and cultural preservation strategies in Taiwanese Cittaslow cities based on empirical evidence.
    From the analysis of 77 valid responses, respondents particularly emphasized the importance of "education," "environment and energy," and "tourism and hospitality" in evaluating Cittaslow cities. Most respondents believe that Cittaslow should stress local cultural preservation and sustainable development, focusing on improving residents' quality of life and visitor experiences. Educational and promotional activities can raise public awareness of cultural heritage preservation, highlighting the importance of protecting traditional culture. For instance, studies in North Cyprus show that community educational activities have promoted cultural heritage preservation and sustainable tourism development (Emerald Insight). Education helps residents learn and practice environmental policies and sustainable lifestyles, better protecting the local natural environment. In the Sonoma Valley, USA, Cittaslow educational initiatives have significantly contributed to social and ecological sustainability (Cambridge). Under the Cittaslow philosophy, local cultural heritage is preserved, tourism develops sustainably, and both economy and culture flourish significantly (Emerald Insight).
    Successful Cittaslow movements emphasize broad community participation and decision-making power. This involvement ensures that policies and development plans align with community needs and expectations. For example, in Mold, Wales, studies found that collaboration between residents and public-private sectors is key to promoting sustainable tourism development (Cambridge). Integrating successful Cittaslow experiences with sustainable tourism can be achieved by promoting community participation, preserving cultural heritage, implementing environmental policies, and fostering economic innovation, ultimately achieving local sustainable development. In this process, Cittaslow principles and sustainable tourism complement each other, jointly promoting long-term local prosperity and stability.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 21 第三節 研究流程 23 第二章 文獻探討 24 第一節 慢城概念 24 第二節永續旅遊與慢城的聯繫 25 第三節 社會變遷與推動慢城理念 27 第四節 國際慢城評鑑指標 29 第三章 研究方法 34 第一節 研究架構 34 第二節 問卷內容 43 第三節 研究對象 43 第四節 層級分析法 44 第四章 研究結果 46 第一節 受訪者基本資料 48 第二節 國際慢城評鑑主準則相對重要性 48 第三節 國際慢城評鑑次準則整體權重 51 第四節 國際慢城評鑑項目整體權重 53 第五節 質性訪談分析 57 第五章 研究結論及建議 61 第一節 國際慢城評鑑指標權重評估 61 第二節 研究建議與研究限制 63 參考文獻 65 附錄一 「國際慢城評鑑指標關鍵因素」問卷調查 75 附錄二 質性訪談分析內容摘述 119

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