簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 廖珠吟
Liao, Chu-Yin
論文名稱: 蓬萊虎灰蝶的幼期生物學與喜蟻現象 對其生長表現之影響
Immature biology and the effects of myrmecophily in Spindasis kuyanianus performance
指導教授: 徐堉峰
Hsu, Yu-Feng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: 蓬萊虎灰蝶勤勉舉尾蟻生長表現喜蟻現象喜蟻器官
英文關鍵詞: Spindasis kuyanianus, Crematogaster laboriosa, performance, myrmecophily, myrmecophilous organs
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:46下載:17
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  • 本研究顯示勤勉舉尾蟻(Crematogaster laboriosa)在蓬萊虎灰蝶(Spindasis kuyanianus)的幼蟲生長表現與雌蝶的產卵行為上扮演重要的角色。野外觀察發現雌蝶會將卵產在有勤勉舉尾蟻棲息的羅氏鹽膚木(Rhus chinensis var. roxburghiana)及野桐(Mallotus japonicus)枝葉上,實驗也顯示雌蝶只在寄主植物與共生蟻存在的環境下產卵。幼蟲具有四種喜蟻器官,包括背部蜜腺器官(DNO)、碟狀腺(DOs)、觸手器(TOs)與圓頂狀開口器官(PCOs)。DNO在三齡幼蟲始具有功能,是維繫幼蟲與共生蟻共生關係的關鍵。DOs於五齡幼蟲第二腹節背部開始出現,在終齡蟲於第一至第五腹節皆存在。TOs與PCOs存在於每個齡期,TOs位於第八腹節,可自由伸縮,PCOs則集中分布在氣孔或DNO周圍。當幼蟲有螞蟻照顧時,個體幼蟲期縮短25%,成蝶前翅長增加3%。此外,與勤勉舉尾蟻互動的幼蟲存活率顯著較與三斑虎灰蝶及虎灰蝶共生的阿美舉尾蟻和建築舉尾蟻高。本研究推論蓬萊虎灰蝶屬於絕對喜蟻性灰蝶,與共生蟻之間沒有取捨的現象。再者,根據共生蟻種、成蟲形態與幼蟲DOs的出現時間證明蓬萊虎灰蝶是獨立種,不符合五十嵐將蓬萊虎灰蝶與虎灰蝶視為同種的處理。

    This present study manifests life history of Spindasis kuyanianus (Matsumura) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), especially on how its attendant ant Crematogaster laboriosa plays an important role on larval performance and female oviposition behavior. Field observations showed that the females laid eggs in a cluster on twigs or leaves of Rhus chinensis var. roxburghiana (Anacardiaceae) or Mallotus japonicus (Euphorbiaceae), on which always inhabitated by the attendant ants. Laboratory experiments also showed that females only laid eggs under the hostplant with the presence of C. laboriosa. For immature morphology, four types of myrmecophilous organs were recognized, including dorsal nectary organ (DNO), dish organs (DOs), eversible tentacle organs (TOs) and pore cupola organs (PCOs). The DNO plays a functional role in maintenance of interaction with the attendant ants from third instars. The DOs appear on segment A2 from the fifth instars and on segments A1 to A5 in the final instars. The TOs on segment A8 and PCOs surrounding by spiracles or DNO are present in all larval stages. When larvae reared with ants, the larval duration shortened by 25%, and forewing length of emerged adults increased by 3%. Moreover, the survival rate of larvae that interacted with C. laboriosa was significantly higher than the treatments of with C. amia and C. dohrni fabricans, which are mutualistic with S. syama and S. lohita formosana, respectively. I conclude that S. kuyanianus is an obligatory myrmecophilous lycaenid butterfly, and there have no trade-off between S. kuyanianus and its attendant ants. Furthermore, according to the attendant ant species, the morphology of adults, and the instars of appearance of DOs, S. kuyanianus is justified as a distinct species, not conformed to the idea treating S. kuyanianus and S. lohita formosana as a single species by Igarashi.

    中文摘要…………………………………………………………………1 英文摘要…………………………………………………………………3 第壹章、前言……………………………………………………………5 第貳章、文獻回顧………………………………………………………7 第參章、研究目的………………………………………………………12 第肆章、研究材料………………………………………………………13 第伍章、研究方法………………………………………………………15 第陸章、結果……………………………………………………………19 第柒章、討論……………………………………………………………24 參考文獻…………………………………………………………………31 附表目次 表一、蓬萊虎灰蝶在不同飼養環境下的幼蟲齡期數與發育時間……35 表二、蓬萊虎灰蝶在有無勤勉舉尾蟻互動之處理下的生長表………35 表三、共生蟻及性別與蓬萊虎灰蝶生長表現的關係…………………36 表四、各組食草處理之幼蟲期兩兩比較的事後檢定統計值SE………37 表五、各組食草處理之幼蟲期在全部樣本中排序的平均值差………37 表六、各組食草處理之蛹重兩兩比較的事後檢定統計值SE…………38 表七、各組食草處理之蛹重在全部樣本中排序的平均值差…………38 表八、各組食草處理之成蝶前翅長兩兩比較的事後檢定統計值SE…39 表九、各組食草處理之成蝶前翅長在全部樣本中排序的平均值差…39 附圖目次 圖一、蓬萊虎灰蝶的生活史……………………………………………41 圖二、雌蝶在只給予寄主植物與加入不同蟻種之處理下的產卵表現…………………………………………………………………………41 圖三、蓬萊虎灰蝶與三種舉尾蟻共生之存活率………………………42 圖四、幼蟲取食不同食草之化蛹率……………………………………42 圖五、幼蟲取食不同食草的幼蟲期……………………………………43 圖六、幼蟲取食不同食草的蛹重………………………………………43 圖七、幼蟲取食不同食草的成蝶前翅長………………………………44 圖八、幼蟲取食不同食草的蛹期………………………………………44 圖九、蓬萊虎灰蝶、虎灰蝶與三斑虎灰蝶雌蝶在只給予寄主植物之環境下的產卵表現…………………………………………………………45 圖版一、蓬萊虎灰蝶卵與一齡幼蟲之SEM細部觀……………………46 圖版二、蓬萊虎灰蝶各齡期幼蟲之SEM細部觀………………………47 圖版三、實驗裝置………………………………………………………48 圖版四、生活史各時期之外部形態……………………………………49 圖版五、蓬萊虎灰蝶之生態習性………………………………………50 圖版六、蓬萊虎灰蝶之生態習性………………………………………51 圖版七、蓬萊虎灰蝶幼蟲與三種螞蟻之實驗飼養觀察………………52

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