研究生: |
黃振豪 Huang, Zhen-Hao |
論文名稱: |
探討消費者食物涉入與社群承諾對拍攝發佈美食照片動機與行為意圖之影響 The Effect of Food Involvement and Community Commitment on the Relationship Between Foodstagramming Motivations and Intention |
指導教授: |
Mak, Athena Hong Ni |
口試委員: |
Chen, Chia-Yu 古志銘 Ku, Chih-Ming 麥康妮 Mak, Athena Hong Ni |
口試日期: | 2023/06/16 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
論文出版年: | 2024 |
畢業學年度: | 112 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 131 |
中文關鍵詞: | 社群媒體 、用戶生成內容 、美食拍攝發佈 、食物涉入 、社群承諾 |
英文關鍵詞: | social media, user-generated content, foodstagramming, food involvement, community commitment |
研究方法: | 調查研究 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400097 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:283 下載:14 |
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在網際網絡中社群媒體 (social media) 發展迅速,社群媒體用戶生成內容 (user-generated content, UGC) 之型式多樣化,本研究初譯為美食拍攝發佈 (Foodstagramming) 為開動前紀錄美食的習慣,其意指消費者在餐廳品嘗到餐點前,對其食物餐點 (含飲料) 拍攝照片並發佈分享至社群平臺上之社會現象,國內外美食拍攝發佈行為的相關研究開始受到關注,然而,研究者指出少有研究對此現象背後的動機提供清晰的理解;綜觀來看,本研究目的為:(一) 探究消費者食物涉入與社群承諾對美食拍攝發佈動機與行為意圖之影響;(二) 瞭解消費者不同美食拍攝發佈行為動機為何與其行為習慣;(三) 探究消費者不同美食拍攝發佈行為動機對行為意圖之影響;(四) 探究不同程度之食物涉入與社群承諾於美食拍攝發佈動機與行為意圖間之差異情形。本研究使用問卷調查法,並參考國外學者之量表,建構出合適本研究的量表共40題。問卷採立意抽樣之方式,針對具有從事美食拍攝發佈行為習慣之消費者,透過SurveyCake線上平臺發放電子問卷,共回收289份有效樣本,資料使用統計軟體 SPSS 23.0 及SmartPLS 4進行數據分析。本研究結果主要為:(一) 食物涉入與社群承諾對美食拍攝發佈動機呈正向顯著影響;(二) 部分美食拍攝發佈動機對行為意圖呈正向顯著影響;(三) 美食拍攝發佈動機豐富用餐體驗在食物涉入及社群承諾對行為意圖呈部分中介效果。本研究初步驗證美食拍攝發佈行為動機之前因,以及豐富用餐體驗對行為意圖呈正向顯著影響,且發現食物涉入與社群承諾對行為意圖之影響。最終本研究提出未來相關研究的理論延伸與使用建議;並以集群分析消費者從而進行市場區隔,提供餐廳業者在顧客、後續經營及行銷策略之考量。
With the rapid development of social media on the internet, the forms of user-generated content (UGC) on social media platforms have become diverse. Consumers have developed a phenomenon of taking their food photos before actually consuming their meals, which is called “foodstagramming”. This behavior refers to the consumers capturing and sharing photographs of their food and beverages on social media platforms. Research on foodstagramming has started to gain research attention both domestically and internationally. However, researchers have pointed out that there is a lack of studies providing a clear understanding of the motivations behind this phenomenon. The objectives of this study are: (1) to explore the effect of food involvement and community commitment on the relationship between foodstagramming motivations and behavioral intention; (2) to understand the different foodstagramming motivations and behavior habits; (3) to investigate the different foodstagramming motivations on behavioral intention of foodstagramming; and (4) to examine the different degrees of food involvement and community commitment for foodstagramming motivationas and behavioral intention. A questionnaire survey method was adopted in this study. A total of 40 items were constructed to measure the variables. The questionnaire was distributed through an online platform, SurveyCake, using a purposive sampling method to recruit respondents who habitually engage in foodstagramming. A total of 289 valid responses were collected and analyzed using statistical software by SPSS 23.0 and SmartPLS 4. The main findings of this study are as follows: (1) food involvement and community commitment have a significant positive impact on foodstagramming motivations; (2) the partial foodstagramming motivation has a significant positive impact on behavioral intention; (3) the foodstagramming motivation of enrichment of dining experience partially mediate the food involvement and community commitment on behavioral intention. This study provides initial validation of the antecedents of foodstagramming, and confirms the positive impact of enrichment of dining experience on behavioral intentions. Additionally, it reveals the influence of food involvement and community commitment on behavioral intention. This research proposes theoretical extensions and suggestions for future studies, market segmentation based on consumer clusters assists restaurant operators in considering consumers' needs, management, and marketing strategies.
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