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研究生: 宋明達
Sumares, Nicholas
論文名稱: 黑暗中的鬼魅: 科爾森‧懷特黑德小說中的非裔美國人主體位置與情動主體性
Ghosts in the Darkness: African American Subject Positions and Affective Subjectivities in the Novels of Colson Whitehead
指導教授: 李秀娟
Lee, Hsiu-Chuan
口試委員: 劉亮雅
Liou, Liang Ya
Ku, Chung-Hao
Luca, Ioana
Su, Susan Jung
Lee, Hsui-Chuan
口試日期: 2023/06/12
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 233
中文關鍵詞: 科爾森‧懷特黑德主體性情動情動主體性空間性非裔美國文學能動性
英文關鍵詞: Colson Whitehead, Subjectivity, Affect, Affective Subjectivity, Spatiality, African American Literature, Agency
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300748
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:65下載:13
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  • 本論文藉由閱讀科爾森‧懷特黑德小說,研究非裔美國人的主體位置,進而挖掘與理解懷氏小說中黑人主角的情動主體性。筆者引用凱斯琳‧史都華與布萊恩‧馬蘇米的論點,將情動描述為非理性、由歷史與文化之召喚與霸權所觸發的情緒反應。此外,情動不僅屬於個人,更能感染、傳遞給群體中的其他人。論文另將「主體性」描述為將個人與世界聯繫的獨特「觀點」或「世界感知」。主體性形成於個人與所處時空之意識型態與文化規範、價值和信仰的關係。「情動主體性」因此闡明了情動何以開展個人的「觀點」與「世界感知」。

    This dissertation proposes a study of African American subject positions in the novels of Colson Whitehead by seeking out and understanding the affective subjectivities of his black protagonists. Using ideas proposed by Kathleen Stewart and Brian Massumi, I delineate "affect" as an emotional response that appears to lack rationality but is triggered by interpellated and hegemonic culture and history; moreover, affects do not only exist in an individual but can be contagious and spread to others within a group. I delineate "subjectivity" as the unique "point of view" or "sense of the world" that links an individual to the world. Subjectivity is formed through one's relation to the ideological and cultural norms, values, and beliefs from the timespace one inhabits. Therefore "affective subjectivities" spell out how affect could foster one's "point of view" and "sense of the world."
    For subaltern groups, affective subjectivities are particularly important because the rationality of the spaces they occupy is actively attempting to quell their agency. Affects allow the subaltern the creation of a subjectivity that gives them the power to mobilise. Furthermore, affect relates one to the world and to others. This connection to other individuals who are also oppressed directs attention from an individual's force to a subaltern community's collective power.
    I apply these concepts to six of Colson Whitehead's novels: John Henry Days, Apex Hides the Hurt, Sag Harbor, Zone One, The Underground Railroad, and The Nickel Boys. I explore how Whitehead's varied protagonists negotiate with their African American identities in diverse ways. Instead of reading "black" as a historically determined subject position with negative connotations, I argue that in Whitehead's novels his black characters are mobile in relation to space, history, and class, and as such experience shifting subject positions and agency. The force of this mobility is largely derived from the feelings of Whitehead's characters, whereby either resisting or submitting to these feelings creates specific subject positions which, in turn, reduces or increases their agencies within American spaces.

    Table of Contents Acknowledgements i Dedication iii Chinese Abstract v English Abstract vii Contents ix Introduction: Ghosts in the Darkness 1 Chapter One "Have I a Hope or Half a Chance?": Freedom, Imprisonment, and Affective Subjectivities in Sag Harbor and The Nickel Boys 37 Chapter Two "From the Empty Meadow, You See Its True Limits": Navigating Disparate Spaces, Emotions, and Agencies in Zone One and The Underground Railroad 93 Chapter Three "Useful Delusions and Useless Truths": Language, History, and Affective Subjectivities in John Henry Days and Apex Hides the Hurt 163 Coda: Into the Light 219 Works Cited 223

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