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研究生: 謝佳伶
Hsieh, Chia-Ling
論文名稱: 文化體驗理論融入中醫華語教材與教學設計
The Integration of Cultural Experience in Textbook and Instructional Design for Chinese Medicine
指導教授: 陳麗宇
Chen, Li-Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 168
中文關鍵詞: 專業華語中醫華語中醫文化教材設計文化體驗理論
英文關鍵詞: Chinese for specific purpose, TCM Chinese, Chinese medicine culture, Teaching material design, Cultural experience
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000104
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:267下載:75
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  • 中醫一直在華人生活中有著舉足輕重的地位,已由華人圈拓展至全世界,在全球各地不難發現中醫的身影。根據2019年教育部國際及兩岸教育司的資料,全臺灣各大學校附設華語中心一共有60間,其中真正開設「中醫文化課」的只有一間學校。中醫文化深植當代華人的生活,但臺灣華語教育卻很少提及。中醫華語為專業華語的一個分支,現今也有相關教材出版,教學對象皆以中醫專業的外籍學生為主,非中醫專業者不適合使用這些教材,而針對所有外籍學習者編寫的中醫華語教材十分少見。研究者想藉此研究,示範中醫華語課程規劃及教材編寫,以非中醫專業的外籍生為教學對象,將中醫文化傳播的可能性發揮更大。

    Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has always played an important role in Chinese life, and its influence on Chinese life can be seen everywhere. In recent years Chinese medicine has expanded beyond Chinese society and is now widely practiced in various parts of the world. According to data published in 2019 by the Department of International and Cross-strait Education of the Ministry of Education, there are a total of 60 Chinese Language Centers affiliated with universities in Taiwan. Of these, only one school offers a "Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Course". TCM culture is deeply rooted in contemporary Chinese life, but Chinese education in Taiwan is rarely mentioned. TCM Chinese is a branch of Chinese for specific purposes, and some related textbooks are now published. However, the audience for these texts are mainly foreign students of TCM, and these books are generally not suitable for Non-TCM professionals. Since TCM Chinese textbooks and study materials written for all foreign learners are rare, I plan to use this research to demonstrate that TCM Chinese language curriculum planning and TCM textbook design targeted toward foreign students who are not Chinese medicine majors can significantly enhance the spread of Chinese medicine culture.
    The research purpose of this thesis is to find TCM topics that are in line with contemporary Chinese society’s concerns and are important topics in the textbooks. And those topics are for foreigners who are not Chinese medicine majors, and to design the corresponding TCM Chinese language courses and teaching materials based on Moran’s theory of cultural experience. The teaching target is intermediate level learners .This research adopts the content analysis method and investigation research method. Firstly, the "content analysis method" is used to analysis the topics in TCM textbooks and online news. Second, based on the above two results, summarize the topic of TCM in contemporary Chinese society in a manner suitable for learners. Third, consistent with the research results, plan a complete ten lesson textbook, and design lesson one as an example of the textbook and instructional design. Then use online and traditional, non-digital methods, such as community posts and flyers to find seven learners who are interested in TCM Chinese, are of an intermediate learning level and are not Chinese medicine majors. I will then teach those learners a complete lesson, and use the "questionnaire survey method" to provide students the opportunity to fill in questionnaires before and after class, and express their interests and cultural learning results. I will then invite six senior teachers who have experience teaching Chinese for a specific purpose or Chinese culture to review and provide feedback on the teaching process and the design of the teaching materials. Finally, I will interview two experts in the field of TCM to get professional opinions on the teaching materials and activities design.
    The results show that the textbooks and instructional design are affirmed by students, teachers, and experts. They are effective in increasing the interest in learning and introducing the basic TCM culture, and the textbook is related to life , which is fun and has affinity. The use of cultural experience theory should emphasize the integration with the life of learners in order to maximize the effect of cultural teaching.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 3 第三節 研究目的、問題及價值 4 第四節 名詞解釋 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 中醫華語的發展 7 一、中醫華語教材與編寫研究 7 二、中醫文化研究 8 三、中醫文化教學研究 9 四、中醫課程研究 10 第二節 文化與外語教學 11 一、文化定義 12 二、文化分類 13 三、文化與外語教學之關係 17 第三節 文化體驗理論 18 一、文化體驗理論簡介 19 二、文化認知及教師角色 20 三、體驗式學習循環模式 22 第四節 華語教材編寫 24 一、通用華語教材編寫原則 25 二、專業華語教材編寫原則 26 三、教材編寫程序 29 第三章 研究方法 32 第一節 研究方法之選擇 32 一、內容分析法 32 二、調查研究法 32 第二節 研究步驟 33 第三節 研究分析對象 35 一、教材研究分析對象 35 二、網路新聞研究分析對象 41 第四章 中醫華語教材題材選擇 43 第一節 中醫華語教材之題材分析 43 一、中醫華語教材之題材研究分析對象 43 二、中醫華語教材之題材分析標準 44 三、中醫華語教材之題材結果統計與分析 45 第二節 網路新聞之中醫題材分析 48 一、網路新聞之中醫題材研究分析對象 48 二、網路新聞之中醫題材分析標準 48 三、網路新聞之中醫題材結果統計與分析 48 第三節 中醫題材選擇綜合評析 49 第五章 中醫華語教材設計 51 第一節 教材設計大綱 51 一、教材編寫原則 51 二、教材體例 52 第二節 教材編寫範例 53 一、教材單元設計 53 二、教材單課範例 58 第三節 教材範例實施 82 一、教學設計理念 82 二、課堂教學設計流程 82 三、教案規劃 85 第四節 教材範例與教學評鑑 97 一、學生評鑑 97 二、教師評鑑 108 三、中醫專家意見 127 四、自我教學反思 130 第六章 結論與建議 132 第一節 研究結論 132 第二節 教學建議與未來研究發展建議 134 參考文獻 137 附錄一 145 附錄二 147 附錄三 149 附錄四 151 附錄五 152 附錄六 154 附錄七 156 附錄八 157 附錄九 159 附錄十 168

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