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研究生: 張秀薇
Chang, Hsiu-Wei
論文名稱: 製作視覺資訊圖對於中學生英文寫作想法發展的影響
Effects of Creating Infographics on High School Students' Idea Development in English Writing
指導教授: 王宏均
Wang, Hung-Chun
口試委員: 曾俊傑
Tseng, Jun-Jie
Hsu, Li-Yuan
Wang, Hung-Chun
口試日期: 2022/07/28
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系英語教學碩士在職專班
Department of English_In-service Teacher Master's Program of Teaching English as A Second Language
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 138
中文關鍵詞: 多模態教學視覺資訊圖英文寫作教學想法發展
英文關鍵詞: multimodality, infographics, English writing instruction, idea development
研究方法: 準實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201255
論文種類: 代替論文:專業實務報告(專業實務類)
相關次數: 點閱:115下載:20
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  • 科技的發展增加了教育現場融入多元學習刺激的可能性,視覺資訊圖 (infographics)作為教學工具在近來的教育趨勢裡得到許多關注。在視覺資訊圖 融入學習的研究中,許多為探討其對學習成就的影響,然而,其融合於英語寫 作教學的研究佔極少數,其對英語寫作想法影響的研究更少之又少。本研究旨 在探討視覺資訊圖對於中學生英文寫作中想法發展的影響,以及學生對於視覺 資訊圖融入於英文寫作課的看法。本研究受試者為北台灣 75 位高三學生,採量 化與質化兼具的準實驗研究法,在四週的寫作課程中,控制組接受傳統引導式 寫作教學法,實驗組接受視覺資訊圖融入寫作教學的訓練,並於後測後填寫認 知問卷。

    本研究主要發現如下:視覺資訊圖對學生寫作時的想法發展有顯著的影響 (一)實驗組的平均想法數增加;(二)實驗組在想法品質的表現上明顯優於 控制組;(三)實驗組的想法明顯較控制組更契合題目;(四)從問卷結果發 現,多數實驗組學生對視覺資訊圖運用於英文寫作課有正向的看法。學生認同 製作視覺資訊圖有助於增加想法數量及增進想法品質,且對寫作表現有所影 響。此外,根據學生的回饋,視覺資訊圖涵括組織想法、釐清思緒、刺激點子 與協助評估寫作內容等功能。


    The development of technology has made the stimuli in the educational settings various and diverse. Infographics-integrated instruction has gained more and more attention in the recent educational trend. In the scholarly works related to infographics, a majority of them investigated how this tool affects learners’ academic achievement. However, few of them aimed to explore its effects on EFL writing, especially in the area of idea development. By using both qualitative and quantitative methods, this study intended to investigate the effects of infographics on students’ idea development in English writing, and further explored students’ perceptions towards infographics-creating activity in English writing course. This study adopted quasi-experimental design. A total of seventy-five high school students forming the experiment group (n=37) and the control group (n=38) participated in the study. Different writing instructions lasting for four weeks were given to the control and the experimental group. The control group received the writing instruction that focused on structure and writing conventions, while the experimental group’s writing class incorporated the infographics-creating activity. After the treatment, the experiment group needed to fill in a perception questionnaire.

    The results showed that creating infographics had positive effects on students’ idea development: (1) the experiment group’s idea quantity in the posttest was found more than that in their pretest; (2) the experiment group’s idea quality was found significantly better than that of the control group; (3) the quality of ideas in terms of “relevance” was found significantly better than that of the control group; (4) the experiment group’s perception toward integrating infographics-creating in English writing classes were positive. In general, the students agreed infographics-creating boosted their ideas and it had positive impact on their writing performance. It was reported that infographics helped students organize ideas, clarify thoughts, stimulate ideas and evaluate ideas.

    In conclusion, infographics-creating could successfully enhance high school students’ idea development. From a process-based perspective, infographics-creating seemed to have encouraged students’ divergent thinking ability and have facilitated their thinking process. From a product-based perspective, infographics-creating also seemed to have increased the quantity and quality of students’ ideas, and have reinforced the relevance between the produced contents and the writing topic. Based on the above findings, some suggestions for future studies in relation to integrating infographics into EFL writing class were discussed.

    CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Background and Motivation 1 Purpose of the Study 6 Significance of the Study 7 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 9 L2 Writing 9 Aspects of L2 Writing Performance 9 Process of L2 Writing 12 Idea Generation 16 Idea Evaluation 21 Infographics 23 An Introduction to Infographics 23 Multimodality and Visual Aids 26 Review on the Use of Infographics as Instructional Tools 28 Relationship between Infographics Creating and L2 Writing Composing 32 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 37 Participants and Setting 37 Infographics-Integrated Writing Instruction 38 Teaching Procedure 38 Infographics Platform: Canva 40 A Planning Sheet for Infographics-Creating 41 Research Instruments 42 English Writing Tasks 42 The Questionnaire on Creating Infographics in English Writing 44 Data Collection Procedure 47 Data Analysis 49 Procedures for Evaluating Idea Quantity and Idea Quality 50 Counting Idea Quantity 50 Assessing Idea Quality 52 Statistical Analyses 56 Questionnaires 57 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS 59 Performances on Idea Quantity 59 Summary of the Students’ Performances on Idea Quantity 63 Performances on Idea Quality 64 Summary of the Students’ Performances on Idea Quality 75 Students’ Perceptions towards Infographics-Creating Activity 76 Results of Students’ Responses to the Closed-Ended Items 76 Results of Students’ Responses to the Open-Ended Questions 81 The Impact of Infographics-Creating on Idea Development 82 The Impact of Infographics-Creating on Overall English Writing 88 The Affordances of Infographics-Creating on English Writing 91 Difficulties in Creating Infographics for English Writings 94 Summary of the Students’ Perceptions towards Infographics-Creating Activity 96 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 98 Development of the Students’ Performances on Idea Quantity 98 Development of the Students’ Performances on Idea Quality 100 Students’ Perceptions toward Infographics-Creating in the English Writing Classes 103 The Impact of Infographics-Creating on Idea Development 103 The Affordances of Infographics-Creating in English Writing 104 The Difficulties of Infographics-Creating in English Writing 105 Pedagogical Implications and Suggestions 106 Limitations and Future Directions 109 REFERENCES 112 Appendix A Rubrics for Students to Evaluate their Infographics 126 Appendix B Infographics-Creating Worksheet 127 Appendix C Brainstorming Worksheet (Chinese Version) 129 Appendix D Brainstorming Worksheet (English Version) 130 Appendix E Questionnaire on Creating Infographics (Chinese Version) 131 Appendix F Questionnaire on Creating Infographics (English Version) 133 Appendix G Scoring Rubrics for Idea Quality 136 Appendix H Consent Form for the Experimental Group 137 Appendix I Consent Form for the Control Group 138

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