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研究生: 徐啟洋
Hsu Chi-yang
論文名稱: 針對Java monitor的動態測試
Dynamic testing for Java monitor
指導教授: 黃冠寰
Hwang, Gwan-Hwan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 66
中文關鍵詞: 並行程式同步並行測試動態測試同步序列動態有效測試
英文關鍵詞: Concurrent program, Java monitor, Synchronization, Concurrent testing, Dynamic testing, SYN-sequence, Dynamic effective testing
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:136下載:6
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  • 在並行程式中會透過同步機制保護共享資源的存取和進行執行緒間的通訊。在測試並行程式時,我們必須要考慮並行程式的非確定性行為。透過紀錄及控制程式執行的方式,發現並行程式潛在的錯誤。然而對於使用各種同步機制的並行程式而言,同步機制可能使得記錄與控制執行的方式更為複雜,需要更進一步針對各種同步機制的行為進行研究,才能適當地完成測試。Java程式語言中提供了monitor作為主要的同步機制之一。相較於semaphore,monitor提供了更多同步操作,諸如wait及notify等,複雜度較高。除此,誤用monitor可能會造成程式死結,這也是需要透過測試發現的。本篇論文運用dynamic effective testing,對Java monitor進行測試。能夠找出並行程式中死結的發生位置,以及產生並行程式使用Java monitor的所有狀態。在運用時我們需要實做Java monitor的prefix-based replay protocol,並且提出一個演算法濾除不符合Java monitor semantic的race variant。最後我們做了簡化的動作,大幅度的降低程式的測試時間。

    In this thesis, we study how to apply the dynamic effective testing to Java programs which the synchronization mechanism is the Java monitor. Compare with the shared-memory access and shared semaphore based concurrent program, Java monitor based concurrent programs exhibit much more complicated synchronization behavior as the Java monitor contains "wait", "notify", "notify all", and exclusive execution of synchronization methods and a segment of codes. Thus, we need to design new prefix-based replay protocol for Java monitor based concurrent program to conduct dynamic effective testing. We also design an algorithm to make the feasibility check of generated race variants. According to the implementation and experimental results, we demonstrate that we can perform dynamic effective testing on Java monitor based concurrent program to achieve the goal of state-cover testing.

    圖目錄 v 表格目錄 vii 第1章 簡介 8 1.1 Concurrent Testing 9 1.2 Dynamic Testing 9 1.3 Rechability Testing 10 1.4 Java Monitor 11 1.5 Our Solution 15 第2章 相關研究 17 2.1 Random testing 17 2.2 Reachability testing and other systematical methods 18 第3章 Java Monitor的監控重播協定 21 3.1 Prefix-based Replay 21 3.2 The States of a Java Monitor 23 3.3 Protocol of Java monitor for Prefix-based Replay 25 3.3.1 JS Pre-Entry、JS Entry and JS Exit Protocol 26 3.3.2 JS Wait、JS Notify and JS Re-entry Protocol 33 3.4 RW Operation Transformation 44 3.5 RV filter 45 3.6 Time out scheme 49 第4章 Simplified States of a Java Monitor 51 4.1 Simplified States and Operations 51 4.2 Events Compression 54 第5章 實驗結果 56 5.1 Result of Events Compression 56 5.2 Result of Testing 57 第6章 結論和未來工作 62 參考文獻 63

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