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研究生: 林彥佑
Lin, Yan-You
論文名稱: 擺盪於民主與威權之間:混合政體之研究
Waving between democratic regimes and authoritarian regimes:The research on hybrid regimes
指導教授: 陳文政
Chen, Wen-Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 政治學研究所
Graduate Institute of Political Science
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 168
中文關鍵詞: 混合政體自由主義式民主威權政體
英文關鍵詞: hybrid regime, liberal democracy, authoritarian regime
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.GPS.007.2018.F09
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:153下載:33
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  • 隨著冷戰結束,自由主義式民主自此高舉勝利的旗幟,成為世界上主流的政治體制。然而,結合民主與威權特徵的混合政體也伴隨著這波潮流應運而生並逐漸茁壯,且發展至今,甚至有一舉超越民主政體的趨勢。

      針對上述的現象,本文嘗試使用自由之家、POLITY IV與DPI等資料庫的數據形成混合政體的操作性定義,以觀察混合政體在1991年至2015年期間,於全球層次及歐洲地區、美洲地區、亞太地區、中東及北非地區、撒哈拉以南非洲地區、歐亞大陸地區等區域的現況分布與變化趨勢,並應證混合政體於冷戰結束後便大量出現的論述。



    Since the end of the Cold War, liberal democracy has become the most famous political regime in the world. At the same time, however, hybrid regimes that mix autocratic and democratic features have proliferated. To date, it seems to have a tendency that democratic regimes are outnumbered by the hybrid regimes.

    With a view to above phenomenon, this research firstly tries to use data bases of Freedom House, Polity IV and DPI to induct an operational definition of hybrid regime. By observing the distribution and variation of hybrid regimes in Europe, the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa and Eurasia and even at a global level from 1991 to 2015, it justifies the arguments that the number of hybrid regimes has increased since the Cold War.

    Since these numerous hybrid regimes are from democratic and authoritarian regimes, or they have become hybrid regimes before the Cold War, this research is divided into three paths and investigates the causes of forming these paths. These three paths are “maintaining at hybrid regimes in long-term”, “from democratic to hybrid regime” and “from authoritarian to hybrid regime”. In this regard, this research finds that the international environment which is suited for hybrid regimes after the Cold War, in the meanwhile democratic recession and authoritarian resurgence has continued over the last decade, and many rulers manipulate instrumental values of democracy as well. They all provide a good condition for hybrid regimes to be nurtured.

    Facing up to the growing number of hybrid regimes, how to uncover its mask to pretend their authoritarian essences is the urgent task. As a result, in addition to strengthening democracy governance capacity to recover its attractiveness, we should recognize the fact that democratic regime is not just one type of liberal democracy. If non-western democracy could be contained within different countries of various political cultures, it would increase democracy’s flexibility and adaptability and prevent democratic regimes from challenging by hybrid regimes.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節研究動機與研究目的 1 第二節研究途徑與研究方法 3 第三節 研究範圍與研究限制 8 第四節 研究架構與文獻分析 10 第二章 政體界定、分類與評估指標 28 第一節 主要政體之界定:民主、威權、混合 28 第二節 全球政體之分類 42 第三節 政體編碼 48 第三章 混合政體之分布與擺盪 54 第一節 政體的分布與變化概況 54 第二節 長期維持混合政體之路徑 64 第三節 由威權向混合政體遞移之路徑 69 第四節 由民主向混合政體遞移之路徑 76 第四章 混合政體之個案研究 86 第一節 長期維持混合政體—新加坡之個案研究 86 第二節 由威權向混合政體遞移—奈及利亞之個案研究 95 第三節 由民主向混合政體遞移—烏克蘭之個案研究 103 第四節 混合政體個案研究之綜合分析 113 第五章 混合政體對民主化的啟示 115 第一節 混合政體吸引力之分析 115 第二節 混合政體全球化 124 第三節 混合政體崛起的因應之道 132 第六章 結論 141 . 第一節 研究發現 141 第二節 研究建議 146 . 參考文獻 147 一、中文文獻 147 二、英文文獻 150 三、網路資料 159 附錄 164


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