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研究生: 蔡文僑
Tsai, Wen-Chiao
論文名稱: 成為父親的想望與實踐—男同志求子之路與生命歷程探討
The Desire and Practice of Becoming a Father: The Life Course of Gay Men Seeking Parenthood
指導教授: 莊登閔
Chuang, Deng-Min
口試委員: 莊登閔
Chuang, Deng-Min
Wang, Tsen-Yung
Ciwang Teyra
Ciwang Teyra
口試日期: 2024/07/17
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 社會工作學研究所
Graduate Institute of Social Work
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 132
中文關鍵詞: 男同志同志父親生命歷程華人文化代理孕母代孕生殖
英文關鍵詞: Gay, Gay Fathers, Life Course, Chinese Culture, Surrogate Mothers, Surrogacy
研究方法: 主題分析敘事分析深度訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401254
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:40下載:1
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  • 本研究運用生命歷程觀點,探究當代同志父親從個人生命經驗與社會背景交織下所帶來的求子想望與實踐,並聚焦在代理孕母求子的個人經驗再到照顧的家庭經驗。本研究主要透過立意抽樣及滾雪球抽樣招募受訪者,研究透過深度訪談進行,合計與10組同志家庭中的同志父親訪談,其中2組為伴侶共同訪談;受訪者生第一胎的年齡平均為37.8歲,受訪的同志父親分別前往美國、泰國及俄羅斯開啟代孕生殖行動。研究資料先以敘事方式呈現不同時代同志父親求子的生命脈絡,接續再以主題分析方式進行分析。

    This study adopts a life course perspective to explore the desires for and practices of contemporary gay fathers in seeking parenthood, shaped by their personal life experiences and social backgrounds. It focuses on the individual experiences of using surrogate mothers to achieve parenthood and their subsequent family caregiving experiences. The study recruited participants through purposive and snowball sampling methods, conducting in-depth interviews. A total of 10 groups of gay fathers from same-sex families participating. Among these, 2 groups were interviewed jointly with their partners. The average age of respondents giving birth to their first child was 37.8 years old. The gay fathers interviewed pursued surrogacy and reproductive actions in the United States, Thailand, and Russia. The study data were first presented narratively to illustrate the life contexts of gay fathers seeking children in different eras, followed by thematic analysis.
      Research has found that the motivation of gay fathers in seeking parenthood is influenced by Chinese culture in several ways. Firstly, family values shape parental expectations regarding continuation of the family line. Gay fathers, under the influence of filial piety, contribute to the continuation of these values within the family framework. Secondly, societal expectations influence personal desires for parenthood. Gay fathers see establishing a family and having children as a natural progression in life, particularly when they perceive mutual agreement with their stable partners regarding parenthood, thus realizing their personal image of family. Moreover, having the motivation for parenthood alone is insufficient to fulfill the desire to be a parent. It is necessary to have adequate economic support to realize fatherhood through international surrogacy. Given that surrogacy is not legalized in Taiwan, this poses limitations on the possibilities for gay fathers seeking parenthood. The study also discusses the journeys of gay fathers traveling to different countries for surrogacy, highlighting the crucial role of intermediaries. If governments do not regulate intermediaries effectively, it clearly affects the rights and well-being of every prospective parent.
      Same-sex families are an evolving family structure. Research suggests that the government should actively implement the creation of a diverse and friendly social environment. In the context of advancing gender equality, whether it is the current overseas surrogacy or the potential legalization of domestic surrogacy in the future, the government has a responsibility to maintain the welfare of surrogate mothers, intended parents, and children through the expertise of social work. Confronting the highly ethical issues surrounding surrogacy, policy discussions should continue to be broad and should not only address the reproductive aspect but also consider social perspectives. It is crucial to avoid decontextualizing issues and to focus on the parenting needs of different groups in order to realize basic human care from a welfare perspective. Finally, it is hoped that the development of surrogacy in Taiwan will respond to the desires and practices of individuals seeking children, thereby demonstrating true progressive values.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究緣起 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 6 第三節 名詞解釋 7 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 同志父親的生命歷程 9 第二節 華人文化裡的家庭價值觀 20 第三節 代理孕母政策現況 26 第三章 研究方法 35 第一節 研究設計 35 第二節 研究對象 36 第三節 資料分析 39 第四節 研究倫理 41 第四章 研究結果 43 第一節 時代造就我們—同志父親的求子之路 44 第二節 生養孩子的起心動念 53 第三節 生養孩子的實際行動 67 第四節 生養孩子的家庭現場 89 第五章 研究討論與建議 99 第一節 研究討論 99 第二節 研究建議 106 第三節 研究限制 112 第四節 研究者反思 115 參考文獻 117 附錄 127 附錄一 訪談大綱 127 附錄二 研究知情同意書 129

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