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研究生: 林哲生
論文名稱: 非決定性並行程式之動態測試
Dynamic Testing for Nondeterministic Concurrent Programs
指導教授: 黃冠寰
Hwang, Gwan-Hwan
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 131
中文關鍵詞: 並行程式非決定性行為並行測試可達性測試法終止決定訊息傳遞
英文關鍵詞: Concurrent program, Nondeterministic behavior, Concurrent testing, Reachability testing, Termination decision, Message passing
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:129下載:1
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  • 對於並行程式而言,非決定性行為代表即使給予相同的輸入值,在多次執行的過程中仍可能產出不同的執行結果。非決定性行為導因於:並行程式給予相同輸入的多次執行中,內部指令具有多種執行順序。因此如何儘可能地找出所有執行順序、達到完整測試,一直是測試並行程式時的主要課題。然而當程式中具有忙碌等待迴圈而衍生重複進入相同狀態時,程式執行將衍生無窮多種執行順序,造成無法對所有執行順序完整測試。此論文提出一動態測試方法,藉由執行所有可達的狀態與狀態間轉移,充分測試具有迴圈行為的並行程式。相較於驗證並行程式時常用的模型檢驗方法,本文提出的測試方法具有:毋須對受測程式預先靜態分析,並降低與受測程式間的程式語言耦合度等優點。測試過程中僅需分析程式執行後產生的同步行為序記錄,用以分析執行中的競爭行為並限制執行時的狀態走訪情形;因此我們提出的測試方法將更易於根據需求移植至其他程式語言。最後透過實驗數據,我們將實證此種針對具有迴圈行為並行程式的充分測試可被系統化地完成。

    Concurrent programs exhibit nondeterministic behavior in that multiple executions thereof with the same input might produce different sequences of synchronization events and different results. This is because different executions of a concurrent program with the same input may exhibit different interleavings. Thus, one of the major issues in the testing of concurrent programs is how to explore different interleavings or exhaust all the possible interleavings of the target programs. However, for terminating concurrent programs that have cyclic state spaces due to using iterative statements such as busy-waiting loops, they might have an infinite number of feasible synchronization sequences; that is, there is an infinite number of possible interleavings, which makes it impossible to explore all the possible interleavings for this type of concurrent program. To overcome this problem, we propose a testing scheme called dynamic effective testing that can perform state-cover testing for nondeterministic terminating concurrent programs with an infinite number of synchronization sequences. Dynamic effective testing does not require static analysis of the target concurrent program or the assistance of a model checker, and thus is loosely coupled to the syntax of the target concurrent program. It only needs to analyze sequences of synchronization events produced by the execution of the concurrent programs for race detection and state-traversal control. Therefore, the method is easy to port to different programming languages. The implementation and experimental results obtained with real code demonstrate that source-code-level dynamic testing can be systematically performed on nondeterministic concurrent programs with infinite synchronization sequences.

    Table of Contents i List of Figures iii 中文摘要 vi Abstract vii Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Different types of testing for concurrent programs 2 1.2. Model-checking free techniques 4 Chapter 2. Related Works 10 2.1. Reachability testing 11 2.2. CHESS and dynamic partial order reduction 13 Chapter 3. Problems in Concurrent Testing 15 3.1. The termination problem 15 4.1. Boundless state reiteration problem 17 Chapter 4. Dynamic Termination Decision 24 4.1. Termination-dependency relationship 24 4.2. Without considering the termination-dependency relationship 26 4.3. With considering the termination-dependency relationship 29 Chapter 5. Effective Test Set and Dynamic Effective Testing 42 5.1. The execution state and effective test set 42 5.2. The framework for dynamic effective testing 46 5.3. Transformation of SYN-sequences to implement dynamic effective testing 47 5.4. Implementation of transformation function  based on the partial ordering of synchronization events 65 5.4.1. The information required about synchronization events for dynamic effective testing 65 5.4.2. Deriving a unique totally ordered sequence of execution states from a SYN-sequence 69 5.5. Event compression for busy-waiting loops 75 5.6. Derivation of A Simplified Reachable State Graph 79 Chapter 6. Extension for Single-Port-Multiple-Receivers Message-Passing Concurrent Programs 85 6.1. The shortcoming of traditional race-table algorithm 86 6.2. The proposed solution 88 6.3. A Running Example 91 6.4. The correctness of the proposed scheme 93 Chapter 7. Implementation and experimental results 102 7.1. Experimental results of dynamic termination decision 102 7.2. Experimental results of dynamic effective testing 103 Chapter 8. Conclusions and future work 110 References 112 Appendix A 120 Appendix B 122

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