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研究生: 曾禮珍
論文名稱: 「圖書教師」對國小圖書館經營推動及閱讀態度影響之研究
The Effect of Teacher Librarian for Library Operations and Reading Attitude in Elementary Schools
指導教授: 陳昭珍
Chen, Chao-Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖書資訊學研究所
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 153
中文關鍵詞: 圖書教師圖書館閱讀推動閱讀態度
英文關鍵詞: teacher librarian, library, reading promotion, reading attitude
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205633
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:164下載:52
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  • 面對瞬息萬變的新世代,唯有透過閱讀可以在最短的時間吸取別人研究的成果,進而轉化成為對個人有用的知識,所以政府機關與民間單位紛紛投入閱讀推動,以培養國人閱讀力。閱讀應從小開始,而校園環境則是推廣閱讀的最佳場所,期能透過學校的力量,讓閱讀紮根在學童的日常生活中。

    本研究試圖從全國性的層面去探討圖書教師(Teacher Librarian)制度對於學校圖書館經營與閱讀推動是否有正向的幫助,以及學校是否設置圖書教師,對圖書館經營與閱讀推動是否有所差異。以期未來落實全國各國民小學圖書館皆有專職「圖書教師」一職,並對於閱讀紮根有所助益,以提升全國閱讀競爭力。



    Facing to this new generation without constancy, people can learn achievements of researches only through reading, and can transform these results to their own knowledge. In consequence, the government and non-governmental organizations join activities to promote the reading to facilitate the reading habit of domestic citizens. The habit should be developed in childhood, and the best place to promote it is school. The reading habit can be rooted in the daily lives of students through the influence made by school.

    This study tried to investigate whether the policy of teacher librarian has positive effects on the operation of school libraries as well as on promotion of the reading habit in the whole country. The difference on whether having teacher librarian in schools or not was investigated. It is hoping that, in the future, every elementary school library has its own teacher librarians to promote the reading habit.

    The conclusions are: 1) the teacher librarian affects significantly on operation of libraries (for example, expanding collections, cataloging, borrowing and returning books, and training of volunteers), education of using library, supporting the course to promote reading, cooperating with teachers and joining design of courses, integrating resources of schools, parents, communities, and planning multiphase reading projects; 2) the reading attitudes are different significantly between schools having teacher librarians and those not having; 3) except for the years of service of the person in charge, the location of school, the position of person in charge, the size of school, the year that school files teacher librarians, annual budgets of school libraries, and open hours per week affect significantly the operation of school libraries and also the promotion of the reading habit.

    The suggestions are: 1) having teacher librarians in all elementary schools in the whole country is suggested since there is significant enhancement for having them; 2) Specialized teacher librarians are required because they can greatly upgrade the operation of libraries and can promote the reading habit; 3) excellent library collections and promotion of the reading habit are the sources to trigger and maintain the reading habit of students. Annual budgets for buying books and executing activities of promotion are necessary; 4) the size of school affects the promotion done by teacher librarians. The seed teachers should be developed for the mid-to-large schools; 5) libraries can support teachers by providing collections and cooperation on helping students using libraries; 6) All school employs, parents, and students should join the activity of reading together to strengthen and maintain the developed effects.

    摘要..................................................i Abstract...........................................iii 目次..................................................v 表次................................................vii 圖次.................................................ix 第一章 緒論..........................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機..................................1 第二節 研究目的與問題..................................5 第三節 研究範圍與限制..................................7 第四節 名詞解釋.......................................8 第二章 文獻探討......................................11 第一節 國內外學校圖書館之定義、功能任務與經營管理..........11 第二節 國內外學校圖書教師之角色與認知....................17 第三節 國小閱讀推廣活動的現況探討.......................25 第三章 研究設計與實施.................................37 第一節 研究架構及研究假設..............................37 第二節 研究實施流程...................................40 第三節 研究方法及研究對象..............................41 第四節 研究工具......................................43 第五節 研究實施程序...................................50 第六節 資料處理與統計分析..............................61 第四章 研究結果與分析.................................63 第一節 學校圖書館經營、閱讀推動及閱讀態度情況與差異分析.....63 第二節 個人背景變項對學校圖書館經營與閱讀推動情況與差異分析..78 第三節 學校環境變項對圖書館經營與閱讀推動情況與差異分析.....87 第四節 綜合討論......................................99 第五章 結論與建議....................................109 第一節 結論.........................................109 第二節 研究建議......................................117 參考文獻..............................................121 附錄一 專家效度問卷....................................127 附錄二 專家審查意見....................................138 附錄三 正式問卷........................................150

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