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研究生: 潘怡伶
Pan, Yi-ling
論文名稱: 科學分析優化文物修護之研究—以呂鐵州「後庭」膠彩畫為例
Conservation of Cultural Relics Optimized by Scientific Analysis — Lu Tieh-Chou’s Eastern Gouache Painting Backyard Example
指導教授: 張元鳳
Chang, Yuan-Feng
Chang, Wei-Tun
口試委員: 蘇憲法
Su, Hsien-fa
Li, Kuang-ti
Lin, Cheng-huang
Chang, Yuan-Feng
Chang, Wei-Tun
口試日期: 2023/01/16
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 201
中文關鍵詞: 文物保存修護呂鐵州膠彩保存科學屏風
英文關鍵詞: Cultural heritage conservation, Lu Tieh-Chou, Eastern Gouache Painting, Conservation Science, Folding screen
研究方法: 實驗設計法調查研究個案研究法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300157
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:83下載:21
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  • 《後庭》(1931,原名《蜀葵與雞》)是日治時期膠彩畫家呂鐵州(1899–1942)之代表作。該作呈現當時台灣畫家受西方寫實主義影響的寫生繪畫風格,並大量使用日本傳統「盛上技法」繪製而成。這種利用顏料逐層堆高成半浮雕的效果,乃膠彩繪畫中極具高難度的技法,因而使該作更顯彌足珍貴。《後庭》大約在20年前曾經修護,但修護後卻發現盛上技法區域的顏料層仍嚴重龜裂,亟需再次進行整體修護以便妥適保存。面對獨具時代背景卻又嚴重受損的珍貴作品,若未先理解劣化的根源,便無法提出適當的修護保存策略。對承接修護的單位而言,能否自評為具有受理該案修護的適格能力與對作品的風險評估上確實是一大挑戰。因此,為建立嚴謹的評估模式,本研究首開國內先例,在受理修護前先進行相關科學分析與試驗評估,獲得關鍵結論後再正式受理修護委託。

    Backyard (1931, originally titled Hollyhock and Chicken) is the masterpiece of Lu Tieh-chou, an Eastern Gouache artist from Japanese Colonial Period in Taiwan. The painting is representative of the Western-influenced realistic-style painting of contemporary Taiwanese artists at that time and employs extensive use of the traditional Japanese painting technique, moriage. This technique in which multiple layers of paint are built up to produce a realistic and relief-like surface is difficult to carry out in Eastern Gouache paintings, which makes this painting especially precious. Backyard had undergone conservation treatment twenty years ago, but it was discovered that the moriage on Backyard suffered from serious cracks afterwards and was in urgent need of another conservation treatment for long-term preservation. Considering the unique historic significance and severe damages on this precious work of art, it is impossible to propose an appropriate preservation strategy without a thorough understanding the origin of the damage. For the conservation team, determining whether they hare capable to carry out the treatment and assess the amount of risk that would bring to the work of art was a big challenge. Therefore, to establish a rigorous assessment process, this study began with scientific analysis and experimentation prior to conservation treatment — the first methodology without precedint in Taiwan — and after the key conclusions were formulate, the conservation treatment project was approved to execute.
    This reserch started with the “Analytical Study of Pigments Layer Consolidation” project focusing on analytical testings of key consolidants including: (1) developing the sample preparation technique separating binder and pigment; (2) using Micro-FTIR in combination with EA-IRMS to determine the binder used in Backyard which has the characteristic closer to gum arabic used in Western watercolors; (3) using a simulation experiment investigate the correlation between paint cracking and binder, and developing an appropriate treatment proposal. After this project was officially commissioned, non-destructive analysis was employed to explicate physical characteristics and traces of previous conservation treatment. First, normal light photography was used to confirm that the previous treatment had changed the mounting style and to identify areas of overpaint; transmitted light and UV-induced visible fluorescence photography revealed that Lu Tieh-chou joined different types of paper together to form the painting's primary support, causing it to be uneven in thickness and resulting in cracks and tears on this primary support. IR (860 nm) imaging and XRF analysis were used to identify pigments that aids the choice of solvents and consolidants used for treatment. Based on the results of the scientific and non-destructive analysis, a conservation methodology was developed. This included firstly providing a stable base layer and mounting support, and secondly consolidating and reinforcing cracks on the paint layer so that the painting could return to its original appearance and stable form.
    During treatment, the removal of five layers of backing paper from the back of the painting revealed two major damages caused by improper previous treatment: (1) the combination of using Chinese short-fibered xuan paper and weak paste resulted in delaminated pockets in the mounting papers that did not sufficiently support the artwork and caused the primary support to separate from the paint layer; (2)due to the lack of aids by scientific testing, the previous conservators misjudged the paper layers resulting in skinning of the primary support which caused the unevenness of the paper thickness to be even more severe. In summary, the cause of cracking on the paint layer is due to the interaction of aging of the original paint layer, the structural complexity of the artwork's layers, and inappropriate conservation treatments.
    The materials and techniques of the conservation treatment of this study were customized and based upon the needs of the work of art. The goals were not only to better joint the cracks on the primary support and to provide a strength and protective support, but also combine simulation experiment results with oil painting conservation techniques for moderating the deformations of paint layer and to return misaligned paint layers. Finally, in accordance with "aesthetics of cultural heritage conservation" and recapturing the nearly lost techniques and arts of Japanese-style mounting in Taiwan, the treatment of Backyard revealed its original Japanese folding screen format, resolved the issue of misalignment at the center of the painting, and highlighted its original beauty and historic characteristics. To summarize, this study established a set of scientifically optimized cultural heritage conservation models that were problem solving-oriented particularly for the safety of cultural objects. Throught the Pre-treatment investigation, analysis and testing, and the combination of the foundation of factual evidence obtained through scientific analysis, and technical conservation skills, and appropriate conservation proposal could be formulated. This study provides a novel conservation methodology for future conservation practice and preservation science.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究架構 5 第三節 膠彩畫之特色與材料介紹 8 第四節 呂鐵州的創作風格 17 第五節 研究範圍 25 第六節 名詞釋義 26 第貳章 修護前的分析試驗與評估 29 第一節 作品描述與可能劣化原因 30 第二節 展色劑分析 48 第三節 展色劑模擬試驗 64 第四節 顏料層較適化條件的擬定 76 第五節 結論 84 第參章 檢視登錄的非破壞性分析 87 第一節 結構層特徵的分析 88 第二節 顏料材質的分析 104 第三節 結論 115 第肆章 修護策略與執行 119 第一節 修護策略擬定 119 第二節 修護技法與步驟 125 第三節 修護前後對照與可辨識性全色 149 第四節 結論 153 第伍章 修護美學與穩定保存的適化裝裱 155 第一節 日式屏風的結構優勢 156 第二節 屏風施作步驟 160 第三節 結論 179 第陸章 總結 181 參考文獻 185 附錄:XRF圖譜 189

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