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研究生: 吳明達
Wu, Ming-Ta
論文名稱: 應用字彙能力測驗之驗證研究
A Validation Study of a Productive Vocabulary Knowledge Test
指導教授: 曾文鐽
Tseng, Wen-Ta
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 73
中文關鍵詞: 字彙深度測驗驗證部分得分模式單字長度單字難度拼字知識
英文關鍵詞: vocabulary depth, test validation, partial credit model, word length, word difficulty, orthographic knowledge
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204647
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:106下載:3
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  • 本研究旨在根據教育部公佈的基本1,200個字彙發展並驗證一個可用於測量國中生英語拼字知識的應用字彙能力測驗。本測驗採用多元計分方式來評鑑英語學習者的拼字能力,本研究更試圖去探究單字長度與單字難度之間的關係。受試者來自台北市都會區的一所國中共2,149人。資料分析使用部分得分模式(partial credit model),研究結果顯示該應用字彙能力測驗所提供的測量結果適切,具有效度與信度(Rasch受試者信度 = .96)。雖然整體上該測驗對受試者的程度而言稍嫌簡單,不過試題仍然涵蓋了大部分受試者的能力水平。
    本研究的發現指出單字長度與單字的困難度有中低度相關(r = .38),不過,此相關度隨者單字長度縮短而減弱。經由分析高難度單字的拼字錯誤,結果顯示拼字難度可能與字音一致性及跨語言轉移現象密不可分。

    The present study aims to develop and validate a productive vocabulary knowledge test (PVKT) for measuring junior high school English learners’ orthographic knowledge for productive use based on the Basic 1,200 Word List published by Ministry of Education. A partial credit scoring procedure was adopted to evaluate the spelling proficiency of the English learners. The study further attempts to explore the relationship between word length and word difficulty. A total of 2,149 students from a junior high school in the metropolitan area of Taipei, Taiwan, participated in the study. The partial credit model (PCM) was used to analyze the data. The results revealed that the PVKT was valid and reliable (Rasch person reliability = .96) in providing an appropriate measurement. Further, the test was generally slightly easier for the participants while the items still cover the major range of the participants’ ability level.
    The findings of this study suggest that word length is moderately correlated (r = .38) with word difficulty; however, the correlations weaken as word length shortens. Indications that spelling difficulty could also reside in issues of letter-sound correspondence and cross-lingual transfer were found in error analysis of the spelling of the most difficult words.

    LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES vi CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Background and Motivation 1 Research Questions 5 Significance of the Study 6 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 7 Aspects of Vocabulary Knowledge 7 Receptive vs. Productive 7 Breadth vs. Depth 9 Partial-Precise Knowledge 14 Vocabulary Measurement 17 Tests to Assess Productive Vocabulary Knowledge 17 Criteria for a Good Vocabulary Test 20 Measurement Theories 28 Classical Test Theory 28 Item Response Theory 29 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 38 The Productive Vocabulary Knowledge Test 38 Test Administration 39 Follow-up Interviews 41 Data Analysis 41 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS 44 Dimensionality 44 Rasch Reliability Indices 45 Model-data Fit Statistics 46 The Distribution of Person Ability and Item Difficulty 48 Relationship between Word Difficulty and Word Length 50 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION 53 Overview of the Study 53 Test Quality 53 Validity and Reliability 53 Other Aspects of Test Quality 54 Relationship between Word Difficulty and Word Length 58 CHAPTER SIX CONCLUSION 62 Summary of Major Findings 62 Implications 63 Limitations of the Study 64 Suggestions for Future Research 64 REFERENCES 66 APPENDIX: Answer Key 73

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