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研究生: 林芳怡
Lin, Fang-I
論文名稱: 醫務社工在器官捐贈的家屬工作經驗
Working with Family on Organ Donation: The Experience of Medical Social Workers
指導教授: 沈慶盈
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 社會工作學研究所
Graduate Institute of Social Work
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 153
中文關鍵詞: 器官捐贈器官勸募醫務社工意願徵詢
英文關鍵詞: organ donation, organ procurement, medical social worker, willingness consultation
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.GSW.005.2018.F04
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:196下載:57
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  • 本研究旨在瞭解醫務社工在器官捐贈過程中與家屬工作的歷程,以建構出醫務社工對於器官捐贈工作的主觀經驗,並分析醫務社工在器官捐贈過程中遭遇困境及解決策略,以累積實務工作方法,另透過器官捐贈實務工作方法的統整分析,提供未來器官捐贈的工作參考,期能提升更好的照顧及服務品質。本研究邀請12位曾經或目前從事器官捐贈工作的醫務社會工作者,以質性研究方法來探討醫務社工在器官捐贈過程中與家屬的工作經驗。

    The purpose of this study is to understand the course of medical social workers in working with family members in the process of organ donation to construct the medical social workers’ subjective experience in organ donation and analyze the struggles faced by the medical social workers in the process of organ donation and solutions in order to accumulate practical work methods. In addition, through integration and analysis of practical work methods of organ donation, this study provides reference for future organ donation work, hoping to enhance care and service quality. This study, adopting a qualitative method, invited 12 medical social workers who had been engaged in or are engaged in organ donation to discuss their working experience with family members during the process of organ donation.
    The results showed that medical social workers tend to carry out organ donation with family members by willingness consultation instead of organ procurement. The main work target is grief counseling supplemented by organ procurement. Family members need continuous company and care, clear medical explanation and information related to organ donation, and follow-up care is essential. The dilemmas and challenges faced by medical social workers came from hospitals or medical treatment process, social workers themselves and family members of donors. Solutions were proposed in this study. Finally, the author identified limitations to the study and made some suggestions on institutional level, social work practices and future research.

    摘要 iii Abstract iv 目錄 v 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 器官捐贈發展狀況 7 第二節 器官捐贈抉擇與捐贈者家屬需求 13 第三節 醫務社會工作與器官捐贈 28 第三章 研究方法 45 第一節 研究對象 45 第二節 測量工具 48 第三節 資料分析方法及研究嚴謹性 49 第四節 研究倫理 51 第四章 研究發現與分析 52 第一節 器官捐贈與我 52 第二節 器官勸募階段:叫我如何開口 71 第三節 器官移植階段:他(她)雖死猶生 95 第四節 追蹤關懷階段:您過得可好 106 第五節 未來展望與期待 113 第五章 研究結論、討論與建議 123 第一節 研究結論 123 第二節 研究討論 130 第三節 研究建議與限制 135 參考文獻 140 附件一 150 附件二 151 附件三 153

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