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研究生: 劉安晏
Liu, An-Yen
論文名稱: 《六人行》將會在那裡陪你:臺灣美劇迷們的重複觀看/收聽與跨國文化想像
Friends Will Be There For You: Re-watching/Re-listening and the Transnational Cultural Imagination of Fans in Taiwan
指導教授: 胡綺珍
Hu, Kelly
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 大眾傳播研究所
Graduate Institute of Mass Communication
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 134
中文關鍵詞: 美國情境喜劇迷重複觀看重複收聽跨國文化想像象徵性朝聖擬社會關係陪伴感歸屬感家的安居感移動的家
英文關鍵詞: American Sitcom Fans, Re-watching, Re-listening, Transnational Cultural Imagination, Symbolic Pilgrimage, Parasocial Relationship, Sense of Companionship, Sense of Belonging, Sense of Home, Mobile Heimat
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001384
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:236下載:33
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  • 《六人行》(Friends)是一部於90年代誕生的美國情境喜劇。在該劇播映的十年間,不僅是在美國吸引著數百萬個閱聽人觀看,更是在全球超過一百多個國家播映,吸引著全球觀眾共賞。在《六人行》於2004年5月6日完播時,對迷而言,不只是結束10季236集的觀影經驗,更是象徵一個時代的結束。但《六人行》並沒有因此從迷們的心中消失,事實上,即使是距《六人行》播畢超過十五個年頭的今日,在臺灣仍還是有一群不斷重複觀看/收聽該劇的迷。而本研究所關懷的是,在現今身處於網路無所不在的螢幕與流動的全球文化下,持續召喚臺灣迷們不斷重複觀看/收聽《六人行》的原因,且臺灣迷們在這之中產生何種的跨國文化想像,以及前往迷地方觀光朝聖的可能。

    本研究透過深度訪談法,與十五位生長於臺灣且至今仍是不斷重複觀看/收聽《六人行》的迷們,在臺北一間依照劇中中央公園咖啡館場景(Central Perk)而打造出的咖啡館對談。其中,受訪者的觀看年資介於五至二十五年,每位受訪者重複觀看/收聽的次數至少有三次以上,部份的受訪者重複觀看/收聽超過一百次,而大多受訪者重複觀看/收聽的次數落在十至二十次之間。


    Friends is an American situation comedy born in the 1990s. During its ten-year run, Friends aired in over one hundred countries, attracting not only millions of viewers in the U.S. each week but also audiences around the world. The series finale was broadcasted on May 6, 2004. For its fans, it marked the end of the watching experience of 10 seasons, with 236 episodes. Moreover, it represented the end of an era. Although Friends ended, it continues to live on in fans’ hearts. In fact, nowadays some fans in Taiwan still watch/listen to it repeatedly. In a world constructed by ubiquitous internet, screen culture and cultural globalization, this research discusses the reasons why many fans in Taiwan have been re-watching/re-listening to Friends, the kind of transnational cultural imagination they have formed, and their willingness of visiting fan places.

    This research conducts in-depth interviews with 15 participants, who were born and raised in Taiwan and have been watching/listening to Friends constantly and repeatedly. The interviews took place in a cafe in Taipei, which is a replica of the iconic Central Perk coffee shop in the series. The interviewees have been watching/listening to Friends for 5 to 25 years. All interviewees have watched the show over three times. Most of them have watched it over ten times, with some of them having watched it over one-hundred times.

    This research discovers that the major reason for these fans to re-watch/re-listen to this show repeatedly is the sense of belonging and companionship Friends has brought, and the parasocial relationships they have developed with the characters of Friends. New technologies, such as mobile devices, streaming platforms and social media, allow fans to carry this “home feeling” with them. This, in a way, deconstructs fans’ daily lives, and then through re-watching/re-listening to Friends, they can seek connections with the show and the characters. They also use social media to follow any news or information related to this show to maintain their feelings towards it. Their individual boundaries have become blurred and dynamic, and the continuous act of watching is not about pursuing a rational individual identity. Watching/listening to Friends anytime, anywhere has become a symbolic pilgrimage to acquire a sense of companionship and a journey of homecoming, in search of a sense of safety, stability and emotional warmth.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節、研究緣起 1 第二節、《六人行》在臺的播映脈絡 10 第三節、研究者位置 15 第二章 文獻回顧 18 第一節、美國情境喜劇的發展脈絡 18 第二節、從閱聽人到迷 23 一、電視喜劇的觀看 24 二、跨國閱聽人 25 三、臺灣的跨國閱聽人 28 四、電視劇迷 30 第三節、再看一次吧! 34 一、電視的重播 34 二、閱聽人的重複觀看 36 第三章 研究方法 39 第一節、研究問題 39 第二節、研究方法與策略 41 第三節、研究對象的界定與施作流程 42 第四章 《六人行》的重複觀看/收聽 49 第一節、新傳播科技下的重複觀看/收聽 49 一、電視世代與網路世代 49 二、重複觀看/收聽《六人行》 56 第二節、《六人行》是我們的「家」 60 一、《六人行》的懷舊感 60 二、作為一個讓人感到舒適的電視節目 61 三、總會在那裡陪你 66 第五章 《六人行》的跨國文化想像與實踐 74 第一節、跨國文化想像 74 一、不存在的美國夢 74 二、對美國90年代都會生活風格的想像 76 三、美式英語的學習 78 四、協商式閱讀 79 第二節、我們是如此著迷 85 一、迷的認同與區辨 85 二、迷的宣示性生產 88 三、前往迷地方 90 第六章 結論 99 第一節、研究發現與討論 99 第二節、研究限制 103 參考文獻 104 附錄一 訪談大綱 120 附錄二 研究參與者訪談同意書 123 附錄三 《六人行》集數表 124

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