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研究生: 何汶燦
He, Wun-Can
論文名稱: 新創水產加工食品品牌之識別設計創作研究-以雲林口湖烏魚子產業為例
Research on Identification Design and Creation of Newly Created Aquatic Processed Food Brands - A Case Study of Yunlin Kouhu Mullet Roe Industry
指導教授: 王千睿
Wang, Chien-Jui
口試委員: 王千睿
Wang, Chien-Jui
Liu, Chien-Cheng
Lee, Yi-hsun
口試日期: 2022/07/20
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 239
中文關鍵詞: 烏魚子新創品牌品牌識別
英文關鍵詞: mullet roe, new brand, brand identity
研究方法: 個案研究法紮根理論法半結構式訪談法問卷調查法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201274
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:52下載:6
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  • 烏魚產業的發展在臺灣多年,不僅創造了高經濟價值更具有文化價值,鑒於現今國際產業的發展趨勢,烏魚產業也在面臨全球化的情況下,消費者在選擇時開始注重品牌,亦此,如何建立新創品牌,並有效維持,以增加產業競爭力的重要性日趨漸增,而臺灣烏魚子的經濟價值主要來自日本觀光客作為長期銷售目標,然而臺灣卻沒有品牌將針對日本消費族群作為市場定位。本研究藉由品牌識別研究發展品牌獨特性的方式,為尋求水產加工食品產業在成立新創品牌時,其品牌識別在設計方向上能夠依據之參考元素,先以案例分析法釐清現有品牌之定位與設計方向,再以符號學、色彩學與藝術社會學分別對品牌識別進行關聯性分析,並藉由問卷調查瞭解大眾對於烏魚子品牌識別之觀感,同時以半結構式訪談分別從產、官、學三個不同面向驗證案例分析及問卷調查之結果。研究結果發現烏魚子產業對於品牌的建立還未重視,且品牌定位的差異性小,而符號學、色彩學與藝術社會學皆會對品牌識別有顯著之影響,且明確的品牌定位與品牌識別是對烏魚子產業有幫助的,在烏魚子購買意圖上,自用大於送禮,市售品牌皆針對送禮用途進行規劃,鮮少有品牌針對自用用途進行規劃,因此本研究以上述為主要設計概念進行創作,並將研究結果應用於雲林口湖烏魚子產業進行品牌識別設計創作。

    Mullet industry has developed in Taiwan for many years. It creates not only high economic value but also cultural value. As the current development trend of international industry, mullet industry also faces the situation of globalization. Consumers begin to pay attention for brands when choosing. Therefore, how to establish and effectively maintain new brands to increase the competitiveness of the industry is increasingly important. The economic value of Taiwan mullet roe is mainly for Japanese tourists as a long-term sales target. However, there are no Taiwanese brands targeting Japanese consumers. This study develops brand uniqueness through the research of brand identity. In order to find out the reference elements of brand identification in the design direction of aquatic processed food industry, there are some specific steps below to set the following items clearly. First, the case study is used to clarify the positioning and design direction of existing brands. Then, the related analysis of brand identification is carried out by semiotics, colorology and art sociology. The questionnaire survey shows the perception of the public for mullet roe brand recognition clearly. At the same time, semi-structured interviews were conducted to verify the results of case analysis and questionnaire survey from three different perspectives: industry, official and academic. The results show that mullet roe industry has not paid much attention to the establishment of brand. Besides, the difference of brand positioning is small. Semiotics, colorology and sociology of art all have significant influence on brand identity. In addition, clear brand positioning and brand identification are helpful to mullet roe industry. In terms of the purchasing intention of mullet roe, the number of consumers, self-user is greater than gift-giving. The brands on the market are designed for the purpose, gift-giving. However, few brands plan for the consumers’ own use. Therefore, this research takes the above as the main design concept to create. The research results were applied to the brand recognition design of mullet roe industry in Yunlin Kouhu.

    第壹章 緒論 1 一、研究背景與動機 1 二、研究目的 2 三、研究範圍與限制 3 四、研究流程 4 第貳章 文獻探討 7 一、新創品牌的研究概況 7 二、新創品牌識別設計之理論及策略 29 三、水產加工食品 34 四、新創品牌之相關案例分析 46 五、小結 55 第參章 研究方法 57 一、研究流程與架構 57 二、研究量表發展 60 三、研究對象 74 四、個案研究 76 五、問卷調查 96 六、半結構式訪談 108 七、烏魚子產業戰略分析 117 八、小結 121 第肆章 創作結果解析 125 一、品牌核心價值 125 二、品牌命名 125 三、品牌標誌與標準字設計 127 四、標誌應用 144 五、品牌行銷與通路設計 162 第伍章、結論與建議 181 一、結論 181 二、建議 184 參考資料 187 附錄 207

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