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研究生: 王承安
Wang, Cheng-An
論文名稱: 虛實通路整合對消費體驗與顧客保留之影響–以Nike Taiwan為例
The Impact of Integration of Virtual and Physical Channels on Consumption Experience and Customer Retention–A Case Study of Nike Taiwan
指導教授: 張少熙
Chang, Shao-Hsi
口試委員: 王俊人
Wang, Jun-Ren
Wang, Shih-Ju
Chang, Shao-Hsi
口試日期: 2023/06/07
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 130
中文關鍵詞: 體驗式行銷再購意願運動品牌O2O
英文關鍵詞: O2O, Experiential Marketing, Repurchase Intention, Sports Brand
研究方法: 問卷調查法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300835
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:423下載:21
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  • 近年來消費者越來越習慣跨通路進行購物,並期望能獲得無縫的購物體驗,因此越來越多的企業開始採取虛實通路整合的商業模式,藉此來刺激消費體驗並提升顧客保留。然而許多大型運動休閒品牌也是上述企業之一,因此本研究以Nike Taiwan作為研究案例。研究目的:(ㄧ) 瞭解Nike Taiwan虛實通路整合之消費者人口特性。(二) 探討不同人口統計變項在虛實通路整合、消費體驗與顧客保留之差異。(三) 分析Nike Taiwan虛實通路整合、消費體驗與顧客保留之影響情形。研究方法以問卷調查法,並以便利抽樣方式,共回收553份問卷,有效問卷為428份,問卷有效率達77%。研究結果顯示:(ㄧ) 消費者人口特性為女性、21~30歲、學生、大專院校學歷、每月可支配所得在20000元以下,並以外觀設計作為購買Nike產品的主要因素。(二) 具有研究所學歷在情感體驗優於大專院校學歷,而具有大專院校學歷在情感體驗優於高中職學歷,以及女性在感官體驗優於男性。(三) Nike Taiwan虛實通路整合對消費體驗和消費體驗對顧客保留皆有正面影響,且消費體驗在Nike Taiwan虛實通路整對顧客保留之間具有中介效果。故本研究建議Nike Taiwan或相關企業未來可以持續增加官方通路與概念店的數量,並擴增不同線上管道,以深化實體與虛擬通路的結合,同時嵌入創新科技於O2O商業模式中並增強促銷力道,為品牌創造更好營收表現。

    In recent years, customers had become more accustomed to cross-channel shopping behaviors and expected seamless shopping experiences. As a result, many businesses, including major sports brands, had started adopting an integrated online and offline business model to enhanced the consumption experience and retained customers. This study focused on Nike Taiwan as a research case. The objectives of the study were as follows :(1) To understood the demographic characteristics of customers who engaged in Nike Taiwan's integrated online and offline channels. (2) To explored the differences in integrated channel usage, consumption experience, and customer retention based on different demographic variables. (3) To analyzed the influence among Nike Taiwan's integrated channel usage, consumption experience, and customer retention. The research methodology employed a questionnaire survey approach using convenience sampling. A total of 553 questionnaires were collected, and 428 of them were deemed valid, resulting in a valid response rate of 77%. The research findings indicated the following :(1) The customer demographic characteristics included female, ages 21-30, students, tertiary education, and a monthly disposable income below NT20,000. The primary factor driving the purchase of Nike products was product appearance. (2) Individuals with postgraduate education had higher emotional experiences than tertiary education, and individuals with tertiary education had higher emotional experiences than high school education. Additionally, females outperformed males in sensory experiences. (3) Nike Taiwan's integrated online and offline channels had a positive impact on consumption experiences and, in turn, consumption experiences positively affected customer retention, and consumption experiences mediated the relationship between Nike Taiwan's integrated online and offline channels and customer retention. Therefore, this study suggested that Nike Taiwan or related companies should continued to increase the number of official channels and concept stores in the future. Additionally, they should expanded different online channels to deepened the integration of physical and virtual channels. It was also recommendations to incorporated innovative technologies into the O2O (Online-to-Offline) business model and strengthened promotional efforts to enhanced revenue performance.

    第壹章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景與動機1 第二節 研究目的3 第三節 研究範圍與限制4 第四節 研究重要性5 第五節 名詞操作性定義6 第貳章 文獻探討7 第一節 S-O-R理論之應用7 第二節 行銷通路之意涵10 第三節 虛實通路整合對消費體驗之影響16 第四節 虛實通路整合對顧客保留之作用35 第五節 消費體驗對顧客保留之反應37 第六節 Nike行銷通路之發展現況38 第七節 本章總結43 第參章 研究方法45 第一節 研究架構45 第二節 研究流程46 第三節 研究對象48 第四節 研究工具49 第五節 實施步驟與程序53 第六節 資料處理與分析55 第肆章 研究結果與討論57 第一節 問卷預試分析57 第二節 消費者人口背景特性分析67 第三節 不同人口背景特性之差異性分析70 第四節 Nike Taiwan虛實通路整合、消費體驗和顧客保留之相關情形81 第五節 Nike Taiwan虛實通路整合、消費體驗和顧客保留之影響83 第六節 本章總結98 第伍章 結論與建議100 第一節 結論100 第二節 建議102 參考文獻105 附錄125

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