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研究生: 戴莉
Tai Li
論文名稱: 鄂霍次克海深海沈積物鐵錳相的鉬含量與鉬同位素之初步探討
Preliminary Study for Molybdenum Concentration and Isotope Composition of Sedimentary Fe-Mn Oxyhydroxides in a Deep-Sea Core from the Okhotsk Sea.
指導教授: 余英芬
Yu, Ein-Fen
Lee, Der-Chuen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 海洋環境科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Marine Environmental Science and Technology
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 41
中文關鍵詞: 鄂霍次克海鐵錳萃取相鉬元素鉬同位素變動
英文關鍵詞: The Okhotsk Sea, Sedimentary Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides, Molybdenum, Molybdenum isotopic composition
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:358下載:2
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經前人研究得知海洋中鉬同位素的變動可受到來源、氧化還原環境及成岩作用的影響。萃取沈積物鐵錳相可排除陸源影響,反應海水環境的訊號。研究得知在自生鐵錳氧化物吸附下的氧化鉬之鉬同位素δ98/95Mo =–0.7‰;還原環境下硫化鉬之鉬同位素為δ98/95Mo =2.3‰。另外,在已知的研究發現早期成岩作用中鉬同位素的變動範圍為δ98/95Mo =–0.7~3.5‰。而本論文工作結果顯示MD012414之鉬含量為15.7ppb~162.8ppb,鉬同位素值為–0.99~–3.12‰;此些結果與前人研究比較,都顯示本論文工作的鉬同位素值偏輕,因此認為除了反應成岩作用及氧化環境外,鄂霍次克海之鉬含量的變動與同位素分化的機制當需進一步的探討。

Recent developments in analytical technique, particularly the advantages of Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS), have allowed the precise determination of differences in the isotope compositions of Mo between samples and reference standards. Previously studies about Mo concentration and isotope composition included water samples from lake, river, estuary, open ocean and restricted basins. Other studies such as Mo concentration and isotope of manganese nodules, pelagic sediments, igneous rock, fluids of hydrothermal vent and glacials are also reported as well. However, about Mo and δ98/95Mo of a marginal sea like the Okhotsk Sea has yet been studied. The sea of Okhotsk is a marginal sea of the northwest Pacific Ocean, it accompanies with terrigenous and open ocean signals. This thesis study is hoped to add more understanding about the geochemistry of molybdenum and its isotope fractionation in the marginal sea.
The experiments included a sequential leaching technique to extract the authigenic molybdenum coating on the sedimentary Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides, and a robust chromatography technique to purify molybdenum for isotope composition analyses. This procedure is different from previous studies which apply whole bulk sediment for Mo concentration and isotope analyses. In addition, the double spike technique is used to analyze Mo isotope compositions.
Previous studies have shown that materials sources, redox conditions and early diagenesis largely influence Mo isotopic compositions. Under oxic condition, molybdate (MoO3) coating with authigenic ferromanganese crusts shows an average value of δ98/95Mo =–0.7‰. On the other hand, under anoxic condition which shows the analyses of tetrathiomolybdate (MoS42-) with a much heavier isotope value of δ98/95Mo =2.3‰. Compared to previous studies, Mo isotope compositions present in this study show much lighter values.

致謝 I 中文摘要 II Abstract III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 鉬元素與鉬同位素之地球化學 1 1.2 研究動機 9 第二章 研究材料與方法 10 2.1 研究區域 10 2.2 研究材料 15 2.3 研究方法 15 2.3.1 萃取沈積物之鐵錳相 16 2.3.2 層析分離純化鉬元素 16 2.3.3 鉬濃度與鉬同位素分析 20 鉬同位素分析 20 鉬元素濃度分析 24 第三章 實驗結果 26 3.1 岩芯MD012414沈積物鐵錳相之鉬濃度與鉬同位素 26 3.1.1 岩芯MD012414沈積物鐵錳相之鉬含量 26 3.1.2 岩芯MD012414沈積物鐵錳相之鉬同位素 27 3.1.3 岩芯MD012414沈積物鐵錳相之元素含量變動 27 3.2 重複實驗分析之結果 28 第四章 鄂霍次克海岩芯記錄討論 33 4.1 岩芯MD012414鉬濃度、鉬同位素與前人研究之比較 33 4.2 鄂霍次克海之鉬濃度與鉬同位素變動 34 第五章 結論 37 參考文獻 38

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