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研究生: 沈利君
Shen Lijun
論文名稱: 台北縣市國中學生愛情態度研究
The love Attitudes of Junior High School students In Taipei City and Taipei County
指導教授: 周麗端
Chou, Li-Tuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 122
中文關鍵詞: 國中學生愛情愛情態度
英文關鍵詞: junior high school students, love, love attitudes
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:337下載:128
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  • 摘要
    1、目前台北縣市國中學生有愛情經驗者,女生顯著高過男生。而且台北市國中學生有愛情經驗的比例顯著高於台北縣。2、目前台北縣市國中學生有愛情經驗者,不同年齡有不同的比例。 3、幾乎達到五成的台北縣市國中學生有一次愛情經驗。超過兩成的有兩次愛情經驗。也有超過兩成的有三次到五次愛情經驗。幾乎達到一成的有五次愛情經驗。4、在愛情持續的長度上,處於不足一月到六月之間,超過半數。而保持愛情關係七個月到一年的學生也有兩成,保持愛情關係一年以上也幾乎達兩成。5、台北縣市國中學生目前正在戀愛狀態中幾乎達到半數。
    二、台北縣市國中學生的愛情態度傾向於「情慾之愛」 、「友伴之愛」、 「現實之愛」、 「佔有之愛」、 「奉獻之愛」;而較無「遊戲之愛」的傾向。
    1、男生的「情慾之愛」、「奉獻之愛」皆顯著高於女生。2、不同年齡在愛情態度面向上並無顯著差異。3、台北縣國中生較台北市國中學生傾向於「友伴之愛」。4、沒有宗教信仰者較有宗教信仰者傾向於「遊戲之愛」。5、自尊愈高者愈傾向於「情慾之愛」、「遊戲之愛」、「現實之愛」、「佔有之愛」的愛情態度。而自尊越低者偏向「奉獻之愛」。6、目前正在戀愛者較傾向於「奉獻之愛」。目前未戀愛則較傾向於「遊戲之愛」。7、戀愛次數愈多者愈傾向於「情慾之愛」與「遊戲之愛」。8、台北縣市國中學生的愛情持續長度越短,越趨向於「遊戲之愛」。9、台北縣市國中學生來自於雙親家庭的,偏向於「現實之愛」、 「佔有之愛」。10、台北縣市國中學生的愛情態度並不因父母社經地位不同而有顯著差異。

    The purposes of this study are to explore the love attitudes of junior high school students in Taipei City and Taipei County, and the related effects. A questionnaire survey method and judgmental sampling are used in this study. Samples (n=1150) are drawn from the first, second and third grade of six junior high schools in Taipei City and Taipei county, separately. This study is based on only those who have love experiences (n=512). The instruments of the study include personal background data, self-esteem scale and love attitudes scale.
    The major results can be drawn as follows:
    1. General situations of love experiences of junior high school students in Taipei City and Taipei County
    (1). The percentage of love experience of female students is significantly higher than that of male students. And the percentage of love experience of the students in Taipei City is significantly higher than that of the students in Taipei County. (2). The students in different ages tend to have different percentages of love experience. (3). Almost half of students have one love experience, and over two tenth students have two love experiences, and over two tenth students have three to five love experiences. Bedsides about one tenth students have love experiences more than five times. (4). The love relationship of over half of the students lasts from one month to six months, and the love relationship of over two tenth students last from seven months to twelve months, and the love relationship of almost two tenth students last longer than twelve months. (5). Almost half of the students are in love now.
    2. Students have a tendency to hold “eros, storge, mania, pragma and agape” attitudes. And the mean scores of " ludus" is lower than theoretical midpoint.
    3. The love attitudes and the related effects
    (1). The male students have a higher tendency to hold “eros and agape” attitudes than the female students. (2). There is no obvious difference in love attitudes among the students in different ages. (3). The students in Taipei County have a higher tendency to hold “storge” attitude than those in Taipei City. (4). Those who have no religions have a tendency to hold “ludus” attitude more than those who have religions. (5). The higher the self-esteem the students have, the higher the tendency to hold “ eros, ludus, storge and mania” attitudes is ; on the contrary, the lower the self-esteem the students have, the higher the tendency to hold “ agape” attitude is. (6). The students in love now have a higher tendency to hold “ agape” attitude than those who are not in love now. And the students who are not in love now have a higher tendency to hold “ ludus” attitude than those in love now. (7). The more the students have love experiences, the higher their tendency to hold “ eros and ludus” attitudes is. (8). The shorter the love relationship lasts, the higher tendency to hold “ludus” attitude is. (9). The students in double-parent family have a higher tendency to hold “ storge and mania” attitudes than those who are not in double-parent family. (10). There is no obvious difference between the students from high social-economical status and the students from low social-economical status.
    4. The results of multiple regression of students' love attitudes
    (1). The male students, the students with higher self-esteem and the students who have more love experiences have a higher tendency to hold “ eros” attitude. (2). The students with more love experience, the students with higher self-esteem, and the students in love now have a higher tendency to hold “ ludus” attitude. (3). The students in Taipei County have a higher tendency to hold “ eros” attitude than those in Taipei City. (4). The students with higher self-esteem have a higher tendency to hold “ pragma” attitude. (5). The students with higher self-esteem have a higher tendency to hold “ mania” attitude. (6). The male students and the students with lower self-esteem have a higher tendency to hold “ agape” attitude.
    Key words: junior high school students, love and love attitudes.

    目錄 第一章 緒論…………………………………………………1 第一節 研究動機…………………………………………… 1 第二節 研究目的…………………………………………… 5 第三節 研究假設………………………………………… 6 第二章 文獻探討………………………………………… 8 第一節 愛情意義﹑內涵…………………………………… 8 第二節 愛情理論發展……………………………………… 12 第三節 愛情量表發展……………………………………… 23 第四節 國內外對於愛情態度的研究……………………… 29 第三章 研究設計………………………………………… 40 第一節 名詞釋義……………………………………………40 第二節 研究方法及實施程序………………………………42 第三節 研究架構……………………………………………45 第四節 研究對象……………………………………………46 第五節 研究工具……………………………………………59 第六節 資料處理……………………………………………55 第四章 研究結果…………………………………… 58 第一節 樣本基本資料分析………………………………… 58 第二節 愛情經驗現況探討………………………………… 66 第三節 個人因素與愛情態度面向之分析………………… 68 第四節 父母因素與愛情態度面向之分析………………… 78 第五節 各變項對愛情態度的逐步多元回歸分析………… 81 第五章 研究討論與建議………………………………… 87 第一節 研究結論…………………………………………… 87 第二節 研究限制與建議………………………………… 99 附表目錄 表1.1-1 二十年來約會年齡與人數之比較…………………… 3 表2.2-1 Hendrick與Hendrick的量表中的愛情態度包含其他愛情論述………………………………………………………………… 21 表2.3-1 五種愛情研究工具………………………………… 27 表3.2-1 預試樣本分佈………………………………………… 46 表3.2-2 正式樣本分佈………………………………………… 48 表3.5-1 預試問卷各量表之信度係數……………………… 53 表3.5-2 正式問卷各量表之信度係數……………………… 54 表3.6-1資料處理表…………………………………………… 56 表4.1-1 樣本基本資料分佈情形……………………………… 60 表4.1-2 樣本父母社經地位之平均數、標準差……………… 62 表4.1-3 樣本戀愛情形分析…………………………………… 63 表4.1-4 樣本各量表得分分配…………………………………… 65 表4.2-1 各變項與愛情經驗之卡方考驗………………………… 67 表4.3-1性別不同之國中生對愛情態度的t考驗……………… 69 表4.3-2年齡與愛情態度之相關係數表………………………… 70 表4.3-3就學地區不同之國中生對愛情態度的t考驗………… 71 表4.3-4是否有宗教信仰之國中生對愛情態度的t考驗……… 73 表4.3-5 自尊與愛情態度之相關係數表……………………… 74 表4.3-6 戀愛次數與愛情態度之相關係數…………………… 75 表4.3-7 目前戀愛狀況不同之國中生對愛情態度的t考驗…… 76 表4.3-8 愛情持續長度與愛情態度之相關係數表 …………… 77 表4.4-1 父母婚姻狀況不同之國中生對愛情態度的t考驗…… 79 表4.4-2 家庭社經地位不同之國中生與愛情態度之相關係數… 80 表4.5-1 各有關變項與愛情態度之相關係數矩陣…………… 82 表4.5-2各有關變項對愛情態度之逐步多元歸迴分析………… 86 表5.1-1 各愛情態度面向結果表………………………………… 98 參考書目…………………………………………………… 105 附錄……………………………………………………… 112 附錄一、預試問卷………………………………………… 112 附錄二、正式問卷………………………………………… 116 附錄三、專家效度審閱名單…………………………… 120 附錄四、 變項編碼處理………………………………………… 121

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