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研究生: 黃佳華
論文名稱: 葛利格《抒情小品集》--以十二首選曲探討
指導教授: 鍾家瑋
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 音樂學系
Department of Music
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 154
中文關鍵詞: 葛利格抒情小品集挪威風格標題音樂
英文關鍵詞: Edvard Grieg, Lyric Pieces, Norwegian style, program music
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:142下載:20
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  •   十九世紀,國民樂派的挪威作曲家愛德華‧葛利格(Edvard Grieg, 1843-1907)深入民間,探尋挪威本土音樂元素,並融入創作的音樂之中。
      葛利格一生創作許多鋼琴小品,《抒情小品集》(Lyric Pieces)正是他花了三十七年創作並出版完成的鋼琴作品,一共十冊,包含六十六首個性小品,大多篇幅短小,每首均附標題,屬於「廣義的」標題音樂。葛利格將個人生活見聞、挪威自然之美等融入標題中,並運用挪威舞曲節奏、民間樂器──哈當格提琴的共鳴聲響及民謠中升四音的特徵音……等音樂元素,來營造音樂中的「挪威風格」。

      Edvard Grieg (1843-1907), the nationalist Norwegian composer in 19th century, explored the Norwegian folk music, and was fond of composing with the folk music elements.
      Grieg composed many piano pieces through his whole life. It cost him 37 years to complete ten volumes of Lyric Pieces, a large collection of small pieces. There are 66 character pieces in all, each one has its own title. They all belong to the broad-based definition of program music. We can see Grieg’s experience in his life and the charming scenes in Norway from these titles. The music language in Lyric Pieces was naturally colored by the rhythm of Norwegian dances, folk instrument, e.g. the typical drone effects of Hardanger fiddle, the sharpened fourth, etc. This is what the writer called“Norwegian style.”
      “The other style” in Lyric Pieces was mostly formed by Grieg’s student years in Leipzig Conservatory. At that time, character pieces composed by R. Schumann(1810-1856) and F. Chopin (1810-1849) had great influences on Grieg. In his middle-age, Grieg found a different and free atmosphere in French, which encouraged him to discover the possibilities of harmony in piano music. Besides, Grieg was good at describing, like the jumps and sounds of birds, were showed in Lyric Pieces.
      After researching on the titles and styles in Lyric Pieces, a pianist should choose an appropriate tempo, emphasize the accents, rhythm, and dramatic dynamics when playing Norwegian folk dances. While playing the pieces in the other style, just try to express the essence of naiveté, lyricism, and poetry, and play them in a soft touch. Then we can get closer to the spirit and thought of the composer.

    第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………1 第二章 葛利格之音樂風格…………………………………………………3  第一節 德國音樂教育之養成……………………………………………3  第二節 挪威民族主義之影響……………………………………………9 第三章 葛利格《抒情小品集》之風格特色 ……………………………19  第一節 創作背景 ………………………………………………………19  第二節 樂曲標題 ………………………………………………………25  第三節 挪威風格與其他風格 …………………………………………34 第四章 《抒情小品集》選曲之樂曲分析 ………………………………50  〔選曲1〕〈農民之歌,作品65/2〉(第八冊)……………………………50  〔選曲2〕〈哈林舞曲,作品47/4〉(第四冊)……………………………54  〔選曲3〕〈走步舞曲,作品54/2〉(第五冊)……………………………57  〔選曲4〕〈年輕時光,作品65/1〉(第八冊)……………………………63  〔選曲5〕〈侏儒進行曲,作品54/3〉(第五冊)…………………………73  〔選曲6〕〈特羅爾豪根的婚禮日,作品65/6〉(第八冊)………………82  〔選曲7〕〈小詠嘆調,作品12/1〉(第一冊)……………………………91  〔選曲8〕〈搖籃曲,作品38/1〉(第二冊)………………………………94  〔選曲9〕〈夜曲,作品54/4〉(第五冊) ………………………………100  〔選曲10〕〈卡農,作品38/8〉(第二冊)………………………………107  〔選曲11〕〈小鳥,作品43/4〉(第三冊)………………………………112  〔選曲12〕〈鐘響,作品54/6〉(第五冊)………………………………117 第五章 《抒情小品集》選曲之詮釋………………………………………122  第一節 性格與速度………………………………………………………123  第二節 節奏與語法………………………………………………………130  第三節 音色與力度………………………………………………………138 第六章 結論…………………………………………………………………150 參考書目 …………………………………………………………………………154

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