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研究生: 李育姍
Yu-Shan Lee
論文名稱: 家長健康素養對學童健康素養及健康行為之影響
The Effect of Parent’s Health Literacy on Their Children’s Health Literacy and Health Behaviors
指導教授: 劉潔心
Liu, Chieh-Hsing
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 139
中文關鍵詞: 健康素養健康行為學童家長
英文關鍵詞: health literacy, health behavior, children, parent
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:292下載:71
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  •  本研究旨在探討臺北市國小六年級學童及其家長健康素養之現況,並分析家長健康素養對學童健康素養及健康行為之影響。研究對象以隨機抽樣抽取臺北市五所國民小學六年級學童及其家長,研究工具採用國家衛生研究院蔡慈儀等(2010)所發展之「中文健康識能評估量表」及劉潔心等(2012)所發展之「學童健康素養情境模擬式線上測驗」進行資料收集,共獲得有效親子成對樣本314對。所收集之資料,以SPSS 22.0統計套裝軟體分別進行各項統計分析。
    一、 學童整體健康素養表現優良,而學童在「性教育與心理健康」、「成癮物質防制」兩議題之答題表現較佳,但在「健康環境」及「健康促進與疾病預防」,兩議題之答題表現較差,顯示學童在此兩項議題則有待加強。
    二、 家長整體健康素養表現優良,整體及各面向答對率皆達八成以上。
    三、 學童健康素養會因「家長性別」及「家庭社經地位」的不同而有顯著的不同。
    四、 家長健康素養與學童健康素養達顯著正相關。
    五、 家長健康素養與學童健康行為達顯著正相關。
    六、 家長背景變項能有效預測學童健康素養,其中以家長性別、家庭社經地位能顯著預測學童健康素養。
    七、 家長健康素養能有效預測學童健康素養及健康行為。

    The objective of the study was to explore elementary school 6th graders and their parents’ health literacy, as well as the effect of parent’s health literacy on their children’s health literacy and health behaviors. By random sampling method, the parents and students were chosen from the 6th graders in 5 elementary schools in Taipei City. The instruments applied for data collection were “Mandarin Health Literacy Scale” which developed by National Health Research Institutes (NHRI) and “Situational Online Test for Schoolchildren’s Health Literacy”. There were 314 pairs of valid parent-child samples collected at schools and homes, and SPSS 22.0 software was applied for statistical analysis.
    The main results of this study were as follows:
    1. The overall children’s health literacy performance was generally good, in the “sex education and mental health” and “addictive substance prevention” question sets, the overall correction percentage were higher; on the contrary, the “environmental health” and “health promotion and disease prevention” question sets were relatively lower. This suggested that there was still much room for reinforcement.
    2. The overall parent’s health literacy was generally good, the correction percentage in overall and 4 dimensions scales were all reached above 80%.
    3. The children’s health literacy was significantly different among their “parent’s gender” and” family’s socioeconomic status”.
    4. The parent’s health literacy was positively related to the children’s health literacy.
    5. The parent’s health literacy was positively related to the children’s health behavior.
    6. Parent’s background variables could predict the children’s health literacy, and “parent’s gender” and “family’s socioeconomic status” were important predictor variables among them.
    7. The parent’s health literacy could predict the children’s health literacy and health behavior.
    In conclusion, according to the results, it is suggested that the promotion of children’s health literacy should emphasize on planning health education from children’s needs, launching parental health education intervention programs for children and their parents, and strengthen the concern of the disadvantaged families in their daily lives about health. The suggestions above could be considered as the references for the health educators and policy makers in planning health related intervention strategies and policies.

    第一章 緒論........................1 第一節 研究動機與重要性..............1 第二節 研究目的.....................3 第三節 研究問題.....................4 第四節 研究假設.....................5 第五節 名詞操作型定義................6 第二章 文獻探討.....................8 第一節 健康素養的定義與常見測量工具.....8 第二節 健康素養與健康行為之關係........17 第三節 家長背景變項與其健康素養之關係...21 第四節 家長健康素養與學童健康之關係.....25 第三章 研究方法.....................29 第一節 研究架構.....................29 第二節 研究對象.....................30 第三節 研究工具.....................32 第四節 研究步驟.....................41 第五節 資料處理與分析................42 第四章 結果與討論...................45 第一節 學童與家長之背景資料分析........45 第二節 學童健康素養、健康行為及家長健康素養之分佈情形...50 第三節 家長背景變項與學童健康素養及健康行為之關係......57 第四節 家長健康素養與學童健康素養、健康行為之關係......60 第五節 以家長背景變項預測學童健康素養及健康行為........62 第六節 以家長健康素養預測學童健康素養及健康行為........65 第七節 討論........................67 第五章 研究結論、建議與限制...........71 第一節 結論........................71 第二節 建議........................73 第三節 研究限制.....................76 參考文獻...........................77 附錄一 「中文健康識能評估量表」使用同意書.............88 附錄二 中文健康識能評估量表........................89 附錄三 學童健康素養情境模擬式線上測驗................117 附錄四 國立臺灣大學行為與社會科學研究倫理委員會審查核可證明...139

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