簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 施華瑛
Shih, Hwa-ying
論文名稱: 數位化金融來襲,銀行因應策略之探討 -以A銀行為例
Digitized Financial Struck in response to the Policy of the Bank Discussion-A Case Study of the A Bank
指導教授: 周德瑋
Chou, De-Wai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 58
中文關鍵詞: 金融科技第三方支付區塊鏈P2P數位金融
英文關鍵詞: Financial technology, third-party payment, block chain, P2P, banking digitalized
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204919
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:173下載:0
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  • 由於金融機構快速增加,但是也因為各金融機構同質性過高,新型金融業務卻未同步成長,導致過多金融機構分食既有金融市場,削價競爭下台灣銀行業的利差越來越低。因為金融機構營運受限傳統產業、股市、房市及資金外移,加上國內直接金融蓬勃發展,銀行吸收存、放款業務不容易,壓縮銀行生存空間。

    產業環境改變加速政府政策的改變,2015年1月13日金管會啟動Bank 3.0計畫,開放12項網路金融服務,銀行業如何在齊頭式開放業務中尋找創新利基,做出差異化呢?科技環境改變使金融科技(Fintech)風潮掀起的變革,第三方支付、區塊鏈、P2P放款、自動投資等各種領域的應用程式與平台,正侵蝕傳統金融業。由於全球金融業邁向數位金融趨勢,加上政策推展與業者積極布局,促使銀行產業面臨加速轉型的壓力,包括實體分行於市場中將逐漸退場或數位化等,整體銀行業產業營運模式逐漸改變。

    Because of the rapid increase in financial institutions, but also because of the financial institutions too high homogeneity. New financial Services have not grown up, leading to excessive eating of the financial institutions both in financial markets. Under price competition getting lower and lower banking spreads Taiwan. Because the financial institutions operating limitation of traditional industries, the stock market, the housing market and the relocation of capital, plus, direct financial booming domestic banks to absorb deposit, lending business is not easy, compression banking living space.
    The rapid increase in high homogeneous financial institutions with no comprehensive financial service to support leads to existing financial market being eaten by excessive financial institutions. The difference of interest rates in Taiwan banking is getting lower and lower owing to the competition of cutting down the price among Taiwan banking. The existing space for Taiwan banking is compressed because the operation of financial institutions are suffered by the relocation of traditional industries, stock market, housing market and funds, plus the difficulty in the business of deposit and lending caused by the vigorous development of direct financial in domestic banking.
    Changing industry environment to accelerate change in government policy, Jan 13,2015 FSC Bank Start program, open 12 Network Financial Services, Banking and finding innovative niche in the block style of Open business, to make the difference of it ? Changing technological environment makes financial technology (Fintech) set off a wave of change, third-party payment, application and platforms in various field of the block chain, P2P lenders, automatic investment, are eroding the trading financial sector. Due to the global financial industry towards digital financial trends, coupled with policy and industry to actively forward the layout, prompting banks to accelerate the transformation of industry under pressure, including physical or digital branches gradually withdrew and so on in the market, the banking industry is gradually changing the business.
    The change of industry environment speeds up the change of government’s policy, FSC activated Bank 3.0 program to open 12 Network Financial Service on Jan. 13, 2015, how to find the innovative niche in the block style of open business on an equal footing among banking to make the difference of it? Financial technology (fintech) set off a wave of change resulted by the change of the environment of science and technology. The third-party payment, application and platforms in various fields of the block chain, P2P lenders, automatic investment, etc. are corroding the traditional financial sector. Due to the trend of tending to digital finance for the global financial industry, coupled with policy propagation and active layout from the industry, the banks are facing the pressure of prompting the transformation of industry which includes the withdrawal of physical branch gradually or banking digitalized etc. in the market, the operation mode of overall banking is changing gradually.
    Banking and limited use of resource in order to maximize profits, Business strategy decision will seriously affect the correctness of the Bank profit and living space. Taiwan Banking Development through international fashion market, has become the focus of most of Banking and hope to enhance the profitability of the method, it is more about the organizational structure of the bank, the current situation, as well as in response to the digital tide rushing in this increasingly competitive environment, the present study will be A Bank, for example, in the case interviews to explore the bank coping strategies, how to expand banking, allow banks more profitable success.
    How to use the limited resources in order to acquire the maximized profit by the banking and whether the business strategic decision is correct or not will seriously affect the profit acquirement and living space of the bank. Through the way of internationalization to expand market becomes one of the methods for the key of operation and the hope in profit enhancement by most of banks. For further realization about the organization structure of the bank, the current situation, as well as in response to the digital tide rushing in this increasingly competitive environment, this present study will take A bank as an example, through individual case interview, we will explore the coping strategies and the way of business expansion for even more profitable success acquirement by the bank.

    目 錄 致謝詞 I 摘要 II Abstract III 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 0 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究方法 5 第四節 研究流程 6 第五節 研究範圍 7 第六節 研究架構 7 第二章 文獻探討 8 第一節 銀行業務與特性 8 第二節 銀行電子化發展歷程 10 第三節 經營策略相關理論 14 一、 策略的定義 14 二、 組織策略的種類 15 第四節 業務整合度相關理論 17 一、業務整合的定義 17 二、業務整合的種類 18 三、業務整合的衡量 18 第五節 經營績效相關理論與實證 19 第六節 國內、外銀行產業經營效率相關文獻 22 一、國內: 22 二、國外 : 23 三、小結 25 第三章 個案介紹 26 第一節 個案企業沿革與介紹 26 第二節 公司組織圖 28 第三節 A銀行業務概況 32 第四節 A行各項商品契機分析 36 第五節 A行現行業務推廣情形 39 第六節 統整既有資源與業務策略拓展各項業務 41 第四章 訪談討論與分析 47 第一節 個案訪談討論 47 第二節 個案訪談分析 49 第五章 結論與建議 51 第一節 研究結論 51 第二節 建議 53 第三節 研究限制 54 第四節 未來研究方向建議 54 第六章 參考文獻 55 附錄 : 58

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    中央銀行金融統計資料: http://www.pxweb.cbc.gov.tw/
    中華民國壽險公會: http://www.finance.ncnu.edu.tw/
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