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研究生: 吳依玲
Wu, Yi-Ling
論文名稱: 大學生資訊尋求行為之研究-以明新科技大學為例
A Study of the Information-seeking behavior of College Students Taking Minghsin University of Science and Technology as an example
指導教授: 柯皓仁
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖書資訊學研究所
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 數位原民資訊需求資訊尋求行為
英文關鍵詞: Digital Native, Information Needs, Information Seeking Behavior
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.GLIS.010.2019.A01
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:233下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在瞭解數位原民時代大學生的資訊尋求行為,故以明新科技大學日間部學生為對象,瞭解工學院、管理學院、服務產業學院、人文社會學院的資訊需求及資訊尋求行為。

      本研究採用問卷調查法,自2018年12月27~30日,以及2019年1月2日、3日間,發放電子問卷,總共回收629份有效問卷。本研究依據問題結果進行分析,提出下列結論:(一) 數位原民特性在性別、個人擁有電腦狀況、是否有網路、不同學院、父母教育程度、每天使用網路時間等方面均無顯著差異,由此可推論Prensky (2001)的描述,數位原民在充滿科技的世代中成長,由於從小就開始接受科技的變化,故在各個因素上並不會有太大的差異,也不會因為不同學院背景而不同。(二)數位原民特性在接觸網路時間的長短,產生顯著差異,研究的對象是大學生,年齡在18~24歲左右,這些大學生接觸網路的時間依數據結果顯示,大約是在「5年以上,未滿10年」、「10年以上,未滿15年」,這二個時間的區間,由此得知,現今的數位原民大學生,早在國小階段就開始接觸網路。(三)明新科技大學日間部的學生,資訊需求類型在工作構面,主要以「課業、報告、考試」為主;教育構面,主要以「獲得各項技能與知識」為主;日常活動構面,主要以「休閒娛樂」;休閒活動構面,主要以「創意活動」為主。(四) 明新科技大學日間部的學生,在資料搜尋實體管道方面以「同儕、朋友」為最高;在資料搜尋虛擬管道方面以,「社群網路」為最高;在查詢資料使用重視的因素前三項統計結果,較重視資料的完整性;在資料搜尋過程中遇到困難的解決方式的統計結果,會選擇以同儕、朋友的方式為主,來解決資料搜集的困難。(五) 數位原民特性、資訊搜尋管道、查詢資料使用重視的因素、資料搜尋過程中遇到困難的解決方式之間部份具有顯著影響關係。

    根據研究結果,針對技專院校圖書館提出建議如下:(一) 技專院校大學生的資訊需求主要以課業為主,依序為實務技能及生涯規劃,故圖書館應多採購各個領域的專業知識教科書,並針對大三及大四的同學,辦理企業講座,並請畢業的學長姐回母校座談,讓學生們能及早瞭解自己的技能興趣及生涯發展。(二)技專院校較重視培養實務技能及證照考試的訓練,圖書館可增設數位學習或是證照考試練習題庫的平台,增加學習的便利性。(三) 圖書館可以使用數位科技在網路的虛擬空間中,讓大學生透過圖像、影音等視覺特效,舉辦線上藝文活動、展覽、或數位資源學習的課程,增設多媒體互動式裝置平台、VR虛擬實境。(四)數位原民的大學生,對於創意活動有較高需求,故圖書館可以使用網路平台舉辦活動,例如:組裝電腦比賽等創意活動。(五) 數位原民的大學生,在資訊尋求行為上,較偏好同儕及社群網路,故圖書館可以善用社群網路的力量,推廣館內活動。

    The purpose of this study is to understand the information seeking behavior of students of universities of science and technology which are digital natives. This study uses the students of the daytime departments of Mingxin University of Sci-ence and Technology as the research participants to learn about the information needs and information seeking behaviors of different colleges such as engineering colleges, management colleges, service industry colleges, and humanities and so-cial colleges.

    The research method of this study was questionnaire survey and ques-tionnaires were distributed electronicly from December 27 to 30, 2018, and Janu-ary 2 and 3, 2019, and finally collected 629 valid questionnaires. After analyzing responses, the folloing conclusions were obtained:

    (1)There are no significant differences in the characteristics of the digital na-tives in terms of gender, personal computer status, availability of networks, different colleges, parental education, and daily use of the Internet.The main reason is that digital natives are growing up in a technologically-rich environment. Since they have been accepting technological changes since childhood, there will be no major differences in related factors, and natu-rally they will not be different because of different college backgrounds. This result is consistent with the description of Prensky (2001)
    (2)The characteristics of digital natives are significantly different while their years of using the Intereet are considered. According to the data, the years of use of college students are primarily about two periods, which are "5 years or more, less than 10 years" and " 10 years or more, less than 15 years". From this result, it can be seen that today's digital college students have been ex-posed to the Internet as early as when they were primary school students.
    (3)According to the results, the information needs of students of Mingxin University of Science and Technology are as follows: In terms of work, it is mainly based on "study, report and examination"; In terms of education, the main focus is on "acquiring skills and knowledge"; In terms of daily activities, it is mainly based on "leisure and entertainment"; In terms of leisure activities, "creative activities" are the mainstay.
    (4)The students of Mingxin University of Science and Technology have the highest option for “peer and friends” in the physical search method; and for “community network” in the virtual way; In addition, they attach the most importance to the integrity of the data in seeking information.When they encounter difficulties in the information seeking process, they tend to solve it by asking their peers and friends.
    (5)The characteristics of the digital natives, the information seeking channels, the factors that are used in the use of the inquiries, and the solutions to the difficulties encountered in the information seeking process have a signifi-cant impact on each other.

    The results of the study pointed out that since the original people grew up in digital technology, they have different characteristics in behavior, habits, thoughts and attitudes from the previous generation.Therefore, there are differences between the information needs, the factors that are used in seeking information, and the dif-ficult solutions in the information seeking process.

    Based on the research results, the recommendations are as follows:
    (1)The information needs of college students in technical colleges are mainly based on coursework, which are practical skills and career planning. Therefore, librarians should purchase more professional textbooks in vari-ous fields, and should apply more corporate lectures for the seniors. In ad-dition, they also can ask the graduated students return to school to talk to let students know their skills interest and career development as early as possible.
    (2)As the technical colleges pay more attention to the training of practical skills and license examinations, librarians can plan to add a platform for several study or license exam practice questions to increase the conven-ience of learning.
    (3)Librarians can organize online arts and cultural activities, exhibitions, or digital resource learning courses by adding multimedia interactive device platforms and virtual reality VR platforms to enable university students to achieve learning objectives through visual effects such as images and au-diovisuals.
    (4)Since the students of digital native have high demand for creative activi-ties, librarians can use the Internet platform to organize activities, for ex-ample: assembling creative activities such as computer games.
    (5)Finally, because college students of digital native prefer peers and social networks in information seeking behavior, librarians can make good use of the power of the social network to promote the activities in the library.

    摘要 i Abstract iii 目次 vi 表次 viii 圖次 x 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 5 第三節 研究範圍與限制 6 第四節 名詞釋義 6 第二章 文獻探討 8 第一節 數位原民 8 第二節 資訊需求與資訊尋求行為相關理論 13 第三節 大學生資訊尋求行為相關研究 20 第三章 研究方法與設計 26 第一節 研究取向與方法 26 第二節 研究流程與實施 26 第三節 研究設計 29 第四節 問卷發展 32 第五節 資料分析與統計方法 39 第四章 研究結果與討論 41 第一節 研究對象之基本資料分析 41 第二節 數位原民特性與資訊行為的關係 57 第三節 資訊需求與資訊行為的關係 62 第五章 研究結果與建議 68 第一節 研究結論 68 第二節 研究建議 71 第三節 未來研究建議 72 參考文獻 73 附錄一:大學生資訊尋求行為之研究-以明新科技大學為例(專家效度) 79 附錄二:專家效度審查意見 92 附錄三:大學生資訊尋求行為之研究-以明新科技大學為例(正式問卷) 105

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