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研究生: 鄭淳護
Chun-Hu Cheng
論文名稱: 1050-O純鋁電阻點銲之銲核形成及接合強度之可靠度分析
A Study on the Nugget Forming and the Reliability Analysis of Joining Strength for 1050-O Pure Aluminum by Resistance Spot Welding
指導教授: 呂傳盛
Lu, Chuan-Sheng
Cheng, Chin-Pao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 可靠度電阻點銲銲核形成純鋁1050韋伯分析
英文關鍵詞: reliability, resistance spot welding, nugget forming, 1050 pure aluminum, Weibull analysis
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:357下載:15
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  • 由於鋁合金1050性質接近純鋁,質輕且散熱性良好,成形性佳,對於散熱要求日趨嚴格的3C產業,純鋁或鋁合金的使用將會愈來愈普遍,且其電阻點銲的接合技術也日益重要。但就現今的鋁合金電阻點銲而言,接合方式仍有待改善,且在直流式點銲機昂貴而市面上仍以單相交流點銲機為主的情況下,純鋁電阻點銲的應用勢必會受到限制。

    Because of the properties of 1050 aluminum alloy close to pure aluminum, it has good thermal conductivity and formability. For the 3C industries requiring for strict thermal conductivity, the use of pure aluminum or aluminum alloys will be more and more popular and so be the jointing technology of resistance spot welding.
    As far as the resistance spot welding of aluminum alloys, the method of joint still needs to be improved. Due to the expensive cost of the kinetic-energy machines, the single-phase welding machines are still the major in the market. Therefore, the application of resistance spot welding of pure aluminum must be limited.
    The purpose of this study is to use single-phase A.C. welding machine to connect 1050-O commercially pure aluminum. Under different welding parameters, aiming at the discussion of the nugget growth and tensile shear strength of different thickness of 1050 aluminum alloy, there is a further point which seeks a correlation between the microhardness, nugget size, tensile shear strength and welding parameters. Eventually, we take the value of tensile shear strength in the best range of welding parameters and then use the function of Weibull distribution to discuss the reliability of the jointing strength of spot welded 1050-O aluminum alloy.
    According to the experimental results of metallographic studies and microhardness test, the hardness in the fusion zone is highest, the base metal is second and the heat-affected zone is lowest. In proper welding conditions, when the holding time and welding current increase, the hardness in the nugget decreases. However, when the electrode force increases, the hardness increases. Furthermore, when the holding time and welding current increase, the nugget size increases. Unexpectedly, when the electrode force increases, the nugget size decreases.
    With the same trend of experimental results of the three kinds of material thickness, we take the experimental results of 1mm thickness in this research to illustrate a correlation on Weibull reliability analysis between welding parameters and tensile shear strength. According to Weibull reliability analysis, all Weibull modulus are larger than 1 with jointing strength of spot welds belonging to wear failure mode. With welding current fixed and minimum life considered, 10cycles of holding time and 100kgf electrode force are the best welding conditions that can forecast ultimate tensile shear strength and they also have the best reliability in Weibull distribution of two parameters. Therefore, the best welding parameters of the 1mm thickness are 17.3kA of welding current, 10cycles of holding time and 100kgf electrode force.
    According to the same experimental method, the best parameters of 0.8mm thickness are 17.3kA of welding current, 10cycles of holding time and 60kgf electrode force. Further, those of 1.2mm are 17.3kA of welding current, 13cycles of holding time and 100kgf electrode force.

    中文摘要…………………………………………………………………I 英文摘要……………………………………………………………..III 目錄…………………………………………………….……………….IV 表目錄………………………………………………………..……….VI 圖目錄…………………………………………….……………………VII 第一章 前言…………………………………………………………1 第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………4 2-1 鋁合金材料……………………………………………………5 2-2 電阻點銲之原理與分類………………………………………6 2-3 電阻點銲循環…………………………………………………7 2-4 影響電阻點銲品質的因素……………………………………8 2-5 理想的鋁合金銲核………………………………………….13 2-6 鋁合金點銲之相關研究…………………………………….15 2-7 銲件品質檢驗……………………………….………………17 2-8 可靠度工程分析…………………………….………………20 第三章 實驗方法…………………………………….……….………41 3-1 點銲設備…………………………………….………………41 3-2 實驗試片…………………………………….………………42 3-3 尋求最佳點銲條件…………………………….……….…42 3-4 微硬度實驗…………………………………….……………42 3-5 顯微組織觀察…………………………………..…………43 3-6 銲核尺寸的量測……………………………….……………43 3-7 拉剪強度測試………………………………….……………44 3-8 可靠度韋伯解析………………………………………….44 第四章 實驗結果…………………………………….……….………48 4-1 顯微組織觀察及微硬度變化…………………………….…48 4-2 點銲過程之銲核成長……………………….……………50 4-3 製程參數與銲核大小間之關係……………………………51 4-4 製程參數與拉剪強度間之關係……………………………55 4-5 最佳製程參數………………………………….……………57 4-6 最佳製程參數與拉剪強度間之韋伯解析……....………58 第五章 討論……………………………………………..……………93 5-1 顯微組織與微硬度變化…………………………………93 5-2 製程參數對銲核尺寸的影響…………………...….94 5-3 點銲件破壞模式探討…………………………………….96 5-4 製程參數與拉剪強度之韋伯解析探討…………….………98 第六章 結論…………………………………………………………102 參考文獻 ………………………………………..………….105

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