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研究生: 張維倫
Wei-Lun Jhang
論文名稱: 連續增補硫辛酸對極限耐力跑過程血液抗氧化系統的動力學探究
Human antioxidative system kinetics of continuousα-lipoic acid supplementationof during extreme endurance running
指導教授: 謝伸裕
Hsieh, Shen-Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: 硫辛酸極限耐力跑氧化傷害
英文關鍵詞: α-lipoic acid, extreme endurance running, oxidative damage
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:127下載:4
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  • 目的:探討連續服用強效抗氧化劑硫辛酸 (ALA) 對100公里跑步過程中之人體紅血球抗氧化系統與脂質氧化的影響。方法:將13位受試者隨機分為兩組:安慰劑 (CON) 與硫辛酸 (ALA) 組。兩組皆於賽前與每12 km處進行增補與採血,共計增補9次 (1600 mg)、採血10次。比賽全程佩帶心率錶,賽後分析運動成績與運動強度。血漿樣本分析檢測脂質過氧化物(TBARS) 、肌酸激酶 ( CK ) 活性、血糖與乳酸濃度;紅血球樣本分析檢測超氧離子歧化酶 (SOD) 活性、麩胱苷肽過氧化酶 (GPx) 活性與過氧化氫酶(CAT) 活性。所得數據以獨立樣本 t 考驗、混合設計雙因子 (組別 × 距離) 變異數分析 (ANOVA) 檢定。結果:增補硫辛酸對極限耐力跑過程之乳酸、CK與成績表現在組別上沒有達顯著差異。ALA組之血漿TBARS濃度 (3.7 ± 2.0 uM) 顯著低於CON組 (4.9 ± 2.8 uM)( p < .05)。ALA組之血糖濃度 (141.0 ± 14.9 mg‧dL-1) 顯著高於CON組 (130.7 ± 16.1 mg‧dL-1)(p < .05)。ALA組之紅血球SOD活性 (4461.99 ± 677.22 U‧gHb-1) 顯著低於CON組 (5143.49 ± 554.10 U‧gHb-1)( p < .05)。ALA組之紅血球GPx活性 (125.72 ± 22.43 kU‧gHb-1) 顯著高於CON組 (59.32 ±28.20 kU‧gHb-1)(p < .001)。ALA組之紅血球CAT活性 (24.27 ± 11.32 kU‧gHb-1) 顯著低於CON組 (42.56± 10.10 kU‧gHb-1)(p < .001)。結論:於極限耐力跑過程中連續增補硫辛酸能夠降低脂質過氧化傷害,提高紅血球GPx活性。

    Purpose: To investigate the effects of continuous oral supplementation of alpha-lipoic acid on human antioxidative enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation during extreme endurance running. Methods: A randomized double-blind study was carried out on 13 recreational long-distance runners who were continuously and orally supplemented with placebo (CON, n = 6) or alpha-lipoic acid (LA, n = 7) up to 1600 mg (200 mg for the first 1-7th supplementation and 100 mg for the 8, 9th supplementation) in a 100-km supermarathon race. Heart rates were monitored during running and the plasma concentrations of malondialdehyde (TBARS), glucose, lactate, creatine kinase, as well as antioxidant enzyme activities in red blood cells including superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase (CAT) were measured 20 min before and at various distances (at 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96 and 100 km). Independent t test, mixed design of two-way (group × distance) ANOVA were used for data analysis. Results:. After continuous supplementation of α-lipoic acid in extreme endurance running, plasma lactate, creatine kinase and exercise performance showed no significant differences between groups. TBARS in ALA group (3.65 ± 2.03 uM) was significantly lower than CON group (4.88 ± 2.84 uM)(p < .05). Plasma glucose in ALA group ( 140.95 ± 14.89 mg‧dL-1) was significantly higer than CON group (130.70 ± 16.11 mg‧dL-1)(p < .05). Erythrocyte SOD activity in ALA group (4461.99 ± 677.22 U‧gHb-1) was significantly lower than CON group (5143.49 ± 554.10 U‧gHb-1)(p < .05). Erythrocyte GPx activity in ALA group (125.72 ± 22.43 kU‧gHb-1) was significantly higher than CON group (59.32 ± 28.20 kU‧gHb-1)(p < .001). Erythrocyte CAT activity in ALA group (24.27 ± 11.32 kU‧gHb-1) was significantly lower than CON group (42.56 ± 10.10 kU‧gHb-1)(p < .001). Conclusion:. Runners of 100-km road race benefited from LA supplement with lowered lipid peroxidation and increased GPx activity during exercise.
    Key words:α-lipoic acid, extreme endurance running, oxidative damage

    目次 碩士論文通過簽名書..........................................i 碩士論文授權書.............................................ii 中文摘要..................................................iii 英文摘要..................................................iv 謝誌......................................................v 目次......................................................vi 表次......................................................ix 圖次......................................................x 第壹章 緒論..............................................1 一、 問題背景.............................................1 二、 研究目的............................................4 三、 研究範圍與限制.......................................4 四、 名詞操作性定義.......................................5 第貳章 文獻探討...........................................6 一、 自由基與氧化壓力......................................6 二、 運動與氧化壓力.......................................9 三、 硫辛酸與抗氧化壓力...................................11 第參章 研究方法與步驟.....................................20 一、 研究對象............................................20 二、 實驗設計與實驗變項...................................20 三、 比賽名稱與地點......................................21 四、 實驗方法與步驟......................................21 五、 血液樣本分析分析....................................24 六、 統計分析...........................................25 第肆章 結果.............................................26 一、 受試者基本資料......................................26 二、 兩組賽前、後之體重與體脂率比較........................26 三、 極限耐力跑之成績表現.................................27 四、 極限耐力跑之運動強度.................................27 五、 脂質過氧化物 (TBARS)................................29 六、 血糖 (glucose).....................................31 七、 抗氧化酶活性........................................33 八、 乳酸 (lactate).....................................39 九、 肌酸激酶 (CK).......................................41 第伍章 討論與結論...........................................43 一、 增補硫辛酸對極限耐力運動表現的影響.....................43 二、 極限耐力運動對於血漿CK活性的影響......................44 三、 增補硫辛酸對極限耐力運動之血漿TBARS的影響..............45 四、 增補硫辛酸對極限耐力運動之紅血球抗氧化酶活性的影響.......47 五、 增補硫辛酸對極限耐力運動之血漿血糖與乳酸濃度的影響.......49 六、 結論...............................................51 引用文獻...................................................52 附錄一 受試者須知及同意書....................................60 附錄二 受試者健康情況調查表..................................63 附錄三 本研究之血液生化檢體分析..............................64 附錄四 本研究使用之硫辛酸....................................68 個人小傳...................................................69

    李淑玲 ( 2001 )。補充含抗氧化劑之碳水化合物飲料對耐力運動期及恢復





    影響。Proceeding of the Society of Chinese Scholars on
    Exercise Physiology and Fitness Conference (SCSEPF) ,
    p. 87




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