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研究生: 林惟亭
論文名稱: 文化取向的外語教學合作行動探究-以高中法文選修課為例
指導教授: 甄曉蘭
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 148
中文關鍵詞: 合作行動研究外語教學第二外語語文教學脈絡化
英文關鍵詞: cooperative action inquiry, the teaching of foreign language, the second foreign language, contextualization of language teaching
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:185下載:31
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  • 摘要
    這份論文的動機,主要來自研究者個人學習法語—第二外語的經驗。因目前尚無一套理想的語文教學脈絡化方式可供依循,於是,研究者邀請了一位高中法語教師作為合作研究夥伴,一起進行合作行動研究。其研究目的如下: 一、建構語文脈絡化教學方式,探討其作為實施文化取向外語教學的可能性; 二、瞭解實施語文教學脈絡化教學方式的實施成效與限制; 三、瞭解學生對文化取向外語教學的學習心得與接受度; 四、提供高中法語選修課或其他初級法語教學可參考之教學相關建議。
    歷經了一年的教學發展與探究,運用語文教材與生活文化之間的整合方式,發展了一套實施效果不錯的模式,使語言學習圖像更趨於整全。但距離原本的構想,期待真正地塑造有意義的脈絡,協助學生更深入思考與探索法國文化的意義,尚有距離。研究發現原始構想未能實現的原因有: 一、教學創造有意義的學習脈絡有教學實施上的困難,例如引導學生思考問題的技巧、教師對於利用對話教學引導思考的認同等; 二、教材整合上仍是有統整法語和文化教材程度上的挑戰,以及教師掌握學生程度的困難; 三、法語科往往不是學校內的常設科目,而法語教師也並非專任職位,此點亦增加教師進行教學創新的難度; 四、行政上給予教師從事教學創新的支援甚少。
    針對上述問題,本論文有下列幾項建議與思考: 法語教師之間須形成教學專業團隊,一同進行理論的討論與實務的反思; 其次,有鑑於文化內容包羅萬象,涵蓋社會、人文、藝術、文學等學科,文化取向的法語教學可以以科際整合的作法,進行學科與教學專業的發展。此外,本研究採合作行動研究進行探究,事實上,研究者與合作夥伴間常出現觀點上的差異,但在經過一年的協調與磋商,無論在發展教學或是進行研究上,都成熟了許多。


    The motivation of this study is based on the researcher’s own experience in learning French, which is the second foreign language learning in Taiwan. Because there is no ideal way to teach foreign language in a meaningful culture-based context, the researcher invited a senior high school French language teacher to join this cooperative inquiry as a co-researcher. This study was designed to develop a better way for a contextualized language teaching in order to know what are the limitations and effects of the newly constructed teaching approach, to understand how the students think about their French learning experience, as well as to provide suggestions for future French language teaching.
    After a year long study, a useful way in integrating French language and culture materials was developed. However, the original ideal for students to have deeper exploration of the French culture and language was not achieved. The constraints are as follows: first, there are technical problems in developing a contextualized foreign language learning environment, such as using appropriate cultural elements to guide students’ thinking; second, it’s difficult to choose the proper materials, in organizing instructional plan, no matter in French or culture subject; third, the French is not a required course, and the French teacher is not a full-time position, all these make the innovation harder; and fourth, the school does not provide enough administrative support for the teacher to create new way of teaching.
    Based on this study, the researcher suggests that it is necessary to form a professional development group for gathering French teachers to discuss theories and to reflect on their teaching practice, and teaching of French should be culture-based with an integration of different subject matters. Finally, in cooperative inquiry process, there were different opinions between co-researchers and these made the reflective dialogical cooperation more difficult. But after a year long cooperation, the co-researchers have worked out a way to have better constructive discussions for the development of instructional plan as well as for the enactment of the research plan.

    Keywords: cooperative action inquiry, the teaching of foreign language, the second foreign language, contextualization of language teaching

    目次 第一章 揭開序幕……………………………….1 我的思考起源……..……………………………………..1 我的期待…………………………………………………5 意有所指…………………………………………………6 第二章 思考軌跡……………….........................9 外語教學理論的轉變……………………………………9 文化取向外語教學的價值……………………………..18 語文教學脈絡化的探究..................................................25 第三章 發出邀請……………………...............33 如何寫邀請函?—合作行動研究的特色……………..33 誰來邀請?—研究者背景與角色……………………..36 邀請誰?—合作伙伴與研究現場……………………..39 我們將會看到?—研究歷程與資料蒐集……………..42 我們如何爭取信任?—研究效度的建立……………..51 如何保護現場?—研究倫理的問題處理……………..52 第四章 整妝待發……………………………..53 合作默契的培養階段………………………………….53 語文教學脈絡化教學方式的初探…………………….62 教學方案的發展階段………………………………….72 第五章 共赴饗宴………………………...........87 赴宴……………………………………………..............87 饗宴—品嚐法國語言和文化…………………..............88 雙人舞—和Mage老師的對話…………………………96 喧敘—和學生的對話…………………………………113 第六章 回顧與前瞻……………….................127 來自學生的回饋………………………………………128 回顧與反思……………………………………………129 理想與現實的差距……………………………………131 未完的旅程……………………………………………140 餘韻……………………………………………………143 參考文獻……………………………………….147 中文部分………………………………………………147 英文部分………………………………………………148 附錄 附錄一 第一學期問卷………………………………….I 附錄二 第二學期第一份問卷…………………………II 附錄三 第二學期第二份問卷………………………..IV 附錄四 第二學期第三份問卷………………………...V 附錄五 第二學期期末文化學習測驗………………..VI 附錄六 訪談轉譯稿整理與分析之舉隅…………...VIII 附錄七 教材Powerpoint—第一堂法語課…………XIV 附錄八 教材Powerpoint—捷運……………………XVI 附錄九 教材Powerpoint—羅浮宮…………………VIX 附錄十 教材Powerpoint—雙叟咖啡館……………XXI 附錄十一 教材Powerpoint—藍火車咖啡館……...XXII

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