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研究生: 章世宣
Chang, Shih-Hsuan
論文名稱: D. Littky「大圖像學習」教育理念與創新學校之實踐
A Study on D. Littky's Ideas Concerning Big Picture Learning and His Innovative School Practice
指導教授: 葉坤靈
Yeh, Kuen-Ling
口試委員: 彭煥勝
Peng, Huan-Sheng
Chang, Huang-Kun
Yeh, Kuen-Ling
口試日期: 2022/07/27
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 219
中文關鍵詞: Dennis Littky大圖像學習進步主義教育實驗學校特色學校
英文關鍵詞: Dennis Littky, Big Picture Learning, progressive education, experimental school, featured schools
研究方法: 文件分析法理論探討法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201011
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:194下載:18
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  • 隨著科技資訊的快速變遷和漸趨多元的社會互動網絡,社會整體結構不斷進行變動,過去學校傳授的知識內容與課程模式需與時俱進調整,以面對當前社會的考驗,連帶促使學校教育革新的必要性。美國著名教育家Dennis Littky(1944—)擘劃「大圖像學習」(Big Picture Learning)教育理念,提倡學校應重視學生參與及在地親師生社群的連結,以建立自身教育特色。目前全球約有113所學校採用大圖像學習之教育理念,Littky之教育影響力遍及各方,其辦學過程中的特色發展值得引以為鑑。




    With the rapid changes in technological information and increasingly diverse social networks, the overall structure of society is constantly changing. The knowledge content and curriculum models taught by schools in the past need to be adjusted with the times to face the challenges of the current society. Therefore, the innovation of education is necessary. The famous American educator Dennis Littky (1944-) proposed the educational concept of "Big Picture Learning", advocating that schools should attach importance to student participation and the connection among teachers, students, and parents to establish their educational features. At present, about 113 schools around the world adopt the educational concept of Big Picture Learning. Littky's educational influence spreads all over the world, and the process of running an innovative school is worthy of reference.

    This study adopts the method of theoretical discussion and literature analysis, aiming to identify the core concepts and educational goals of Littky's Big Picture Learning and to summarize the specific practice of the innovative schools in three aspects: learning environment, curriculum, and teaching. First, this study traces back to Littky's learning process and the development of progressive education in the United States, analyzing the causes of his concern on Big Picture Learning. Furthermore, this study focuses on the practice of the innovative schools, including Big Picture Learning, The Metropolitan High School, and College Unbound, analyzing Littky's process of establishing innovative schools inspired by Progressivism. Finally, this study summarizes the features of educational concepts and practical principles in Big Picture Learning to be used as a reference for the development of experimental schools and featured schools in Taiwan.

    Summarizing the meaning of Littky's idea concerning Big Picture Learning and innovative school practice, this study deduces two core educational concepts. One is to build a learning environment of “one kid at a time” and “success of every child”, promote the concept of 3R learning, and implement the educational proposition of “students as the main character of learning” with the guidance of teachers who have the spirit of reflection and practice. The other is to connect students' learning with their life experiences and set up the organic solidarity between schools and communities to build a “learning society”. Hence, the goals of Big Picture Learning can train students to become lifelong learners who develop skills continuously, keep learning and growing, construct their learning process, and stimulate personal interest and enthusiasm for learning.

    In order to implement the educational proposition of Big Picture Learning, Littky's specific practice focuses on three aspects: “learning environment”, “curriculum design”, and “planning and measures of both teaching and learning”. By reflecting on the concept and specific practice of Littky's Big Picture Learning, this study puts forward some suggestions on the development of educational policy as well as the implementation of experimental schools and featured schools in Taiwan: 1. Promotion of facilitating communication between policy development and practice in the teaching field; 2. Rooted in a solid educational innovation concept to reflect the spirit of experimental schools and featured schools; 3. Establish the teacher's qualifications and training system that meet their actual needs; 4. Schools should get a solid grasp of the learning resources available around the school district; 5. Implement a multiple instruction environment of “students as the main character of learning”.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法與步驟 7 第三節 研究資料 9 第四節 論文章節架構 14 第二章 Littky「大圖像學習」理念之孕育 16 第一節 Littky生平與學思歷程 16 第二節 進步主義教育在美國教育發展之脈絡 29 第三節 進步主義教育學校之特色 51 本章小結 72 第三章 Littky「大圖像學習」教育主張 74 第一節 大圖像學習之時代需要 74 第二節 大圖像學習之核心理念與教育目標 77 本章小結 92 第四章 大圖像學習之具體實踐—學習環境、課程及教學 96 第一節 學習環境之塑造 96 第二節 課程理念與設計 100 第三節 教與學之規劃與實施 109 本章小結 134 第五章 大圖像學習實施成效與對臺灣學校教育革新之借鑑 136 第一節 大圖像學習實施成效之評價 136 第二節 臺灣實驗學校與特色學校之發展 149 第三節 臺灣實驗學校與特色學校發展之現況與困境 157 第四節 大圖像學習對臺灣實驗學校與特色學校發展可資借鑑之處 170 第六章 結論與建議 179 第一節 Littky大圖像學習之教育理念與實踐述要 179 第二節 Littky大圖像學習之卓見與商榷之處 186 第三節 Littky大圖像學習後續延伸研究發展之建議 190 參考文獻 192 壹、中文部分 192 貳、英文部分 202 附錄 211 附錄一:Littky的推薦書單 211 附錄二:大圖像學習網絡之美國學校列表 214 附錄三:大圖像學習網絡之全球學校列表 219

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