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研究生: 張珉嫻
論文名稱: 2008年北京奧運中華台北選手禁藥認知調查
A Study of the Awareness investigation of doping among Chinese Taipei Athlete for Beijing Olympic Games 2008 .
指導教授: 彭臺臨
Peng, Tai-Lin
Chang, Shao-His
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 98
中文關鍵詞: 運動禁藥認知理論態度
英文關鍵詞: doping/ illegal drugs, Cognitive Theory, attitude
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:201下載:8
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  • 運動員在競技場上挑戰極限、追求卓越的精神常感動人心,但在追求更高、更強、更遠的過程中是否真誠?其中「運動禁藥」更有可能讓場上英雄在一夕之間被翻轉成為千夫所指的欺騙者,有鑑於此,研究者亟欲探究國內頂尖運動員,特別是奧運級國手的運動禁藥認知情形,因此提出以下三個研究問題:(一)2008年北京奧運中華代表隊選手對運動禁藥規範的認知為何?(二)2008年北京奧運中華代表隊選手禁藥使用的態度為何?(三)2008年北京奧運中華代表隊選手對於國內禁藥的管制宣導是否充分了解?透過本研究不只可以反映出運動員的態度,研究結果更將是探討國內運動員對運動禁藥認知的基礎。
      本研究於2008年6月15日至7月30針對2008年北京奧運中華代表隊選手進行問卷調查,一共發出80份問卷,回收問卷達66份,並以社會人口變項做為自變數,含括受訪者的性別、年齡、學歷、參加的運動種類、運動禁藥藥檢次數及曾經參與的比賽等六大類,與問卷的兩大主軸 (對禁藥的認知與藥物使用態度)做為應變數來進行交叉分析,其中在運動禁藥認知部分,66名選手依據答題成績分為低分組、中級分組及高分組,透過Pearson卡方檢定,觀察三個組別與六大人口變項之間的關係發現,在學歷及當選國手次數上,30名落在中級分組的選手表現明顯比低分組及高分組選手在禁藥認知的程度上表現優異;而在運動禁藥的態度上,經過因素分析萃取出5個全新構面,分別命名為「謹慎用藥態度」、「禁藥推廣教育」、「鑽漏洞用禁藥」、「了解禁藥規範」、及「戰績重於一切」,統計結果發現,在14個禁藥使用態度題項中,平均分數最高的是「國家代表隊成員身分,讓我更注意用藥習慣」(Mean=4.50)。至於得分最低的題項則是「為了贏得比賽,我一定要做弊」(Mean=1.38),這表示國手們清楚表現出為了贏得比賽不一定要作弊的態度。
      透過本研究可以發現:(一) 2008年北京奧運中華代表隊選手們清楚認知身為中華隊國手必須小心用藥,也知道自己所參與的比賽項目有哪些禁藥規範;(二)運動禁藥認知與使用態度之間並無明顯的相關性存在,僅在鑽漏洞的態度上呈現低度負相關,代表選手對運動禁藥認知愈高者,愈明白不可「鑽漏洞」;(三)2008年北京奧運中華代表隊認同運動禁藥宣導與防治需要專職機構來推行。以上結果可提供行政當局在運動禁藥的宣導和執行時做為參考。

    In the arena, Athletes’ essence of challenging the extreme, the pursuit of excellence touch people’s heart, but, in the pursuit of higher, stronger and farther, is honesty in the process? The “doping” issue makes heroes turn into cheaters overnight; in view of this, the researchers is keen to explore the country's top athletes, especially the National Olympic athletes’ cognitive on dping. The following are the three research questions: (1) What’s 2008 Beijing Olympics Chinnese Taipei athletes’ cognitive towards doping control? (2) What are the attitudes that 2008 Chinese Taipei Olympic athletes have towards the usage of illegal drugs? (3) Is the 2008 Chinese Taipei Olympic team athletes are fully aware of the domestic doping control advocacy? Through this study, not only reflects the attitudes of the athletes, but also explores their basic cognitive on doping.
      A questionnaire survey was conducted between June 15th, 2008 and July 30th for 2008 Beijing Olympic team athletes , total of 80 questionnaires were issued, out of which 66 questionnaires were returned, and also to socio-demographic variables as independent variables, including 6 major categories, encompass the respondents by sex, age, education, categories participated in, the number of doping and the categories that were participated in. With the two main axes of the questionnaire, (for doping awareness and their attitudes toward drug usage) as the dependent variable to carry out cross-analysis.
      The part on cognitive on doping, based on the answers from 66 athletes were divided into lower level group, medium level group and higher level group. Through the Pearson’s test, observed the relationship between three groups and six demographic variables, terms of qualifications and the number of the selected national Olympian, 30 athletes falls on the performance of medium level group were significantly higher than the lower level group and higher level group in the doping with outstanding performance on the cognitive on doping.
      Attitude toward doping, after factor analysis extracted five new dimensions, such as "prudent drug attitude," "Doping promote education," "loopholes used drugs," "Understanding Doping Code," and "Performance is more important than everything else," Statistical results showed that in the 14 categories, the attitude from the ones who has the highest average score is “As national team athletes, I have to pay more attention to drug habit" (Mean=4.50). But as for those who has the lowest score is “In order to win, I have to cheat” (Mean=1.38). This shows the athletes’ attitude towards winning is that don’t necessary to have to cheat to win.
      As one can see the result from this research: (1) 2008 Beijing Olympics Chinese Taiei team athletes’ already have a clear understanding that they must be careful when it comes to drug usage when they are representing Chinese Taipei., and also they are fully aware of which Doping code are prohibit for the categories they participate in; (2) there is no obvious correlation between the existence of their cognitive and their attitude towards the use of illegal drugs, they only showing mild negative correlation towards loopholes, the athletes who has better understanding knows that they mustn’t and shouldn’t be sneaky; (3) the athletes’ agrees that it is necessary to implement a full-time organization for the movement of advocacy and prevention of doping. The result above can be referred to the administration for anti-doping education and advocacy of using doping.

    口試委員與所長簽名證書 i 授權書 ii 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 v 目次 vii 表次 ix 圖次 xii 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與研究限制 3 第三節 研究問題 3 第貳章 文獻探討 4 第一節 奧林匹克運動會 4 第二節 運動禁藥 4 第三節 運動禁藥的歷史 7 第四節 國內運動禁藥事紀 16 第五節 認知理論探討 18 第參章 研究方法 23 第一節 研究架構 23 第二節 研究流程 24 第三節 研究對象 25 第四節 研究工具 28 第五節 問卷量表及信效度分析 29 第肆章 研究結果與討論 32 第一節 樣本自變數次數分配 32 第二節 樣本應變數次數分配 35 第三節 優秀運動員禁藥認知分析 53 第四節 優秀運動員禁藥使用態度分析 63 第五節 討論與小結 68 第伍章 結論與建議 70 第一節 結論 70 第二節 建議 72 參考文獻 75 附錄 80 附錄一 預試問卷 80 附錄二 正式問卷 88 附錄三 WADA禁用物質及禁用方法 92

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