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研究生: 徐千祐
Hsu, Chien-Yow
論文名稱: 電子業採購部門員工績效評估之探究:以A公司為例
Exploring Performance Evaluation of Procurement Department in Electronic Industry: The Case Study of A Company
指導教授: 陳慧玲
Chen, Huei-Ling
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 53
中文關鍵詞: 電子業採購部門績效評估
英文關鍵詞: Electronic Industry, Procurement department, Performance evaluation
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.EMBA.007.2019.F08
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:96下載:0
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  • 近年來電子代工業毛利率與獲利率逐年下降,公司經理人員遂以採購成本降低金額或降低幅度多寡做為採購人員主要績效指標,而較忽略採購人員在專案管理與危機處理所投注之時間,使採購人員績效評估未能反映其實際努力。本研究乃以電子代工業A公司採購部門為個案研究對象,藉由深度訪談瞭解採購人員績效評估方式,並探究採購人員對績效評估制度的看法。


    In recent years, the gross profit margin and profitability of electronic industry have been gradually declining. Managers use the amount or percentage of reduction in purchase cost as the main performance indicator of the procurement staff. However, managers ignore the time and efforts that the procurement staffs spend on project management and crisis management. The performance evaluation of the procurement staff does not reflect actual efforts. This study uses the procurement department of an electronic contract manufacturing company as a case study. The in-depth interviews are used to understand the performance evaluation methods of procurement personnel, and to explore the opinions of procurement personnel on the performance evaluation system.

    The results of in-depth interviews show that opinions relating to performance evaluation of procurement staff are inconsistent between top managers of the case company and managers of the procurement department. The procurement staff achieves the performance targets which are set by procurement departmental managers; however, the staff fails to achieve the performance targets which are set by top managers of the case company. According to the interview results, this study suggests that the top managers and managers of the procurement department should have consistent performance evaluations for procurement staff. This study also suggests that case company should establish a sound promotion system for procurement personnel and a retirement mechanism for senior staff. In addition, this study suggests that the procurement department should integrate the businesses of the subsidiary companies to obtain synergy benefits. The case company should transform procurement department from a cost center to a profit center. The procurement staff can have incentive package.

    致謝辭 I 摘要 Ⅲ ABSTRACT Ⅳ 目錄 Ⅴ 圖目錄 Ⅵ 表目錄 Ⅶ 壹、緒論 1 第一節、研究動機與目的 1 第二節、研究架構 2 第三節、研究貢獻 3 貳、研究設計 4 第一節、個案研究法 4 第二節、訪談 5 參、個案分析 8 第一節、個案公司產業背景 8 第二節、個案公司簡介 12 第三節、個案公司目前績效制度 16 第四節、採購單位績效評估的歷史脈絡與問題 18 第五節、深度訪談 22 第六節、建議改善績效評估制度 45 肆、結論與建議 50 第一節、結論 50 第二節、建議 51 參考文獻 53

    周海濤、李永賢與張蔚(譯),2009。個案研究設計與方法(原作者R. K. Yin)。臺北市:五南文化事業。

    林雅琪,2018,供應商管理與採購人員專業能力對採購績效之影響─ 以歐盟環保指令為干擾因素,中原大學企業管理研究所未出版碩士論文。




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