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研究生: 孫英哲
Ying-che Sun
論文名稱: 漂泊中的清明:奈波爾小說中對後殖民身份認同的再定位
Exotopy in Exile:Toward the Relocation of Post-colonial Identity in V. S. Naipaul’s Novels
指導教授: 莊坤良
Chuang, Kun-Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 英文
中文關鍵詞: 奈波爾後殖民身份認同
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:140下載:37
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  • 奈波爾,出身於加勒比海千里達,是位選擇自我放逐的旅英印度裔作家,有著典型的多重身份及國族認同的問題。因此在他的作品中,常以宏觀的角度探討文化問題,拒絕定於一格,限於一地。本論文試圖從奈波爾的兩本小說「身在自由邦」及「大河灣」中的人物,在身處異鄉的情況下,所遭遇的種種難題切入,來審視後殖民時期無可避免的人種混雜及文化調適的課題。並藉由開放空間的思維以及對民族國家意識型態的解構,來為身處後殖民亂象中的身份認同,重新找尋定位。

    Being a Trinidadian with Indian ancestry, V. S. Naipaul adopts a career of exile writer to England. His multiracial and hybridized background is reflected in the themes of his works: deracination, homelessness, and displacement. My attention in this thesis is to study V. S. Naipaul’s two novels In a Free State and A Bend in the River from an exile perspective. And by the study of the dialectics between identity and spatiality, I try to make a significant contribution to the relocation of post-colonial identity.
    Chapter I is a brief survey of V. S. Naipaul’s cultural and racial heritages. From his example, I note that in this hybridized and migratory era, the ontological static “Home” is no longer existent or traceable.
    Chapter II is a testifying of V. S. Naipaul’s authenticity of his exile writing. I argue that from his “outsider” vision, V. S. Naipaul is privileged to see the aspects which those inside are blind to, and further penetrate the pretenses to the heart of matters. The issue of “casualty of freedom,” how people fall prey to the post-colonial insecurity, is also brought forward by the discussion of three stories in In a Free State.
    Chapter III shows Africa’s quagmire of being trapped in the dilemma between essentialism and colonial mimicry. Being vividly delineated in A Bend in the River, the shallowness and uncertainty have cast the Third World countries and their people into a devastating circle.
    Chapter IV is a diagnosis about the impropriety of traditional application of temporality to identity. First, through the deconstruction of rigid race and nation discourse, I try to release post-colonial identity from the fetters which ideologized history has endowed and further redefine it more liberally. Second, I further argue that to achieve a meaningful relocation of post-colonial identity, one has to reconsider identity from the perspective of space, rather than that of time.
    Chapter V is an affirmation of the literary achievement of V. S. Naipaul, who insists on unveiling wretched situations in the Third World, and meanwhile incessantly offering heartfelt concerns for those sufferings. He urges people to wake up from the myth of history and discard the hindering ideology. Only through the relocation of post-colonial identity can they find a better chance for next generation. At the same time, by devoting himself in the process of writing, V. S. Naipaul can eventually find a harbor to rest his agitated soul, after so many perturbing journeys on furious seas.

    Chapter I. Introduction……………………………………. 1 A. Multiple Heritage and Caribbean Rootlessness……. 2 B. The Impossible Homecoming…………………. 9 ChapterⅡ. The Tradition of Exile and the Post-colonial Perspective of Exile…... 16 A. The Privilege and limit of Exile……………….. 21 1. Exile Vision of Naipaul…………………………………………………… 23 2. Political (In)correctness…………………………………………………... 24 B. The Casualties of Freedom………………………………………………….. 29 1.From Periphery to Center………………………………………………….. 32 2. From Center to Periphery…………………………………………………. 38 Chapter III. The Caught Post-colonial Past and Present 45 A. Appropriation and Disruption of African History…. 49 1. The Colonial Expropriation of African History…… 50 2. The Rift of Historical Consciousness………… 52 B. The Dilemma Between Essentialism and Mimicry………. 55 1. Strategic or Tragic Essentialism?…………………… 56 2. Colonial Mimicry…………………………………. 58 3. “Program of Disorder” and Escape…………………… 64 Chapter IV. The (Dis)location of Post-colonial Identity…73 A. De-naturing “Race” and Nation…………………… 74 B. Trampling the Past: Spatiality vs. Temporality…………... 82 1. “Trampling the Garden”………………………………………83 2. Root or Route?………………………………………. 87 Chapter V. Conclusion……………………………………………………. 93 A. The Peripatectic Observer and Modern Philosophe………………………… 93 B. Amid the Whaleless World…………………………….. 97 Bibliography……………………………………………………… 102

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