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研究生: 熊屏生
論文名稱: 榮民參加公共職業訓練學習動機、學習障礙及學習滿意度之研究
The Research on the Learning Motivation, Disorder and Satisfaction of Veterans Attending Public Vocational Training Program
指導教授: 徐昊杲
Hsu, How-Gao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 201
中文關鍵詞: 榮民公共職業訓練學習動機學習障礙學習滿意度
英文關鍵詞: Veterans, public vocational training, learning motivation, learning disorder, learning satisfaction
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:130下載:27
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  • 本研究旨在探究榮民參加公共職業訓練學習動機、參與障礙及學習滿意度,其目的包括瞭解榮民參加公共職業訓練學習動機、學習滿意度之現況、比較不同背景變項的榮民參加公共職業訓練其學習動機、學習障礙及學習滿意度差異情形及探討榮民參加公共職業訓練「學習動機」與「學習障礙」兩者預測「學習滿意度」之相關程度,最後根據研究發現提出具體建議,以作為相關單位參考依據。
    柒、使用簡單迴歸分析法,利用「學習動機」對「學習滿意度」進行預測,可得到簡單直線迴歸方程式: =.507X-42.339。進一步使用多元迴歸方式,利用「學習動機」與「學習障礙」預測「學習滿意度」,得到直線多元迴歸方程式 =.514X1-.157X2+45.832。
    捌、利用典型相關(canonical correlation)分析:以學習動機各層面五個變項為控制(預測)變項,學習滿意度各分層面四個變項為效標變項,可得到四個典型變量。此外以學習障礙各層面三個變項為控制(預測)變項,學習滿意度各層面四個變項為效標變項,可得到一個典型變量。



    The study explores the learning motivation, disorder, and satisfaction of veterans attending public vocational training and pursues several objectives: finding the current status of learning motivation of the veterans attending public vocational training; finding the current status of learning satisfaction of the veterans attending public vocational training; comparing the difference in learning motivation, learning disorder and learning satisfaction respectively between the veterans of different backgrounds as variance attending public vocational training; discovering the correlation between learning motivation and learning satisfaction of veterans attending public vocational training; and also discovering the correlations between the prediction of learning satisfaction on the basis of learning motivation and prediction of learning satisfaction on the basis of learning disorder. At last the study offers some concrete suggestions on the basis of the results found in the study, to serve as reference for the pertinent agencies and parties.
    To ensure the said objectives are met, method wise, the study adapts literature review and questionnaire survey. First the study began with collecting and organizing all literatures regarding the theme available from domestic and overseas sources ; describing the current conditions of the veterans attending the public vocational training; analyzing the significance, theories, and aspects of learning motivation, learning disorder and learning satisfaction, so as to serve as theoretical foundations and empirical research framework. Next, the study developed and formulated a “Questionnaire on the learning motivation, learning barrier and learning satisfaction of veterans attending public vocational training” according to the literatures and the pertinent empirical researches reports and making uses of the related measurement scales and grading sheets from domestic and overseas sources; and conducted the planned questionnaire survey taking 1200 persons as specimens by random sampling from learners as veterans having completed the four-month or plus, full-time, skilled trades training programs at Training Center of Veterans Affairs Commissions, Executive Yuan, Taiwan ROC, during the period from 2003 through 2005. The questionnaire survey won 678 valid responses after excluding disqualified and unfinished questionnaires from the returned and thus obtained 56.5% valid response rate. Further, the study conducted data processing and analysis on the said survey results by applying the statistic and analysis tools including Descriptive Statistic Analysis, T-test, One Way Analysis of Variance, Pearson Product Moment Correlation, Simple Regression Analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis as well as Canonical Correlation, etc. and finally came to the conclusions as the follows:

    1. Among the veterans attending public vocational training – PVT - with strong learning motivation, those pursuing “fun of knowledge” showed the highest motivation, and those pursuing “social relationship”, “shelter or excitement” and “meeting expectation of others” respectively followed, and those pursuing “Vocational Progress” demonstrated the lowest motivation.
    2. To the statistic analysis results of the sampling survey it is found that the overall affection of learning disorder perceived by the veterans attending PVT was rather low; in terms of various aspects of learning disorder, affection of “intention disorder” ranked the highest, while, in contrast, affection of “environmental barrier” the lowest.
    3. The veterans attending PVT mostly accepted the overall learning satisfaction. In terms of various aspect of learning satisfaction “teachers’ teaching performance” won the highest satisfaction, besides, the satisfaction in respective aspect also reached well above average level.
    4. The veterans attending PVT demonstrated different learning motivations – varied to the different background variances respectively; among others the variances such as “Gender, Age, With/without Retirement Pension, Education Level, Army Branch, Rank, and Access to Training Information” demonstrated no significant difference in their manifestation of “overall learning motivation”. Besides, their manifestation of “learning motivation aspects” demonstrated no significant difference either.
    5. The “Learning Satisfaction” of the veterans attending PVT varied to the specific background variance respectively; among others the variances such as “Gender, Age, Household Income, With/without Retirement Pension, Education Level, Seniority, Residing Region, Army Branch, etc” demonstrated no significant difference in their manifestation of “overall learning satisfaction”. Besides, their manifestation of learning satisfaction aspects, namely teachers’ teaching performance, learning course, learning environments, demonstrated no significant difference either.
    6. The “Learning Motivation” and “Learning Satisfaction” of the veterans attending PVT demonstrated a positive correlation, while, on the contrary their “Learning Disorder” and “Learning Satisfaction” demonstrated a negative correlation.
    7. When conducting a prediction of the “Learning Satisfaction” on the basis of “Learning Motivation” through Simple Regression Analysis, a simple linear regression equation as follows is obtained:
    When further conducting a prediction of the “Learning Satisfaction” on the basis of “Learning Disorder” through Multiple Regression Analysis, a multiple linear regression equation as follows is obtained:
    8. By conducting analyzed with Canonical Correlation analysis: taking the five variables of learning motivation aspects as control (prediction) variable, and at the same time taking the four variables of learning satisfaction sub-aspects as criterion variables, four Canonical variates will be obtained as the resultants. Furthermore, taking the three variables of learning disorder aspects as control (prediction) variable, and at the same time taking the four variables of learning satisfaction sub-aspects as criterion variables, only one Canonical variates will be obtained as the resultants.

    Finally this study offered some suggestions coming in three categories falling into twelve items on the basis of the research conclusions to serve as reference information for public vocational training authorities (Veterans Affairs Commissions for example), training agencies (Training Center of VAC for example) and the researchers interested in the domain.

    Keywords:Veterans, public vocational training, learning motivation, learning disorder, learning satisfaction

    總 目 錄 謝誌………………………………………………………………………... Ⅰ 中文摘要…………………………………………………………………... Ⅲ 英文摘要…………………………………………………………………... 總目錄……………………………………………………………………... 表目錄………………...…………………………………………... Ⅴ Ⅸ ⅩⅠ 圖目錄……………………………………………………………………... ⅩⅦ 第一章  緒論…………………………………………………………... 1 第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………....... 1 第二節 待答問題與研究假設…………………………………... 4 第三節 研究範圍與限制…………………………………....... 6 第四節 重要名詞釋義………………………………........... 8 第二章 文獻探討………………………....................... 11 第一節 公共職業訓練體系與發展……………………………... 11 第二節 榮民基本結構分析……………………………………... 15 第三節 榮民參加公共職業訓練之現況 ……………………... 22 第四節 成人學習動機相關理論及其研究……………………... 27 第五節 成人學習障礙相關理論及其研究……………………... 46 第六節 成人學習滿意度相關理論及其研究…………………... 53 第三章 研究設計與實施……………………………............... 59 第一節 研究架構與方法…………………………………....... 59 第二節 研究對象……………………………………........... 64 第三節 研究工具………………………………………………... 66 第四節 研究歩驟與實施流程………………………………...... 86 第五節 資料分析方式……………………………………........ 88 第四章 研究結果與分析…………………………………….......... 91 第一節 參加公共職業訓練榮民樣本之資料分析…………...... 92 第二節 榮民學習動機、學習障礙與學習滿意度之分析……... 98 第三節 榮民背景變項與學習動機之差異分析………………... 103 第四節 榮民背景變項與學習滿意度之差異分析…………...... 125 第五節 榮民學習動機、學習障礙及學習滿意度之相關分析.... 145 第六節 榮民學習動機、學習障礙及學習滿意度典型相關分析 151 第七節 綜合討論…………………………………………...... 161 第五章 結論與建議………………………………………….......... 171 第一節 結論…………………………………………………...... 171 第二節 建議……………………………………………………... 176 參考文獻………………………………………………………….......... 181 壹、中文部份………….................................. 181 貳、英文部分………………………………………………..……….. 187 附錄一 榮民參加公共職業訓練學習動機、學習障礙及學習滿意度之研究(預試問卷).............................193 附錄二 榮民參加公共職業訓練學習動機、學習障礙及學習滿意度之研究(正式問卷)................................. 198

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