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研究生: 葉上語
論文名稱: 設計及實作雲端環境中可用性之行為違反證明技術
Design and Implementation of POV Scheme for Availability in Cloud Computing
指導教授: 黃冠寰
Hwang, Gwan-Hwan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 27
中文關鍵詞: 雲端運算安全協定可用性檢測
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:119下載:19
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  • 今日的雲端提供商(Cloud Provider)在提供服務給予使用者前,皆會與其簽訂服務階層協議(Service-Level Agreement,簡稱SLA),然而目前雲端上卻沒有提供一個可信任的方法去證明服務是否達到SLA的標準。Amazon本身有提供雲端監控服務(CloudWatch),然而此監控工具(Monitoring tools),為雲端提供商所提供,若提供商給予錯誤資訊或想規避一些服務缺失,使用者也無從防範,可稱為「球員兼做裁判」的狀況,球員自己審查自己的比賽,對使用者來說沒有信服力。
    本論文為避免雲端服務商在租用虛擬機器給予使用者時,出現非使用者自主性服務中斷等狀況,我們使用證明違約(Proof of Violation,POV)技術在服務提供商及虛擬機器間建立一個可信任的演算法,並且再改良此演算法,使其證據儲存空間及稽核時間能進一步優化。

    摘要.............................................i 第一章 緒論....................................1 第一節 簡介IaaS及CC............................1 第二節 IaaS的Availability......................2 第二章 POV協定.................................4 第一節 Proof of Violation......................4 第二節 Proof of Violation for Availability.....5 第三章 可用性之行為違反證明技術...................7 第一節 系統架構(System Architecture)...........7 第二節 POV 演算法...............................9 壹、 Pure Chain-Hashing.......................10 貳、 Simplified Chain-Hashing.................12 參、 Recursive Hashing........................15 第四章 實驗結果................................19 第五章 相關研究................................22 第六章 結論 ...................................23 第七章 參考著作................................24

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    [2] “Amazon EC2,” http://aws.amazon.com/tw/ec2/
    [3] “Amazon EC2 SLA,” http://aws.amazon.com/tw/ec2/sla/
    [4] “Google App Engine,” https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs
    [5] “Microsoft Azure,” http://azure.microsoft.com/zh-tw/
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    [8] “Summary of the Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS Service Disruption in the US East Region,” http://aws.amazon.com/tw/message/65648/
    [9] R. A. Popa and J. R. Lorch. “Enabling Security in Cloud Storage SLAs with CloudProof,” USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX), 2011, pp. 31.
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    [12] Salman A. Baset, “Cloud SLAs: Present and Future,” ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, vol. 46, no. 2, Jul. 2012.
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    [15] Yan Han, “IaaS cloud computing services for libraries: cloud storage and virtual machines,” , OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives, Vol. 29 Iss: 2, pp.87 – 100, 2013.
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    [21] Rosenblum, Mendel, and Tal Garfinkel. "Virtual machine monitors: Current technology and future trends." Computer 38.5 (2005): 39-47.
    [22] Hwang, Gwan‐Hwan, et al. "Fulfilling mutual nonrepudiation for cloud storage." Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (2014).
    [23] Proof of Violation for Response Time Auditing in Cloud Systems. Gwan-Hwan Hwang and Yi-Ling Yuan Accepted for presentation in the 2015 International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data (CloudCom-asia 2015), sponsored by IEEE Computer Society, Huangshan, China, June 17-19, 2015.
    [24] Kremer, Steve, Olivier Markowitch, and Jianying Zhou. "An intensive survey of fair non-repudiation protocols." Computer communications 25.17 (2002): 1606-1621.
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