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研究生: 傅斌暉
Pin Hui Fu
論文名稱: 審美知能測驗研究-以九十二學年度台北縣國民中學美術班聯合招生甄試審美知能科為例
Appreciation test research —The example of the 2003 Taipei County junior high school art class entrance exam.
指導教授: 陳瓊花
Chen, Chiung-Hua
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 206
中文關鍵詞: 審美知能審美知能測驗美感教育試題與測驗分析
英文關鍵詞: appreciation, appreciation test, aesthetic education, item and test analysis
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:339下載:19
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  • 本研究乃針對「台北縣九十二學年度國民中學美術班招生甄試審美知能科」試題以及測驗資料,進行一系列測驗統計分析,以及教師和受測學生的意見訪談,目的在於對試題進行分析研究,並蒐集相關意見和反應,以做為將來命題改善之依據。本研究獲致的重要結論如下:




    This research aims to study of the items of the 2003 Taipei County junior high school art class entrance exam. A series of analyses were done on the test items, the testing data ,and the interview data from the teachers and the subject students. The purpose was to analyze those data, gather some relevant opinions and reactions to serve as the basis for future test-item design. Some important conclusions were reached as follows:

    I.Item design and the educational concepts of art:
    We took into account the testing purposes, the choosing of the test types, and the variety of the test items. However, the validity planning and the test-item screening were not consistent with the standardized testing procedures. This paper used the rational of aesthetic education and curriculum standard as bases. The purpose of the paper mainly focused on the aesthetic perception and the art knowledge, The proportion of art knowledge items was higher because of the evaluation of students’ ability in thinking/cognition, and the importance of cultural issues.

    II.The analysis of test items:
    On the whole, the difficulty of the test items were of medium-low and the item discrimination index is medium. Most of the test items were consistent with the standard of item analysis. The test items were co-designed with illustrations. All these were in line with the content of aesthetic education. This test had already included the comprehensive version of curriculum standards. It had good content validity; however, the content validity would have been even better if we could have focus on material and subject matter of aesthetic perception. As for the internal consistency reliability coefficient, it was not high. On the overall score distribution, the scores of scores of all students was slightly higher than the norm.

    Most of the interviewed teachers believed that aesthetic perception was the most suitable testing content while art knowledge was not so much recommended. Nine teachers were against using multiple true-false items while five teachers considered the number of testing items too few. Although the difficult testing items of this paper were only few; however, most of the more difficult testing items have made a great impact on both teachers and students’ feelings.
    Lastly, the researcher made some suggestions to some future testing applications of the appreciation and some relevant research.

    第一章 緒論...............................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機.....................................1 第二節 研究問題...........................................3 第三節 研究範圍與限制.....................................4 第四節 名詞釋義...........................................6 第二章 文獻分析..........................................10 第一節 審美知能..........................................11 第二節 審美知能在美術資優教育中的定位....................23 第三節 審美知能的測驗與評量..............................27 第四節 一般性命題原則與選擇題命題原則....................33 第五節 試題與測驗分析....................................37 第六節 研究目的..........................................43 第三章 研究方法與步驟....................................45 第一節 研究方法..........................................45 第二節 研究對象..........................................46 第三節 研究工具..........................................47 第四節 研究程序..........................................51 第五節 資料處理與分析....................................53 第四章 研究結果與討論....................................55 第一節 試題分析..........................................55 第二節 整體測驗題本分析..................................94 第三節 訪談資料分析.....................................105 第五章 結論與建議.......................................150 第一節 結論.............................................150 第二節 建議.............................................163 參考資料................................................169 中文部分................................................169 西文部分................................................171 附 錄................................................175 附錄一 台北縣九十二學年度國民中學美術班招生甄別簡章.....175 附錄二 專家效度評量表...................................177 附錄三 專家效度評量表審美知能向度次數統計...............190 附錄四 專家效度評量表認知能力層次次數統計...............191 附錄五 訪談原案範例.....................................192

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