研究生: |
鄭群騰 Cheng, Chun-Teng |
論文名稱: |
臺灣基督教信仰世界觀對環境關懷與環境行為影響之研究 Taiwanese Christian Worldview's Effects on Environmental Concern and Behavior |
指導教授: |
Fang, Wei-Ta |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
環境教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Environmental Education |
論文出版年: | 2017 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 79 |
中文關鍵詞: | 結構方程式 、管家的職份 、環境關懷 、環境行為 、世界觀 |
英文關鍵詞: | Structure Equation Modeling (SEM), stewardship, environmental concern, environmental behavior, worldview |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203225 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:430 下載:24 |
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近年來,全球氣候變遷加上自然環境的破壞所引發的各樣問題,已嚴重威脅人類與地球其他物種的生存,而學者們也指出這當中有很大比重來自人類本身的行為。1967年Lynn White批判基督教思想以人為中心本位思考,是引發環境問題的元兇,自此之後,基督教神學家們將信仰回歸聖經並重新詮釋,發現聖經的中心思想是人以上帝為中心,因此「並不是按自己意願主宰萬物,而是以上帝的愛和意旨來對待,並推己及人」。此生態神學的思想翻轉以往基督教世界認為人高於一切萬物、萬物是為了人類而存在的思想,並回應了當代發生的環境問題。1980年代後期,以美國為首,開始反思基督教信仰世界觀對環境關懷與環境行為之研究,然而此類研究在美國以外的地區幾乎沒有,更遑論臺灣地區。臺灣基督徒環境保育實踐工作從陳慈美女士開始,於1992年創立了生態神學中心,1998年擴大成立臺灣生態關懷者協會(TESA),以生態神學的觀點為基底推動環境教育;也不乏有教會的牧者以身作則,將環境友善行為實踐在教會的生活當中,然而普遍來看,教會並不特別強調對環境的關懷,也有虔誠的信仰者並沒有付出對環境的關懷與行動。為釐清臺灣基督徒具有何種基督教信仰世界觀;該世界觀是如何影響環境關懷、環境行為,並確立在臺灣實施的基督徒環境友善行為模式,本研究引用聖經、神學理論、生態神學英文專書、英文期刊文獻,提出「教會參與度」、「管家的職份」世界觀、「對環境後果的覺知」,「為環境犧牲的意願」、「個人環境行為」、「政治環境行為」六個構面,並以結構方程式(SEM)進行驗證性因素分析(Confirmatory Factor Analysis, CFA)與路徑分析。研究結果發現,「管家的職份」世界觀會正向影響「政治環境行為」,並會透過「對環境後果的覺知」的路徑,正向影響「為環境犧牲的意願」,「為環境犧牲的意願」正向影響到「政治環境行為」與「個人環境行為」。本研究結果與過往國外研究有相符、也有相異之處,根據此結果提出臺灣基督教信仰世界觀對環境關懷與環境行為影響之行為模型,並針對教會中的環境教育與信仰教育提出具體建議。
In recent years, the global climate has changed, and there have been several problems that are caused by environmental disruption. Those issues have seriously threatened the existence of human beings and other species on earth. Moreover, scholars indicate that the main point comes from behaviors of human beings themselves. In 1967, Lynn White criticized the Christian ideology, which people use the human-centered standard to ponder, and Lynn White believed that is the main reason that aroused many environmental problems. From then on, Christian theologians regressed their faith in the Bible and reinterpreted, and they found that the central ideology is God-centered standard. Therefore, Christian theologians considered that human do not dominate everything on the basis of his own will but according to the will and love of God and treat others as we expect to be treated. This ideology of Ecological Theology reversed the former ideology, which people thought that human beings are greater than all things and everything is existed for human beings, and responded environmental problems at that time. In the late 1980s, led by the United States, people began to reflect on research of the faith Stewardship Worldview of Christian on environmental care and environmental behavior. However, people can hardly find this type of research outside of America and let alone Taiwan. The practice of environmental protection for Taiwanese Christians began with Ms. Nancy Tzu-mei Chen. Ms. Chen established the Ecological Theology Center in 1992, and she expanded to establish Taiwan Ecological Stewardship Association (TESA). Furthermore, Ms. Chen promoted the environmental education based on the ecological theological point of view. As a pastor, her actions always correspond to her words, and she practices environment-friendly behaviors in the lives of the church. Generally speaking, the church does not pay special attention to the care of the environment, and some devout believers do not devote for environmental care. In order to clarify the Christian worldview of Taiwanese Christians, how the worldview influences environmental care and environmental behavior, and establish a model of environment-friendly behavior of Christians in Taiwan, I cited Bible, Theology, and professional books about ecological theological in this study. I raised “Church Attendance”, “Stewardship Worldview”, “Awareness of Consequence”, “Willing to Sacrifice”, “Private Behavior”, and “Politic Behavior”, utilizing Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) to perform Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Path Analysis. The study found that the“Stewardship Worldview” was positively impacting the “Politic Behavior” and “Private Behavior”, through the path of “Awareness of Consequence” positively impacted on “Willing to Sacrifice”. Based on the results, there are consistence and discrepancy between this study and some previous foreign studies. According to the results, I propose a behavioral model of the impact of the Christian worldview on environmental care and environmental behavior, raising specific recommendations on environmental education and belief education in the church.
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