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研究生: 張欽賢
CHANG Chin-Hsien
論文名稱: 煉金術:論象徵概念與創作意識之源
Alchemy: A Study of the Symbol's Conceptions and Creative Consciousness
指導教授: 陳淑華
Chen, Shu-Hwa
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 348
中文關鍵詞: 煉金術四元素哲人石曼陀羅象徵心理異教藝術
英文關鍵詞: Alchemy, Four Elements, Philosopher's Stone, Mandalas, Symbolic Psychology, Occult Art
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:100下載:35
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  • 中煉金術是註記人類探索自我意識與物質世界的廣袤史觀。它是宗教神話思想,以及個人洞察自身認知根源的集合體。煉金術統合物質形式的象徵意識以及精神心靈的昇華幻化,並將之轉變成思想與技藝之間的關鍵聯繫。藝術家藉此以助於學習外在與內在、題材與創作活性的整合,使繪畫與其它視覺藝術如同煉金術一般,成為聯接物質與心理世界的範例。回顧典籍所載,古人所言之藝術與藝術家,亦與煉金術士一般,充滿了神秘難解之奇幻異數,而非今日所使用詞彙之實質意含。

    Alchemy is the history of humanity’s self-awareness and marvel with the physical world. It is collective and individual research for perspicacity and the origins of religion, mythology, and personal self-identity. Alchemy is at once a symbolic consciousness of substantial forms and a symbolic utterance of the spiritual and psychological transformations of the spirit, became a connection between wisdom and art. The artist has been given the possibility of integrating his outward and inward creation, his subject matter and his creative activity. Painting and other visual arts are one intent example of communication between physical and psychological world, and other is alchemy. If we look back at the whole art history existence, the appearance of art and artist, just like alchemist, seems a curious phenomenon indeed, an ethereal secret that cannot easily be explained in terms of contemporary lexicon that we may real understand.
    While the thrust of this study is directed at elucidating the history of alchemy and system of symbols, every chapter includes explicable the form of symbols from the origin of traditions. Alchemy has always been representative of what is ultimate creation about creator in the symbolic system. Perhaps what we need is not more sophistication but more sympathy, a thoughtful openness to the synesthesie that beyond physical and psychological world, a profound passion of creation. This study also describes both how ancient practitioners believed alchemy worked and how modern psychological and aesthetical theory can illuminate the processes of imagination. Uses the symbols for the tools to investigate how conceptions were considered effective causations of creative activity in painting and what captured the imagination was the efficacy of the unconscious.

    表錄 vii 圖錄 viii 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究架構 6 第三節 文獻探索 8 第一章 煉金術之歷史探索 17 第一節 古希臘時代:存在的內向探索 18 第二節 中國:燒金與煉丹 34 第三節 阿拉伯:煉金仙藥的傳承 48 第四節 西歐:物質的彌賽亞 54 小結 68 第二章 煉金術之象徵概念 71 第一節 煉金術象徵之形成背景 74 第二節 靈魂的原型:元素與反應物 78 第三節 精神的原型:動物與植物 100 第四節 肉身的原型:人與神衹 116 第五節 宇宙的原型:程序與蒸餾瓶 133 小結 158 第三章 煉金術對繪畫藝術的影響 163 第一節 煉金術對繪畫媒材的影響 164 第二節 煉金術與曼陀羅繪畫 180 第三節 煉金術對繪畫觀念的影響 199 小結 211 第四章 煉金術象徵之創作識語:《造夢者與無感的偽詩》 213 第一節 原型意識與媒介:物質因 216 第二節 曼陀羅場域:形式因 225 第三節 潛意識的塗層:動力因 238 第四節 自性的完整:目的因 249 小結 264 結論 265 參考書目 275 附圖 285

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